Have any if you seen any of the videos about CBD ... - LUPUS UK
Have any if you seen any of the videos about CBD and the benefits it can have for lupus or juicing canabis. I was totally amazed!

Sorry whats cbd? Thanks x

Please note that CBD and cannabis are illegal in the UK and there is no clinical support of it's use in the treatment of lupus. In addition cannabis can have dangerous effects.
But if you look at the research that's being done in America it really is amazing. Smoking it may not be good for you but there are lots of other ways to use this natural product. A little research has amazed me and I feel that this should be available in the uk. After all it's a natural substance which can't do any more harm that half the pills and potions they have me on. They are actually using CBD (cannabidiol) for some cancer patients that are having extreme sickness. I know this because my sister in law has cancer and is having treatment now. You may poo poo the idea because its illegal here, but if you look into the research you soon see its not just a bunch of stoners sitting round smoking. I for one would try it in a heart beat if it would help me, I'm at my wits end with Docs, Rhumys (that I never see the same one twice) putting me on all kinds of concoctions that just make me ill in another way. I'm about to give up altogether.
Where do you currently receive your treatment? Have you made a complaint to PALS about the poor care you've received? Is there another hospital that you would be able to attend instead?
I have my treatment at North Staffs hospital. I complained the other day that the rheumatologist I last saw and changed my meds is leaving, I've only seen him once. They said its part of their traing and there's nothing they can do about it. I've the head rheumatologist once in 2 years and never seen the same person twice. I've been struck off at my doctors for missing two asthma appointments so don't have a gp at the mo. I have such a lot going on in my life and I just want to give it all up and pretend its not happening. I'll get by but I do wish there was more that is done here on England. I have a rash all over my face and on no meds because I have an infection in my jaw and can't take the meds they prescribed me till its gone. I've been like this a month now and I'm looking at things I can do for myself. A friend in America told me about the canabis juicing, but I'm well aware it's illegal here and I find it very frustrating. Thank you anyway Paul
Find it shocking that a GP can stop seeing a patient who is in need, I thought there was a disability discrimination act to protect people! So what you missed two appointments, how about all the drunken ********** on a Friday and Saturday night who are wasting NHS resources with their self inflicted obsession! There is something very wrong with this country! X
Dear moontreegoddess, I sympathise with your situation and hope you are soon able to access a GP and restart treatment to alleviate some of your symptoms. Whilst it is often tempting to many of us to try alternative medications I still feel essentially that there must be some compounding evidence that keeps cannabis and its deravitives from becoming legal in this country. Over the years there have been many debates over the safety and decriminalisation of cannabis and my mind tells me there must be some reason why governments have not legalised a product which they market, tax and derive an income from.
I think until the situation changes I will be sticking with the NHS and the prescribed medications - although I would be in favour of research and information becoming available.
Research is being done and CBD is being used for cancer patients. I think we need to look into it more and do more clinical testing in this country, although I know there is some testing we need to catch up with other countries. Until its legal in this country and our doctors catch up we have no choice but to pump our bodies with medications that are meant for other illnesses. I'm sure our government will soon catch on to the taxability of it at some point. I just want the options that other countries have. From what I've seen on the Internet there are some amazing benefits from cannabis use with even thinking about getting high. I'm not questioning the morality of the drug just the beneficial use of it.
The control of cannabis and many other drugs is not just for national governments but covered by international treaties. There are many good arguments for its use, both recreational and medicinal, and some very good reasons to the contrary. I have known many involved in the debates for and against, and frankly think its use is less problematic than alcohol. But alcohol is legal and cannabis and many other recreational drugs aren't. I have never been a user but now take prescribed opioids for plain. Funny old world!
Found this online. I know it was seen as a threat to the paper industry, so I know that much is true. Not entirely sure about the rest of it. This about the US.
Answer (how it really happened)
(to keep a long answer short; because the government can't profit of marijuana)
William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst's grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.
In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont's Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of Dupont's business.
Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America.
A media blitz of 'yellow journalism' raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst's newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marihuana. The menace of marihuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality.
Films like 'Reefer Madness' (1936), 'Marihuana: Assassin of Youth' (1935) and 'Marihuana: The Devil's Weed' (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marihuana laws could be passed.
