I have SLE, but how does this affect other infections? I am currently suffering with tonsillitis don't want to bother the GP yet. Does anyone know if having SLE will mean our immune system is better at fighting viruses and bacteria, or does it struggle with this?
lupus and tonsillitis: I have SLE, but how does... - LUPUS UK
lupus and tonsillitis

I was told by my Rheumy to get infections checked out early as our immune systems are compromised and if the infection takes hold it is harder to clear. Better to be safe than sorry
Having SLE means that the immune system is focused on attacking itself, so all the white cells focus on creating antibodies against self, whilst letting outsiders in undeterred. Which is why the risk of infection is high, particularly where we are also on immunosuppressive medication.
Infection can spread very quickly in people with SLE, which is why we are encouraged to go see doctors at the first sign of infection.
I'd go see the gp ASAP - you don't want that infection spreading to chest etc.
I had tonsillitis a while ago. I was straight to gp. I got antibiotics straight away which helped but it knocked me for about three months. I had no energy at all. Go to your gp and get seen.
Go to your GP asap, I developed a cough 6 weeks ago which I ignored, ended up with a really bad cough, tonsillitis and laryngitis. After a double strength course of antibiotics I still spent 5 weeks flat out on the settee. Our immune systems are totally compromised, I learned my lesson the hard way, seek advise from your GP before you get too ill.