Has your lupus caused any extra problem when you've had a hip replacement
Hip replacement : Has your lupus caused any extra... - LUPUS UK
Hip replacement

I had a full hip replacement 2 years ago and have had problems with healing. I have over healed inside the scar with fibrous tissue which was very painful to touch. I still cannot lie on that side but it is getting better. Lots of bio-oil helped immensely. Hope this has helped and you are recovering well.
Thanks Janann I have not had the procedure but just a bit worried don't know weather to go ahead with it as have enough problem's with lupus,
I think it depends on the amount of pain you are in. At first I was sorry I had had it done but as it healed I was so pleased as it was one less pain each time I moved. It was not the joint that gives you too much pain after but the ligaments and tendons as they have been stretched and put back into the correct position. It is a big decision but the result at the end is worth everything you go through. My surgeon insists on 12 weeks on two crutches and 12 weeks on one crutch then it was for me to take care of it and make it last as long as possible. All the best if you decide to have it done and please message me and let me know how you get on
An update had my op 5 weeks ago thought I would be better so tired and the pain seen my rheumatologist last week he said it will take a long time to recover and coping with lupus in hospital they kept saying use your other side to manoeuvre the trouble is muscle weakness in arms legs back they don't understand
I understand. You think it will be the answer to one of your problems immediatly but now it seems ten times worse. I felt for a long time that "why the hell did I have this done" but honestly it does get better and it will be well worth it. I now have one less pain(and a very big pain) not there anymore. It is still very early days and it is a very big opperation so take one day at a time and keep moving, I was naughty as was finding ingenious ways to clean while on 2 crutches. I still find I have some healing still to do but that is down to the Lupus. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing and any help I can give from my own experience just ask.
Thanks for your help I will let you know how I get on later
I've had both hips replaced, left revised and both shoulders replaced. The lupus was controlled with medication prior to the replacements. The surgeries did not trigger any difficulties. The surgeries were necessary as I couldn't walk to the break room after standing prior to the hip surgeries. Also the pain, due to the AVN, was waking me up at night. I had the right shoulder done 10 years after it froze. I couldn't lift the arm. Long story involving insurance........ I currently have the left shoulder out of its socket because of ongoing osteoporosis and AVN. I have been told it is inoperable. Another doctor rephrased the surgeon as saying they were doing conservative treatment. I never have gotten off the Prednisone.
What does your rheumy say? He needs to sign off on the surgery, I would think.
It was my rheumatologist that referred me to the surgeon thanks for your reply by email