Examine the following quotes from 'The Burning Question' aka REEFER MADNESS:
•a violent narcotic.
•acts of shocking violence.
•incurable insanity.
•soul-destroying effects.
•under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an ax.
•more vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marihuana!
Reefer Madness did not end with the usual 'the end.' The film concluded with these words plastered on the screen: TELL YOUR CHILDREN.
In the 1930s, people were very naive; even to the point of ignorance. The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power. They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true. They told their children and their children grew up to be the parents of the baby-boomers.
On April 14, 1937, the Prohibitive Marihuana Tax Law or the bill that outlawed hemp was directly brought to the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee is the only one that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees. The Chairman of the Ways and Means, Robert Doughton, was a Dupont supporter. He insured that the bill would pass Congress.
Dr. James Woodward, a physician and attorney, testified too late on behalf of the American Medical Association. He told the committee that the reason the AMA had not denounced the Marihuana Tax Law sooner was that the Association had just discovered that marihuana was hemp.
Few people, at the time, realized that the deadly menace they had been reading about on Hearst's front pages was in fact passive hemp. The AMA understood cannabis to be a MEDICINE found in numerous healing products sold over the last hundred years.
In September of 1937, hemp became illegal. The most useful crop known became a drug and our planet has been suffering ever since.
Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known. Anslinger, head of the Drug Commission for 31 years, promoted the idea that marihuana made users act extremely violent. In the 1950s, under the Communist threat of McCarthyism, Anslinger now said the exact opposite. Marijuana will pacify you so much that soldiers would not want to fight.
Today, our planet is in desperate trouble. Earth is suffocating as large tracts of rain forests disappear. Pollution, poisons and chemicals are killing people. These great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp. Natural biomass could provide all of the planet's energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels. We have consumed 80% of our oil and gas reserves. We need a renewable resource. Hemp could be the solution to soaring gas prices.
The article does say "from the prohibitionist point of view".
Personally I smoke almost every day and have for the last 15 or so years. I only get small flares (compared to the two that nearly killed me). Can't say definately it is because of smoking, but I do know when I 1st started occasionally smoking, my joints would feel better after a smoke. Could be coincidence! Its not going to work for everyone (if it does indeed work for me), and as Paul said it is illegal!!!!! Would never have stopped taking prescribed drugs and just smoke (or injested the cannabidiol).
A few states in the US now prescribe medicinal cannabis (San Francisco is one as my friend lives there and he has told me about it). Hopefully there will be some proper medical studies conducted. Did find out recently that there has hardly been any research into the harmful effects of ecstasy (a drug I have never done and never will do) but that remains illegal. In my opinion it is more about long held beliefs about cannabis is why it is still illegal.
Once again as Paul says it is illegal and there are no definitive studies to prove it does any good.
Amen to everything you said. Thank you for all that extremely interesting information. I remember doing a talk on the prohibition of marajuana in college and your post brought some of it back to mind. I'm glad it's helping you and that you find relief with it. Hopefully we will have the choice of using as a legal medication one day. I really appreciate your post
when you say marijuana do you mean skunk thanks
Hi, this is an interesting and controversial topic so thanks for raising this:). Whilst I have never tried any drugs, or wanted to I have helped lots of youngsters with their drug addictions during my time as a social worker. However, it will be interesting to see what comes out of this cannabis medication in the future. I think there is probably a difference between 'street cannabis' and the rubbish that is in there compared to cannabis being taken in a controlled way, prescribed medicinally. It is illegal at present and I do not wish to take this, however I am also get mindful of not judging anyone if it could be prescribed and would help. I think it is about common sense and for me if all other drugs failed someone and this option did help alleviate someones pain then there is clearly a debate there. Personally being on methotrexate and having read the risk factors of this it is worrysome....but I take it.....so it will be interesting to see if legal medicinal cannabis ever becomes available here. It raises all sorts of interesting questions as would some people cheat the system to then get it prescribed.
An interesting point......personally while not for me at the moment I think as many problems can arise in drugs and alcohol whereas if medicinal cannabis prescribed appropriately in the right dose to the right people I don't have a problem with.
