Does anyone take Hydroxychloroquine, and do you f... - LUPUS UK
Does anyone take Hydroxychloroquine, and do you feel the benefits of it?

Hi , I do... Was on 2 a day for 3 months , had great results so am now on 1 a day for the next 6 months , til next review, am very happy with this medication , have NO side affects at all, has worked well with my Lupus rash... Some don't like it , but I'm very very happy on this... Hope it works ok for you...
Hyddroxy gave me my life back, and more precisely it gave me back my hands. If you can tolerate it, the stuff is a miracle.
But for the first few months, dont sneeze!
Yes I have been on it for roughly 6 months now and have definately felt/seen a difference. Less rashes and mouth ulcers, and less fatigue. Not a miracle cure but has def helped and may help more the longer I take it. Good luck xx
yep definatly works i was on 400 a day , but then my dermy took me off (as they are very expencive pills u know) i was off them for six month and i was do ill i lost patches of hair again so ive been back on it 200 mg a day since june and i feel soooo much better rashes are minium so im please the only downer is my chest because of myemphazema and copd the anti malaria clashes with it sometimes but id rather that then be off it hope ive helped
Hi I have been on hydroxyl for 15 months now. Took 3 months to kick in, but fingers crossed free from pain. Lost some hair but its coming back now.
I have been on it for nearly 30 years and as long as they the original PLAQUINEL that are coated I am fine. The new derivatives give me terrible tummy problems.
I just have to have my eyes checked every year as they can cause Glaucoma. So far so good. They have been a BIG help to me, so I hope you are also lucky.xx
i have been taking hydro since 2002 they appear to help musceles and joints if i remember correctly they dont show results right away as said in earlyer post coated one,s are easyer taken and work better g
i have been on them 30 years, either plaquinal or quinoric work, i have to have my eyes checked every year and they are just starting to show deterioration, and they can disturb your sleep.
Have been taking Hydroxy for 3 years. Flares are less severe and further apart. I have had no known side effects.
I was put on 400mg a day and for the first 7-8 weeks I felt much worse! But my lovely Lupie friends in my support group urged me to stick with it, so I did, but cut down to 200mg a day as the worst side effect for me was tinnitus.
Recently I cut down to 200mg every other day and this past week the fatigue came back big time so I've decided to stick with every day.
Good Luck!
Hi - I have been on Hydrox for nearly ten years and the hospital tried in the early stages to cut the amount which threw me straight back to square one with all the pain and stiffness returning. I am now on a make called Quinoric and take 200mg twice a day. I don't have any problems with this. However I was taking Tolterodine in addition for many years and had tinnitus and dreadful migraine constantly. I decided recently to come off the Tolt to see if it was having an effect and it has worked. For the first time in years I am free of headache and my tinnitus is just in the background. I feel like a different person and wondered if anyone else had had any experience with this drug? Gabs.
I was on 400 then put down to 200 over the last 10 years and whilst I was having problems with the Hydroxy, I am much better with PLAQUENIL far fewer tummy problems and headaches etc
Hydroxychloroquine is very much effective to SLE, No side effect noticed, even more supportive & favorite medicine during pregnancy for SLE. I am having SLE since 2 yrs & I was given 400 mg per day during my pregnancy to avoid any consequence effect to my baby, it worked for me.
Thank you everyone for you knowledge and advice, I think I will give it a try and see how it goes. x
Been on plaquenil for 3 months, few tummy problems but felt so much better, less flare ups and joint pain, get tired days but on the whole much better, lowest dose of steroids I have been on in two years and hopefully will be able to get off them
Yep - I'm on Quinoric 200 mg twice a day. No side effects. Less ulcers, fatigue, hair loss, dry sore eyes. Not sure about joint pain reduction though as on steroids also. Give it ago! X
Hi i have been on 400mg for over 18 years and the only thing i have trouble with is my eyes i have to have a eye test every 6 moths as that have become bad it is one of the side affects hopefully you will be ok with it,
good luck keep well x
Hi, I started on quinoric 3 months ago and have just this week started to notice a difference! I was beginning to feel it wasn't working but I read on this site that they can take at least 3 months to start working, so stick with it! I'd recommend taking it with food which helps minimise tummy problems ( I had an awfully noisy tummy for the first month and such bad wind my husband and kids nearly left home!!) that has all settled now as long as I take it with food. Good luck and if you experience any side effects then this site is the place to look. Xxx
Hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil here as well..been on it since 2005 and its helped a lot with fatigue, joint pain too. Had the dose lowered at my request just once and the fatigue came back so they put it back up far so good..eyes tested once a year like many others...Good luck, hope it helps you too
yes l take Hydroxychloroquine, have been for 10 years, it does affect your eye sight so l have a test every year for that, l am also on Myfenax as well, with both of these l can function fairly normally
I take it for about a year now but don't feel any different. In fact I am having a lot more flareups than I used to. I go to Dr next month and am going to tell him.