My problem is that my teeth are breaking. No cavity, just breaking. I am low income so I couldn't afford dentistry. I can pay my way now but don't know what to do. Does anyone have this happen and what did you do? I read that implants are a no for being so sick, I also read that root canals won't work as my teeth will break under and cause problems. I am 40 and really don't want dentures but my teeth are now rotting quickly. What did you do?
Need info on teeth and immune meds. I have been ... - LUPUS UK
Need info on teeth and immune meds. I have been on immune drug prednisone for ten years, methotrexate and enbrel for two.

Hi Pixers
So sorry to read about your teeth.
Looks like you need to go the Dentist ASAP!. I'm wondering as they're breaking and you've been on steroids a long time do you also take calcium tablets?. Also are you on a bone strengthening tablet?. Good luckX
I have been on low dose prednisone for ten years. My body is very aggressive so I will always be on it unfortunately. I take calcium with D daily and get lots of calcium from food. My doctor hasn't mentioned a bone tablet which is odd as I have has osteopenia (spelling is probably wrong) for several years.
Hi Pixers
I agree with Misty. I would also suggest some blood tests see if your lacking in calcium or vit D.
I keep saying the same thing on here - I've had that, I think. At the initial stages of trying to work out what was wrong with me my teeth breaking. I think my calcium was ok but I had a slightly low vitamin D. So I put myself on a 25ug daily supplement. Check with your doctor first and get the bloods taken. I'm no expert but I think too much vit d can be harmful and if your on any other drugs you need to know they don't interact.
Take care and good luck
I have same problem I been told when taking medication the saliver in ur mouth changes which causes your teeth to decay or crumble mine have been bad for past few years have lost 3 teeth and other work done as there crumbling away, apart from regular visits to the dentist and lots of brushing and a toothpaste I get from my dentist there not much else we can do good luck nothing worse than a bad tooth
Thanks everyone, it is so frustrating. I got very sick the first time at age 30, I never thought I would be this old so fast. I see little old ladies with bodies that move like a twenty year old who have great teeth and all I can think is that my dice at creation were rigged lol.
Ive had teeth break & lack saliva so more prone to cavities. I was told back in Oct I need a crown... cant afford it!!!!
If the jaw bones are healthy, you can have implants - but they are expensive, unless NHS pays for them (don't really know if they could). You'd need to stop any steroid and immunossuppresive medication for the ops so that you minimise the chance of infection.
It does sound like calcium problem but get your dentist to check your jaw bones density, you don't want problems with that.
I know what you mean, it is one of my nightmares - not having teeth and having to put dentures. I have few implants, which is why I know a bit about them but I'm paranoid about worse things happening to the rest of my teeth.
I eventually had to succumb to the prospect that my teeth were loosening due to many years of being on prednisone. At the age of 30, my front 4 bottom teeth were removed and I now have dentures in their place. When I first started wearing the dentures it was so uncomfortable and I thought I'd made a huge mistake. In time my gums settled and I eventually got use to them. Fortunately for me I am in receipt of ESA so was able to obtain free treatment.
I understand your concerns. Implants may not be suitable as prednisone whithers away at the bones in the gums which makes it difficult to secure implants in place. I think it best you go to the dentist asap because as lupus patients we should have our dental health accessed more frequently. So at least go and let them access the damage and the you can get an idea of what needs to be done and what is affordable.
All the best x
Just wondering where you are, are you in the UK, if so you can get free dentistry on the NHS, if you are on any means tested benefits.
If you are not on means tested benefits you can get an application form for exemption from health costs, pick up the form from hospitals pharmacy or large Boots pharmacy. You need to ask for the form. It takes a few weeks to process your details then the Health Costs dept. will send you a certificate for free NHS costs.
Ask the consultant about the bone thinning, you should be referred for a bone density scan if you have been on prednisolone for so long. They should also be testing your calcium and vitamin D levels.
The dentist can refer you to a specialist if necessary, but I would start with 2 things, speaking to your consultant and making an appointment with a dentist. There could be an issue with the gums as well, which can cause the teeth to loosen.
Hi.... I am 52 & now have about 8 teeth left in my mouth. Some fell out, some broke off & some were pulled. I am now working with my dentist in making full dentures. Needless to say I am mortified. My advice to those who are at the mercy of Prednisone & Crohns Disease is to look after the teeth you still have but know that those teeth may not last long. If only I knew more about how the consumption of steroids 30 years ago may have on my mouth. I spent A LOT of money on root canals only to have them break off. Do not fall into the dentists ideas of saving this & that tooth when eventually they will break or need other dental procedures. Just think twice & think of the future of those teeth.
Hi Kobi, I was 21 when I got Crohn's and had major surgery and few large courses of prednisone amongst other meds. I am 25 now and in the last 2 months I have had 3 teeth crumble away, one of them was a front one too. Is it worth trying to save them? I'm a bit self-conscious about my front ones so I may get a cap but the other two were near the back.
Your post is very timely! One of my molars literally disintegrated on Christmas eve - one minute it was normal, the next it had disappeared without trace. This prompted the first ( of many, it seems) dentist appt yesterday. I have decided to go privately to put my teeth to rights and it's going to run into thousands but this chap was fab and knew his stuff so his tips might help.
According to him, it's most important NOT to brush too soon after eating or the acidity of the food on poor enamel erodes the teeth super-fast. He recommends a particular type of mouthwash such as Fluoriguard after eating or drinking and a top quality toothpaste. He also said that flossing really throughly followed by a mouth wash of warm salty water will largely restore the gums and keep them tight around the jawbone. I'm already on calcium so we didn't discuss that but he strongly recommended no implants and keeping extractions to a minimum.
Hope some of this helps. Best wishes. Clare x
Adds into the latest post on dentristy. More details here. Thanks guys as always for sharing important information