I know a little about helping drug addiction myself. And some of the prescribed methods of helping people with drug addictions I don't agree with at all. They are basically supported in their addiction with other prescribed drugs. I'm not saying it doesn't help a few to have a more normal life but I know it also isnt the answer for the majority. The type if cannabis I'm talking about is pure from the plant medical grade cannabis and not the resin on the street pot or whatever you want to call it. There is such a lot that the general public don't understand about this natural herb, and it's just seen as a threat to our society due to propaganda. I'm not saying that people won't abuse it because they most definitely will. There will always be people who abuse things. There's I'd alcoholism but that's not illegal, smoking cigarets but that's not illegal and then there are people on methadone and Valium and all sorts of prescribed drugs. I'm talking about giving people the option to choose something that could very well be a fantastic way of helping all kinds of illnesses in a less harmful way than synthetic drugs. But that's a problem in itself as the massive amounts of money these drug companies make will fall and I'm sure they aren't going to give up there greedy, glutinous ways without a damn good fight. Unless those companies take the growing of medical grade cannabis themselves, but would I trust them? Personally no. Thank you so much for your reply. You should do a google search on some of the info put there as you might find it interesting with your back ground in helping people with drug habits
Hi....I am totally with you on this and although I may not have expressed myself so well (bad brain fog and in a flare so really can't concentrate that well) I knew what you meant and have also worked with people on prescribed drugs too. I know what you mean as only a few weeks ago I had been lo oking into that just for research purposes. I must admit I didn't think of it from a money making perspective from the drugs companies so you have made me think about this. Yes....for me if it works for someone with symptoms and alleviates any pain then it may actually be better than the prescribed drugs. I think its very much an individual choice and its a shame the type of thing you are talking about is illegal.....maybe in time? A good thread and thought provoking. xx
I am unaware weather it does in fact help with pain relief but I do believe it has a major impact on mental health especially if you have underlining issues. weather it could be used in a controlled way I don't know.
Alcohol and other prescribed drugs can also have a major impact on mental health too. I was offered some anti depressants for my depression (that I have suffered with for years) a few months ago. The label said it could cause loss of libido and suicidal tendencies. If I wasn't depressed before I went to the docs I sure was when I saw that on the paperwork that came with them. Needless to say I didn't take them. Is alcohol used in a controlled way or cigarettes, no, we are free to drink and smoke ourselves to death if we so wish. Good point on the mental health issue, more research is definitely needed so we can find out the truth of this herb
You have made a very good point re Drug companies. A drug to help with Depression can cause suicidal tendencies!!!! Depression itself can cause suicidal tendencies, but Governments are happy for people to take that drug because it legalised (Governments make millions from GSK, P&G etc), even if a person does succumb to the worst of the side effects and kills themselves. the drug will not be seen as dangerous and withdrawn (way too much money to lose) it will be continually given to other patients to run that particular gauntlet.
A lot of drugs that are legal should not be in a million years. At least we are not as bad as the US where almost anything a Drug company makes is sold. All one has to do is list the side effects of every day medication in the US to see how crazy it is. Can remember seeing a drug to help with tooth ache, and the side effects were may cause loss of hair, teeth, speech, control of left side of body, flatulence, temporary loss of sight. Not sure if all of those were the side effects for that tooth ache drug, but do remember all of those being side effects for some legal drug in the US.
Independent research is required, and not like when a previous drug Tsar Professor David Nutt who lost his role when he said Ecstasy, Cannabis and LSD, were not that dangerous, even less dangerous then alcohol in his opinion. It clashed with government policy so they sacked him and took the advice of someone who basically said what the government wanted.
LloydE the government surround themselves with yes men all the time. It's all the cloak n dagger that they surround everything with, they won't do anything unless it benefits them in some way or other. Well I could rant on but I will refrain from moaning anymore. I'm sure if there are any monetary benefits the government can reap from it then they will do something about it
i think you should fly to california get your medical weed card and find pills high in CBD and low in THC stop listening to all the negatives on here who are brainwashed by the formal system. do it if it works for you God bless!!
