I know with Lupus or any auto immune illnesses that we can often take longer to heal but I’ve had what they feel is Bursitis of the hip for weeks and it’s still is extreamly painful. To the point I have to pick and choose when I go out as walking is so hard. I am getting physio exercises to do which I have done everyday. It’s been 8 weeks I feel I should have more improvement by know. Once again it’s hard to get people to accept we take longer so maybe need a little more help. Any advice would be grateful. Thank you.
Bursitis of the hip: I know with Lupus or any auto... - LUPUS UK
Bursitis of the hip

Personally, I have grave doubts whether physio will deal with bursitis that is beyond a certain stage. Rest, ice and possibly even a steroid shot is what will work best then. I know - I've had it for years on and off. Physio doesn't make any difference to me - in fact it can make it worse.
I agree with you PMRpro...physio is not the answer.
I have RA and have also had Trochanteric Bursitis for years....the intensity of pain comes & goes.....but never completely subsides. I have had both systemic and ultrasound guided steroid injections neither of which had any effect.
I now manage it as best I can with various painkillers & trying not to lie on it at night....which is a very hit & miss therapy involving lots of pillows!
Hello Gillyg
I have major hip issues.
So far, these haven't been linked to my lupus but I am not convinced that they are completely separate issues.
In 2013 I had a hip operation, left side, keyhole procedure, to remove lesions on the ball socket and repair a tear in the hip socket lining. I was told that my right hip is the same - but luckily I have not had the very severe symptoms on that side. By the time I had my operation in April 2013, I could barely walk.
The Orthopaedic Surgeon told me that I had advanced OA for my age (38) and he wasn't sure why.
Fast forward 6 years and my hip is very bad again and I am seeing a doctor next week, to find out if it is time for a hip replacement (I am now 45).
I have read articles which state that historically RA is the arthritis with inflammation in the joints. (I do not have RA). But there is now more doctors thinking that OA also has an element of inflammation in the joint - so with lupus and inflammation throughout the body, lupus is not going to help your joints whatever type of arthritis you have - in my opinion.
Since my op in 2013, I have had hip bursitis twice. The first time was beyond and in hindsight I wish I hadn't left it so long to see a GP - but always worried that I'll be ignored or dismissed that there is nothing wrong....It had got to the point where I had a burning "band" of pain from around my waist down the my knees. The middle bit of my body was on fire. I could barely drive my then manual car. I couldn't bend with agonising pain. I could not bear for my left hip, thigh - to be touched or even brushed against - or I would scream. I wasn't sleeping. etc etc.
The GP gave me a steroid jab in the most painful point on my hip. He said that it was trochanteric bursitis. The jab took about 48 hours to work but was very effective.
The second time I had a steroid jab, I didn't leave it so long!
I have joint issues and have also had a form of tendonitis in my wrists on and off since 2014, it never really goes away. It's bad when I am having a lupus flare. I have also had tennis elbow. Swollen pes anserine. Painful achilles tendon. Without an injury to set these off.
I would say my lupus has caused these soft tissue problems.
I am not convinced that physio will treat bursitis. Mine certainly just got worse and worse until I had the steroid jab.
I couldn't function with it and it was increasingly painful.
I wouldn't leave it, if it were me. Go to the GP and ask for a steroid jab.
Happy to answer any other questions you have.
