Hi everyone,
I just wondered what your experiences were with having a head mri?
i had 1 approx 3 years ago for the 1st time & as soon as they put the helmet on me & moved me into the scanner i panicked & couldnt go through with it. Went to docs, got 10mg of Diazepam, went back a couple weeks later & managed to have it done... Well i need another 1 as been having a few different symptoms the last few months & as nervous as i was i thought i would be ok on 10mg diazepam again! (Taken gradually over approx 3 hrs) Nope! It was just as if i hadnt taken it by the time i got in the scanner! Tried twice & had to come out! 😳 Felt like i had really let myself down as i think i really need to have it done to try & find out whats going on! The only thing i can think is that last time i hadnt ever taken diazepam before but this time i have been taken the odd 2mg here & there for anxiety so maybe iv built up a bit more of a tolerance?
I have another mri booked for next week so need to discuss with my gp how many he recommends i should take. Im also going to take my partner with me to hold my hand when im in there & fingers crossed it will make a big difference & help me go through with it 😋 I was so hoping to have had it done yesterday & would be getting the results next to try & get to the bottom of everything! 😳
Sue x