Well I went for the breast test this morning and cried all the way home got there and the nurse told me what I had to do take a big deep breath and hold my breath and breathe out into this machine similar to a long function machine which I have had done and was able to complete okay .
After attempting it only twice she Told me that I wasn't able to complete the baseline as I wasn't getting enough breath into the machine she would email my gastroenterologist who would refer me again for the test I was so upset as I fasted pretty much yesterday and for the previous month I've had to follow all sorts of dos and don't I am absolutely devastated dreading having to go again
I am frightened I won't be able to complete the testing again and she said the other way of doing it with putting the tube down my nose oesophagus into my stomach and taking a sample from my Small intestine
Sorry that I Couldn't pass on any more information to you
I have so many procedures et cetera done and nothing seems to faze me and feel that I have failed at a simple breath test
Wishing you all a healthy and happy weekend