Im sorry in advance if this becomes long winded but thank you for reading it if you do. I haven't been diagnosed yet as the doctors are stumped as to what I have. All my test are negative for Lupus but all my symptoms are showing it. Along with this I have an under active thryoid which i am on medication for as well as being on hydroxychloroquine..as the rheumy wanted to see if it would work for the pain which is has, massively.
The problem I have now is that I am so confused about what to do with my life. I am only 22 and what ever this is is definitely getting worse. I have slept on and off for 4 days, my mouth has started bleeding randomly, im so confused all the time and my dizziness and heart palpitations are getting worse. I could deal with the latter symptoms but i cant deal with this exhaustion any more. I have just got the job I wanted as a lab technician which I thought I could handle as its part time but im finding it a massive struggle. I have just come home from a 4 hour shift and had to sleep for 2 hours.
I dont feel like I can go on like this, I dont want to quit work because ive had to go on esa and house benefit before and I felt so degraded and restless that I ended up trying to go back to work (hence why i am now) but its harder than it ever has been before.
I am due to go in on friday from 8 - 5:30 which i am dreading because up until now i have had to keep being sent home.
I am at such a loss and i dont know what to do or where to go from here. Has anyone else ever been in a situation like this before? and if so how did you deal with it?
Thank you so much,