Hello everyone,
Thanks for welcoming me. I don't have lung cancer myself but my grandfather has been diagnosed with lung cancer this week. His 86 years old, he has rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease stage 3, has had minor stroke so on blood thinners, high BP, Anemia.
He had a ruptured ulcer last month and we found him after he managed to call us around. Now long story short he has got lung cancer, they explained something about the tubes either it's In the tubes or is travelling down. I'm not entirely sure as I wasn't there. He was offered an operation that he was told was very risky and dangerous. My grandfather has therefore refused it so they just said if there's any blood in urine to let them know. That's it!! I'm just wondering what do we expect now, how serious are we talking? What other treatment options are there? His a smoker by the way!
I'm just at a loss am incredibly anxious and worried, I have Lupus and have had to go back on my anxiety meds cause of this I'm so worried for him 😞. Please any advice really helps. Please help me understand what is going to happen
Thank you all!