Wheelchair: Are any of you using a wheelchair... - LUPUS UK


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ebril profile image
10 Replies

Are any of you using a wheelchair because of the Lupus my OT referred me for one as I have trouble walking and falling all the time

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ebril profile image
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10 Replies
tinkey profile image

Hi! Yes I have needed to use a wheelchair for the past year due to fatigue and hip pain. It has enabled me to get out and about and picked my mood up as I wasn't doing much away from the home. I also have a mobility scooter which means I can take my dogs out on my own and gives me a feeling of independence. I found it hard to use one initially but you do get used to it. The most funny comment was when somebody said 'what have you done?' My reply: 'oh my lupus is bad at the moment', their reply: ' oh thats a relief, I thought you had broken your leg'..... I wish! Lol!

ebril profile image
ebril in reply to tinkey

Thanks tinkey I'm going for an assessment on July 1st not sure what to expect when I get there

Whathappned profile image
Whathappned in reply to tinkey

Lol. Well there you go as long as nothing's broken. Lol x. I get asked if I'm ok at work regularly when I'm hobbling around. Today a well meaning colleague told me I should go and see someone about my sore feet and ankles. Lol

ebril profile image

Thanks what happened people don't realise what we go through at least they were worried enough to say something lol xxx

biddy75 profile image

Hey ebril, im getting one but prefer to use my walking stick as much as possible, for the exercise, ive vasculitis, and small fibre peripheral neuropathy

vonnyrad profile image

Tinkey, your comment made me smile on this rather grey morning,thanks for that!I've lost count of how many times over the past 30 odd years people have asked the same sort of thing of myself or my husband...."Oh, you've been/she's been in hospital again?The usual?Oh well, that's okay then!"I've had more sympathy from people when I've had a bit of a cold that I know will go eventually, but I suppose that's because for most people that's all 'being ill' means and they can relate to that.My 83 year old mother-in-law has just been in hospital for the first time in her life with a 'heart scare',( turned out she wasn't having a heart attack in the end, and she was okay) ,she has always been the kind of person who gets a cold and it's 'flu', or a cough and it's 'bronchitis,' that for her is what being unwell is and she's never been able to comprehend what living with a chronic, life threatening condition is like.I think for those lucky enough to experience only good health in life it can be a bit baffling for someone to always seem ill with one thing or another.

Found exactly the same... I walk with a crutch and have leg braces due to nerve paralysis caused by CIDP and lupus. I've lost count the number of times I've been asked what have I done? I suppose that's better than being stared at or whispered about. My daughters are funny, saying in a very loud voice when that happens, HOW RUDE!!! X

tiredmum profile image

I've needed a wheelchair on and off for the last 14 years with my Lupus and have been very reluctant to use it. I jokingly said I ought to ask my neice to make me a pretend plaster cast as then I wouldn't get stared at.

The last 2 and half years however, I have needed a wheelchair constantly, at first I refused to go out of the house thinking the phase will pass like it normally does and I will be back to walking short distances. This time it hasn't, after a few months I realised just how much staying locked away indoors was having a negative impact on my family so reluctantly I agreed to use the wheelchair in quiet places.

I have to admit my confidence grew using it and I feel like I have got a new lease of life, I can do a small amount of shopping, we went to a wildlife park and go for family walks.

I start off walking as far as I can pushing the chair so that I still get some exercise, it varies from a few metres to 200m depending on what kind of day I am having.

I have learnt to ignore the stares and just remember that my family is happier having me out and about and so am I too.

I hope eventually you will realise the enjoyment of having some normal experiences again using one.

tinkey profile image

Hi ebril, my assessment was very positive. The lady who lovely and understood what I can and cannot do. She measured me and because my husband is 6ft 3" she made sure the wheelchair was suitable for his height as he was getting a bad back. The wheelchair is new, took 5 weeks to come and is on permanent loan. They then phoned me a few weeks later to see how I was getting on. Overall I felt they really cared about me :)

ebril profile image

Hi everyone thanks for your replies I use sticks and crutches aswell because i have Lupus, raynaurds and osteoathritus but finding I'm losing the feeling in my legs and feet and thats why i fall a lot I didn't even consider a wheelchair until my OT suggested it. I don't leave the house at the moment unless someone is with me but all my children work so hopefully an electric wheelchair will Give me a bit more independence especially when the lupus and raynaurds is also being naughty but thanks for your replies and big hugs to all of you xxx

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