Best wishes
Hi Gillyg , i have a couple of steroid injections for bursitis in hip ,the last one has had the longest effect. I still have a back ground ache and find hills increase pain but it is much better than it was and i can tolerate it . I also use biofreeze roll on of help and it’s handy to apply . I hope things settle down for you soon, best wishes 🌸
Hi gillyg
I'm another one like your great other replies that has had bursitis and know how painful it can be!. Really feel for you. I too have had steroid jabs into the place and also a local anaethesitic at a separate time which also helped. It took a few years but it went in each hip and I've been fine since. Didn't have physio, think that's too much!. Your GP can do this. If your pain is down the side of your hip , you can put your finger on it then it's bursitis. As your not progressing with it id see your GP . Good luck and keep us posted. X
Thank you everyone for your replies I don’t feel the physio is working but they are not offering anything else. I asked about a steroid injection but my gp said they didn’t do them at the surgery. I am going to see if my Rheumatologist will do it for me I have had them before for my Lupus. I don’t really feel the physio as nice as she is realises the amount of pain it causes. It’s good to have advice from everyone. Thank you. 👍👏👏
Hi Gillyg,
Funnily enough I just asked Wendy under a different post if she’d tried Blume made by Zipvit for hip bursitis. I had it in both hips last year then earlier again this year. Excruciating! 😫 The Voltarol gel my GP prescribed was useless but I found the Blume (unfortunately not cheap) was very helpful. The bursitis was especially painful in bed as I couldn't lie on either side. Lying on your side exacerbates the condition and slows the recovery. I found the physio exercises did help (after some time) and I found lining the sides of my hips and thighs with pillows helped me to stop rolling onto my sides, but I did need the whole bed to myself and hubby slept in the spare room until the condition improved. 🤫 It took months to completely go but the Blume did reduce the pain so that I never needed steroid injections. 👍🏻
I hope you get relief soon because I really do know how it feels! 🤗 Spotty
Hello could you tell me what is in Blume and where it can be purchased. Thanks

Hi Zippyzap,
Blume is a glucosamine and emu oil gel. I buy it from Zipvit who can be found on-line although I usually phone in the order. If I can help any further let me know. 💕
My hips - ugh. Good luck.
I had a steroid injection which was done under an ultrasound for guidance which was eventually effective. Yes it is painful and debilitating... hope it gets solved soon. ☺
Hey I have the same as Wendy I’ve been told I need a hip replacement when I was 23! I’m now 29! And I still have not had it done.
All my hip joint has worn and changed shape I also have Muscles tear all the way around my hips also bone marrow changes on my mri.
Most doctors ignore it as so far I refuse the op.
Mine can be so painful at times but it’s hard to know what pain is what.
I have terrible leg hip ankle pain feels like my tendons are being ripped and my ankles as going to snap same in my knees and feet hips
I used to think it was down to my hips but my physio said it didn’t match my hips this was years ago and nothing was looked into.
Now it’s in my hands too .
Anyway I’m rambling ibuprofen helps me a little magnesium spray on the muscle also helps
Voltrol helps and deep heat xx
I suffered for about 3 months with this and only went away after Rheumi finally convinced me to get Steriod shot. I don’t know why I waited so long.
I've also got Bursitis of the hip as I skidded on something , lost my balance and broke the neck of my femur. Since op have developed Bursitis and seen three very unsympathetic consultants. Was doing physio exercises every day but read not to have repetitive movements of hip so stopped and think that made it a bit better. Was offered steroid injection but physio said it very often made it worse so too afraid to have it with Lupus. Eventually told to put up with it and hope it clears up. I know how upsetting it is especially with everything else we put up with Lupus. Wish you well and thinking of you.
I don’t intend any offence, but I have never heard of anyone being told a steroid injection can make it worse with lupus? I don’t think that is correct. Lupus causes inflammation throughout the body and steroids - both oral and injections - reduce inflammation. In fact for many people, steroids have saved their lives with severe active lupus. Very strange.
Yep I’m in the bursitis in both hips camp too. I have had steroid injections directly into the problem area twice now and they both helped significantly for a while but it continues to return, as I was warned it would, and now use crutches to get around. I also can’t stand in one spot for very long.
Physio at the outset made me worse and showed no improvement but after the second injection physio was timed to tie in with it - it has to wait a few weeks as doing the exercises too soon after the injection can cause more problems. My physio then worked on helping me strengthen the supporting muscles around the area, such as the gluteus maximus, and I did help for a while. Pilates run by the physio team so modified for specific problems was also a great help. My latest consultant thinks my back is pulling everything out of place and as I have hypermobilia in my hips they are moving too far and that this is why it keeps coming back in my case.
My gp doesn’t do the joint specific injections either and only do the global depomedrone ones but they referred me to a team that carry them out instead so I’d say go back to your gp and ask to be referred to where you can be better assessed to see if they’ll help. My lupus team also sorted steroid injections for me for a frozen shoulder so if your gp can’t help then try your lupus nurse to see if they can help. Good luck x