Hi all,
I have just had a follow up blood test to check my LDH levels as they were elevated to 418 last test (normal levels are between 105-333).
Just wanted to know if anyone else has had a similar result and what happened next?
Hi all,
I have just had a follow up blood test to check my LDH levels as they were elevated to 418 last test (normal levels are between 105-333).
Just wanted to know if anyone else has had a similar result and what happened next?
Hi all,
Blood results have now just showed more elevation of LDH levels to 517, seeing GP tomorrow so hopefully will get to the bottom of this. Am considering paying for a CT scan with some expected road accident compensation for a faster diagnosis.
Good luck, it does sound very high. There was another discussion on this last month, try and search by using the search function.
Let us know how you get on at the GP.
Thank you, just looked up the discussion and I feel slightly more concerned now as the levels these people spoke of were nowhere near mine.
Is it the only blood test result that is out of range?
Have a look at this link, a high level of LDH doesn't necessarily mean heart damage, it could also be caused by meds. Try not to panic labtestsonline.org.uk/under....
Hi ya, yes I know sorry I had seen that a recent heart attacknowledged cam caused the elevation.
Nothing else was tested however, I have received a diagnosis of secondary Raynaud's phenomenon, photosensitivity,
and underlying connective tissue disease of which is still yet to be diagnosed as previous negative ANA bloods,
but I am experienced numerous other symptoms such as aches and pains
Facial rashes, swelling and extreme fatigue and have not been given any medication for anything yet so not that causing it.
I posted last month that mine went up to 475 from about 250 between February and May this year. My GP is concerned and wanted me to inform my rheumatologist. However, he was not that well informed on this situation and has totally disregarded it in a blasé manner telling me that as I gave NAFL it is to do with that. A quick search in Google would explain that it is not necessarily because of liver damage but any organ.
I am having more bloods on Friday so hopefully in a week or so I will be able to tell if they have lowered or not.