Hi i feel very annoyed that lupus is not recognised as a proper illness .WHY do we not get any help with the cost of paying for the many potions and tablets we use and take .sorry for my rant it just feels very unfair ..
Prescriptions : Hi i feel very annoyed that lupus... - LUPUS UK

I totally agree....just the same as many others, my lupus has eventually robbed me of being able to work so money at home is tight. Add on top of that all the extra expenses of being ill and then the prescription costs are the cherry on the cake. I have applied for PIP to help with all this and have an appointment next week. However, despite this, I do think the government should be adding it to the list of free prescription status.
Of course I totally agree.......We have a 'long term Chronic Illness' that is NOT going anywhere, so why can we not get free prescriptions??!!!! Makes my blood boil!!! ALSO - Millionaires-in both Scotland and Wales get 'free prescriptions'??????? SO, SO, WRONG!!!!!!
I am just about holding on to my job (been off sick for about 7 weeks now) and don't know, but feel they may have to 'let me go' when I go back, I earn Β£11,000 (has gone down from Β£27,000 in the past 2 years that I have been ill, as can now only work 'part-time' at a lower rate job) - I have also just applied for PIP-filling it in at the CAB on Thursday.
On a 'doing something about the situation' I believe there is a partition that I have signed previously - bringing the attention of this to the Government (like they care!!) And someone on here may have details of that. My rant also over now!!!!
It certainly is annoying that a 'fashionable' problem like diabetes lets people get free prescriptions when folk like us are on, in my case, nine different meds each day. I do have a Prescription prepayment card though and if you are on more than two prescriptions per month it does save a lot of money. This is the link: gov.uk/get-a-ppc
Take Care.
Hi I am also very angry about this my daughter became ill in her last year if university wanting to go into the police but there is no way she can do that in fact she can just about hold down a part time job, this means she is dependant on us her parents to help her financially even for her medication, it's terrible people with MS and other chronic diseases get help with meds and counselling etc, which they should of course, but I have to pay for my daughters.
I have not heard of a petition otherwise we would be signing it, if anyone has the details please let me know???
Yes it is hard to understand why as we have a Chronic illness. Best bet is the prepayment card that saves me over a thousand pounds per year!
I completely agree with you. My daughter has at least 3 scripts per month plus extras every now and again. She has a pre payment card which is a great help but if we lived in Scotland or Wales she wouldn't have to pay for medication at all.
If you lived in Northern Ireland you would get all your prescriptions free. That said, there are people who abuse the system and waste medication.
I get a prepayment card which I pay Β£10ish per month direct debit. For the amount of tablets I get, I think the amount is fair. On the other hand my boss at work gets free prescriptions because he has type 2 diabetes he is overweight and does not eat healthily and is also very wealthy. Lupus I think should be recognised for free prescriptions.
I have COPD I need my inhalers to keep me going I have to pay for mine and yes people who have diabetes get medication free I don't have a problem with them having insulin but they should be made to pay for all other medication.
Sadly millions of pounds is wasted in drugs every year people I know go to see the GP come back with a bag load of drugs and one person I know puts them on top of the wardrobe she even has morphine I wish I could get to the top of my wardrobe, but the GP's have to take some of the blame for this.
PIP & DLA is also a big expense the person with the wardrobe got DLA because she needed a knee replaced she had her knee replaced and went back to work in a nursing home till she was 65 and still claims it Atos have not touched these people they have only gone for the genuine, sorry long rant but needed to be said.
totally agree;
Follow this link to sign the unfair prescription charges!!!