Has anyone experience of Dedoxepin for depression.
Have been on lots of various antidepressants now about to try this one.
Thanks. X
Has anyone experience of Dedoxepin for depression.
Have been on lots of various antidepressants now about to try this one.
Thanks. X
I've been taking this tri-cyclic at the maximum dose for 27 years Doreen. It's been around since the 1950s and is very safe. There's a tendency to weight gain and drowsiness initially so watch your carbohydrate intake and best taken in one dose before bed. Tri-cyclics also have analgesic properties, although limited, so it will help with pain a bit too. Let me know if there's anything else I can tell you.
Thank you so much for replying.
I have used so many anti depressants over 3years and they either don't work or I have bad side effects.
Some made me so sleepy all day and I couldn't live like that.
I am on a tri-cyclic one at moment but it is not helping.
Hopefully I will get a result from this one.
Dr will be starting on very small dose first.
It's been a very long journey.
Only had four days on Doxipen and finding it so sedating.
Dr wants me to keep on it in hope drowsiness settles but it is hard going.
Doreen x
Early days in that case. You need to take the whole dose before bed - around 9pm is good - so it's not such an issue during the day. How much are you taking BTW? The drowsiness will definitely settle ... give it a month/6 weeks at least. Well worth persevering although I felt much the same as you initially. I have absolutely no symptoms when taking it now and it keeps me sane ... well, relatively! Good luck!
Thank you for that drowsiness just hard to deal with.
I am only on a small dose 25mgs and I am taking it around 8pm.
Also take sleeping tablet so going to omit that and see how I feel.
Not sure what BTW means xx
BTW = "By the way". 25mgs is a negligible baby dose but good call to omit the sleeping tabs - if it helps you do that then well worth tolerating. I've been taking the maximum safe dose of 150mgs for 27 years and am still here to tell the tale ... which I definitely wouldn't have been otherwise.x
Yes it very small dose to start off with because of my reactions.
Not sure if this dose will help depression but I will try and keep taking it.
So good to hear how much it has helped you.
I have literally been on every anti depressant over the past three years.
Getting pretty desperate for something to work. Xx
Thank you Tiger Lily,
Waiting for drug from chemist so be starting it soon.
Bit wary after all my experience with anti depressants.
Don't know dose yet but will be smallest you can start.
What dose helped you.
Sorry for all questions
Did you find it helped with stress and agitation at all.
Doreen x
Tricyclics work in 3 ways ... to lift one's mood, alleviate anxiety and lift depression.
Got meds tonight Doxepin25mgs.
Starting it very low because of my reactions to drugs.
Will let you know how it goes .
Doreen x
Took first Doxepin last night and can't keep awake today so drowsy.
Hope that wears off.
My mood is so low and very tearful.
This is never ending this torment xx