Was wondering if anyone else has Teri le sinus infections. I have about 4 per year. They used to come on slowly and I could get treatment with time but the las couple I've just woken up and BOOM!!! I was in the car for about an hour yesterday with sun blaring on me also had to get steroid injections in both knees yesterday as to permit me to walk an bend. Just would like some input for you guys you all are so knowledgeable. I'm very new to this. Thanks in advance.
Sinus infections?!?!?: Was wondering if anyone else... - LUPUS UK
Sinus infections?!?!?

Hi there, i have the same problem, the only advice i have is saline nasal spray at least twice a day and when it is bad steam yourself 3-4 times a day. Its horrible as you feel miserable ☹️
Yes, I agree with weathervane...chronic sinusitis has been my lot all my life...it's always there, and flares worse given the least excuse...it's miserable
Years ago ENT told me to use Neilmed sinus rinses. The extra strong yellow spray cans are especially good...also the neilmed sinus rinse bottles (I get this from Amazon)
Immunology has been investigating me for 2 years. This year the chief consultant decided I have been living with persistent"pockets of chronic bacteria driven sepsis" (specifically of the sinus, urinary tract & stomach...and probably elsewhere in my bod). The underlying cause seems to be my early onset lymphopenia & hypogammaglobulinaemia G, A & M. So the chief put me on daily antibiotics indefinitely...even though nasal swab & MSU sample lab tests indicated no infections (just goes to prove lab results aren't always the whole story 😉)....well, now we're all DELIGHTED cause my sinusitis symptoms immediately damped down...after many years of daily am & pm Neilmed treatments, I hardly use Neilmed products even once a week! And I'm doing fine after nearly 1 year on daily antibiotics
So, who knows...maybe you'd do well to discuss a trial of long course of high dose antibiotics with your medics?
Wishing you success with this
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
Yes! I have been having over a year and a half of non stop sinusitis. ENT wanted me to get surgery to clear out all the inflammation but I refused. This is only one of the areas of my body where I have inflammation.
What keeps me clear is beconase nasal spray morning and night and a Claritin everyday. When things start to get bad, saline nasal rinse every morning. Good luck!!
Thanks guys for the support and info!!