Admitted to hospital with what I thought was a chest infection and bad reaction to antibiotics on Monday - turns out I have 2 sites of Mets on the brain. Totally floored me.
Made the decision to "come out" to extended family and friends. What a difference that's made. The support and love I'm getting is unbelievable, and actually it's not me anymore, it's we! I can let the facade down and handing over control doesn't mean giving up after all- it's actually empowering to be able to let people in and tell them what we need to help us.
2nd Immuno was scheduled for Tues but that's on hold now due to high dose of steroids ( was a lot of swelling hence the headaches and difficulty focusing). Radiotherapy now looks likely so waiting for that appointment in the next few weeks I suppose.
My outlook is positive though after a very shaky start on Tuesday - so many of you on here have been through this so I know I can do it and get through it - you have all been my family since day one and now I have the blood relatives on side too along with a healthy mix of religion and prayers - all bases covered I think!
Steroids have turned me into a bit of a night owl - went to bed 9pm unable to keep my eyes open, slept till 3am, woke up bright as a daisy eager to get the hoovering done but settled for some coffee, toast and texting!
Goodnight my friends and hope you are all doing great. X