Hi all, thank you so much for all of your kind comments over the past week. You have definitely helped keep me sane and stopped me fretting so much.
Been to the Dr's again this morning and she still can't say whether it is or isn't lupus. She said it is more likely to be eczema or dermatitis but if it does turn out to be lupus, she would expect that it would be cutaneous lupus (which I understand is confined to the skin?).
She agreed that the end of September is too long for an anxious mummy to wait to see the specialist and so she is going to see if we can be seen quicker at a different hospital. I should hear something this week.
She said the only way to know for sure if it is lupus would be to biopsy it. This upset me because of the thought of her face being cut. She assured me however that only the tineiest amount would be taken and it would not scar.
I feel reassured that it is not SLE. But then if it is Cutaneous Lupus, the hair thinning period she had and the mouth ulcers wouldn't be typical symptoms of this would they? Also, from what I read, the butterfly rash seems different for cutaneous lupus, it seems more scaly and generally worse looking? I don't know enough about it, only what I have read on Google, and I have banned myself from Google from now on! We'll see how long that lasts!