I posted a few weeks ago about massage and wanted to share I've since had two, a hot stone and an aromathetapy. Both were great, not too much pressure.
Also, since I've had no input really from my rheumatologist (other than to put me on hydroxychloroquine and to see me end of April!), I've taken things into my own hands.
I was scared to resume my exercise routine because of how much joint pain I have but then I felt crap not doing anything. Gradually over the last month I've increased my exercise by walking on my lunch hour and now I have a treadmill (it pays to have a personal trainer for a neighbour!) So I've been walking a few nights a week. I'm now up to a light jog/walk a few nights a week, which is amazing because I was an avid runner until last July.
I've also done a 2 week clean eating challenge which was gluten free, low carb and low dairy. After only 5 days I could not believe how good I felt, the fatigue is still there but vastlt reduced. Joint pain is still vicious, but not any worse than it was.
Has anyone else made dietary changes with positive effect?
This is the best I've felt in over a year so I just wanted to share 😊