I saw my Rheumatologist yesterday and have been left frustrated yet again. It was a 9 month check.
The nurse weighed me and did my blood pressure before the Rheumy called me in.
She asked me how I had been and I said not good really. I had a flare up September / October 2015 and January / February 2016. I told her I had a few new symptoms, stabbing pains in my head – headache 11 days long, but sharp stabbing pains in my head. I had an earache too. Same side as pain behind my eye. GP said headache with some sort of neuralgia and has given me a new migraine medication to try. We discussed the new symptom of back spasms. I pointed out that general back pain had increased as well. Muscle spasms had been diagnosed by GP and Physio, who had seen me when I was experiencing this during the September/October flare. The spasms happened again in Jan / Feb 2016. Back spasms only when in a flare. Separate issue to lower back pain. I told her I get pain in my ankles, like I get in my wrists – she diagnosed a mild form of bilateral De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis before, that lasted 6 months. Now get that feeling in my ankles as well. I get pains in my hands and shooting pains from my elbows down. I can itch anywhere and want to scratch my skin off. I explained I had been diagnosed with venous eczema. I take 2 anti-histamine a day to curb allergies and itching my legs. I get itchy finger tips and itchy hands – she said that is eczema. She said none of this is my lupus. She asked me if I got my allergies under control. I told her that she ordered my tests last year, I am allergic to house dust and grass and dogs (not cats). I don’t have carpets in my house and I’m lucky that I don’t do my own cleaning – I have a cleaner – so dust isn’t an issue. I told her I had a skin lesion on my forehead when I was diagnosed and I gained another in Sep / October 2015 flare-up and then another in Jan / February 2016 flare-up. The latest one was sore and hair loss in that area. I told her I was seeing a new Dermatologist and that he had taken a skin biopsy on the rash on the back of my neck at the end of January. The GP had given me a copy of the results but they mean nothing to me. She said she had them but they don’t mean anything to her. She had them on the screen. I asked her what basal cell damage was and she didn’t know. She said the likely cause of the rash was eczema. I said it doesn’t say eczema anywhere, but it does say lupus. She said the results are inconclusive and so up to Dermy’s interpretation. I said he said when results are in, he would see me – next Tuesday 19th April and we would discuss medication and the other options that are open to me. She said they are no other options and he would mean creams or lotions. Arghhhhhh! I was getting upset and angry now. She examined me. I told her that if I use the guillotine at work I walk away like an old woman bent over and it can take me a while to straighten up. It also hurts if I am in one position standing for long – washing up, or cooking or ironing – back gets too much and I have to call it a day. She asked what I did when my back hurt. I said I go and rest. She said that is the problem, we are designed to walk on the Serengeti, not sit down. I said I am a mum of 3, I work part time and I am active. I am not sat down much. My job isn’t sitting down all the time either. I am a TA in a junior school and I am up and down all of the time. I think I am quite active for someone with lupus. I walk. I have done physio course and 5 knee classes. I am currently doing hydrotherapy. I go to Pilates. I have started to go back to the gym once a week (November 2015, at physio’s recommendation). So I am not sat on my bum all day. I asked her if back issues were related to my hips and knees. She said hips. (They will not admit there is anything wrong with my knees!). I have done all that was recommended to me by the Podiatrist as well – i.e. sensible shoes, lace ups or securely attached to the feet with an inch heel.
She said it is all related mechanically. She asked me about any issues with my bowels and I said well I get bouts of diarrhoea but that has been going on since before my diagnosis.
She told me to self-refer to physio for my back. She told me to go to the Physio Department before I left and fill in the form. She does not think Pilates is enough. I need to strengthen my core. (If I hear anyone else tell me I need to strengthen my core……..I have done physio now and a knee class and hydrotherapy at the moment, plus Pilates and Gym when I feel like it. I DON’T HAVE THE ENERGY FOR ANYTHING ELSE.)
She is going to refer me for an MRI of my back.
She did not do a urine test and no bloods ordered!
She did not give me advice on how to deal with my flare-ups.
Just carry on with my 2 x 200mg on hydroxy a day.
However she did not discharge me, which she said in the letter following my last appointment, she was going to. I guess that is a result.
I was upset and angry. I discussed it with my husband, later on and we agreed that I need to keep a daily diary to show them what I feel like every day. I don’t have a symptom free day, ever. Whether it’s lupus, fatigue / headaches, or osteoarthritis or something else. I am 41 years old and feel like my health is not getting any better and my mobility is deteriorating.
Last August I walked up Snowdon with my family. It took us 8 hours. Me slightly longer, as the last 2 miles or so, my knees were agony and I cried with every step. But I did it.
Friday 8th April 2016 and we walk up Pen y Fan. It takes us 3 hours. Again I hold everyone up. My knees were so painful, every step coming down hurts.
I realise that I couldn’t do Snowdon again now. No way, my hips and knees wouldn’t take it.
I now have the biggest cold sores on my nose I have had for a long time and I’ve had shin splits and heat in my knees ever since. Today I have a migraine coming.
Is this normal for a 41 year old? I am just a hypochondriac after all? Or is this as good as it gets. Am I expecting too much. Please be honest with me Lupus friends.
My husband and I joke that I am ticking things off my bucket list already!
I will see what the Dermatologist comes up with next week, but my hopes are fading fast. I was hoping he would be my knight in shining armour and get me sorted. But that is looking unlikely now. My husband has suggested getting a second Rheumatologist opinion from a lupus specialist. Maybe I should await the MRI and outcome before we go down this route though.
I am feeling down about it all.
Diagnosed with SCLE, osteoarthritis in both hips and I think knees, various allergies, varicose veins, a history of eczema and headaches/migraine.