I agree with you Moontreegodedess with regards to alcohol and cigarettes, the damage they do and they are allowed because the government makes billions and billions of pounds of them. I think cigarettes should be banned completely. As for cannabis, I believe recreational use is very damaging to the mental state. I am an ex smoker and so are a number of people I know. When I and they smoked we were very aggressive and paranoid as well as other things. Now them and myself included are a lot calmer and the paranoia has stopped. massive difference to our outlook on life. I would never smoke cigarettes or cannabis again. I take anti depressants and yes they can cause side effects, but the word could is there. If there was a case of this happening then the person who prescribed would stop the person using them and try alternative meds which agree with that individual. For me anti depressants have helped me personally considerably. All medication has side effects but these are monitored by doctors on an individual basis. I am all for meds that improve the quality of life for everyone but I think more research needs to be done with regards to cannabis and if in fact it works it should be prescribed and regulated by a doctor on the amount is consumed.
I agree with you totally that it should be monitored. And we have to remember what suits one patient won't suit another we are all as individual as our finger prints and this has tonne taken into consideration
I've not read all of the replies, as am really tired and have a bit of brain fog and have to be up early to look after my darling Grandson, BUT...from the gist of it- Would this cannabis juice help us luppies??? Well from my experience before proper diagnosis,(told it was just 'fibromyalgia') the doc's kept pumping me with pills that just were not working...in fact, making me physically sick,.tramadol not touching my pain, being told by my G.P of over 30yrs that the next step was morphine!!!!...it was only when I saw a new G.P at my surgery, who actually listened...and I said that to him that the only winners were the 'Big Drugs Giants' (I had not read anything on this, but could just see it) and he agreed with me. I am now on lots of meds, (which have really helped, but with LOADS of side efffects!) again from these big drug companies, but I would definitely be interested in something natural, and am sure that research is being held up here because these B.D.Giants are quite happy with the profit they receive already, and do not want anything to come along and spoil it for them!!! Thank you for raising this, and I will definitely be reading up on it!!
Hi there bam1993, your story is heart rendering. I think the side effects can be as bad as the lupus itself in the fact that it can make you feel depressed and not in control of you and your life. If you like you could look up on this website for information dabscurecancer.com sadly it is illegal in this country but if we the people educate ourselves and empower ourselves then ask questions of the professionals then we might get somewhere a little quicker in this country. I am not a layabout looking for an excuse to get high, and people like to make you feel like a bit social leper for talking about canabis, I'm just trying to find a way of making myself better and spreading the word to anyone who might benefit from it too. I just want us all to feel better, anyone who might benefit from something has the right to know and have a straw to cling to. I wish you all the best
Another interesting link if anyone's interested
Hi MTG. I do not have Lupus. But have been researching high CBD meds. for the last 3 yrs. because of my ADD and my mothers cancer. It is a long story. I live in Switz. and can legally have 4 plants. I am discreet, but still grow with seeds from CBD crew. They are the only people who regularly check the CBD and THC content of the plants grown from the seeds they sell. All seeds grow out with a 1-1 ratio of THC to CBD. Some varieties have a CBD ratio of 2-1. I either cook my cannabis, or use a vaporizer. I do not smoke it. And it is a Godsend to me. Cannabis when used properly as a medication gives real relief to many people. And this new information scares polititions, pharma companies and doctors. Just be aware that in your desire to seek the truth, many others will view you as a danger to them and society. You need to find people who know whats really going on, and find what works for you. I do not discuss these issues with people in my church. Because unless some people suffer, they will not go this route,. Its sad. Check out CBD crews facebook page and website. You will learn a lot. Be blessed.
BTW, I discussed this with my doctor first, since I suffered a minor stroke before. He agreed to work with me. Some will just roll their eyes. I visited family in the U.S. (A cannabis friendly state) got my MMJ card and tried it legally there. From there it progressed to the slow method of trial and error, growing, trying, growing. Now I know 1/10 of a gram of high CBD cannabis is enough for me. Sativa dominant strains in the day, Indica dominant when I want to sleep. Bake it in the oven at 120 c for 45 mins., then just eat 1/10 of a gram with yoghurt, etc. Works for hours. More economical than smoking and so much safer. The crap sold on the streets can have molds, pesticides, even glass beads in it. You never know what you get. And you are supporting criminal activity. And if you are in the U.K. you should check out Bud Buddies. They live to help true patients like you.
I have recently watched Dallas Buyers Club. Fits in quite well with this subject.
I have also recently seen stuff that seems inconceivable but the more you follow the links the truer it also appears
Google The Rick Simpson Story
How about trying normal juicing!! I have been following Jason Vale, who is doing a 7 day detox on facebook next week, it's free to sign up! The benefits I have felt have been amazing and I know when I have been slacking!! Which is normally when I go away anywhere and can't juice!! It has helped with pain relief, sleep, skin, hair, weight and energy!! I don't get mouth ulcers either, which I would normally get all the time!! It's amazing!! Worth a try!!
Hi there. I do juice everyday too and I find it does help too. I feel so much better for putting healthy foods n stuff into my system. I still get mouth ulcers, bad pain (nothing helps my back and knees when they flare) but it helps my digestive system. Just being healthy in your lifestyle helps but it's not a cure and it's unfair to suggest to people who have big lupus problems that their diet will cure those problems. I'm glad your feeling healthy and fit at the moment though, it's obviously doing good things for you
I have never taken it at all.
I have believed all the bad press about it and of course its illegal. So really surprised when I started to find out a bit more about it. In the past it has had many uses. Its always touted for antisocial purposes but it has a wide variety of uses. Provided as Breadfruit says you don't get the variety that blows your head off.
As a medicine it is often touted as a cure all. It has omega 3 and 6 which are essential fatty acids, and has been used in the past as a food source. The essential fatty acids bit is important as they are ESSENTIAL to the body and their use, I am reading, can actually help to thin the blood naturally.
If all this is true, then it could also be helpful to lupies with sticky blood. Indeed I have also read that it helps with migraines which can be attributed to the blood being too thick in the brain.
Alongside its often touted benefits for reducing joint pain.
It really should be investigated further.
I too, have wondered about a trip to a coffee shop in Holland to try for myself.
Well that was an interesting read.... thanks moontreegoddess for putting it out there. I have subacute cutaneous lupus and an advocate for full legalisation of cannabis.
It is quite incredible how successful the last 80 years of propaganda has been in instilling fear in to the general population regarding cannabis and its uses. I am very delighted to see the tide is changing and prohibition will end. The lies are being unwound and with states like Colorado and Washington leading the way... in the very country that started it all!
There are so many ways cannabis can help through ingesting via oils and tinctures to vapouring waxs through to topical applications.
Until I can get my hands on enough raw product to start making balms specifically for lupus lesions.... I have had great success with hemp seed oil which you can find in the fridge at your health food shop.
Good health to you all and here's to the future where, as an adult, I hope to have my own freedom of choice as to how I heal my own body.
Cheers A : )
PS. I think that there are many people who have tried and been put off cannabis after having a few drinks, losing inhibitions and having a joint.... then being sick... this happens as the cannabis tells your body that you have been poisoned with alcohol and to get it out of your system fast! But then its easy to blame the cannabis and not the alcohol. We all have an endocannabinoid system.... endocannabinoids are found in breast milk. It's natural and works!
Hi Lupie78
I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately there is more ridiculous propogander out there as the end to prohibition draws close. They're clutching at straws to stop is healing ourselves so they won't loose out on the billions that sick people make for big pharma.
If only people would do some research on the subject instead of just listening to what the news and papers say. It's one of the most natural substances for our bodies and there are so many ways of using it. There is now a huge stigma attached to it. People think your lazy, it's lupus that makes me lazy lol, cos I'm just exhausted a lot of the time. It helps me so much with just everyday life and often gives me the strength to carry on when I feel I can't.
It's do nice to hear from others who also agree that it can be very beneficial. I would love to take a course of the RSO to see if it would help pick me up again. And to put it on my butterfly rash as I seem to have it more often than not having it. I'm sure it would help that too.
They say sativex is available for those that need it but I know that very few are prescribed it due to the very high cost of it. But I know it doesn't cos that much to make it, they are simply lining their own pockets.
Well it was lovely to hear from you, if you hear of anything interesting keep in touch. Take care
Your post mentio.s Savitex one medication canabis based in spray
that is permitted in Uk and France
and otherss. Used for Ms. The aticle link mentions Savitex too.
Its use must be pretty rare and little heard of. As an antiinflamatory it could aid us.