I don't know the type of cancer yet. I had a bronchoscopy, but they were unable to get a tissue sample. I then I had a positive pet scan. I've seen my surgeon and am scheduled for late August ti to have a lower left lung lobectomy. I don't know the cancer type or stage at this point. I've been told from the pet scan that it's early on and the nodes didn't light up, which I believe is a good sign. Now I'm feeling scared. Everything I've read about a lobectomy indicates a lot of pain and long recovery. I would so love to hear from others that have had this surgery and learn about their experiences. Thanks so much....
Recently diagnosed lower left lobe cancer - Lung Cancer Support
Recently diagnosed lower left lobe cancer
The best I can recall I did not have an unmanageable amount of pain. Just stay on top of the pain and if the pain meds are not strong enough then don’t be shy - let your doctor know! I was able to drive less than 4 weeks after my surgery. Just take 1 day at a time, and definitely walk once they allow you to. The sooner you are able to get moving the better! Best of luck!
Wishing you the best with your upcoming surgery. Validate your anxiety - this is scary stuff and yet have confidence in your team (or get a new team if you don't have trust and confidence in them). I've read many write on various sites the importance of managing pain and that was not too difficult to do for many as well. Biggest thing I've read is pacing with how much one walks early on and yet to walk and then rest as needed. Takes a bit to build back up the remaining lung function. Just saw someone on another site say they were back to their normal of daily activity after 6 weeks.
Although surgery is scary, I would feel positive about the lobectomy. The fact that you're eligible for it at all means your cancer is at an earlier stage. The fact that the nodes didn't light up suggests you are at an earlier stage. So be positive and feel good that they will remove it from your body. The temporary discomfort you'll have will be worth it. Remember that for pain relief, it's easier to keep pain away than it is to treat it once it's there, so if you're advised to take something regularly for pain in those first few days post-op, make sure you follow the instructions. Good luck!
Thank you so much for reminding me that I'm lucky to be a candidate for surgery! I have been so preoccupied with the fear that I lost sight of all the positives. I was diagnosed quite by accident. I had some chest pain and my primary care encouraged me to have an angiogram. (because of family history) Turns out my heart is in great shape but that's where they first saw the spot on my lung. Yes, I am very lucky and I thank you for helping me see that. Also I appreciate the encouragement!
Natural to be anxious and I'd be staying away from Google if you can. Having had open surgery for an upper left lobectomy in Dec 2010, I also frightened myself with what I read. I hadn't had a biopsy but the large mass showed up on all imaging types so was removed and turned out to a 7cm adenocarcinoma (which I was told about on 13/1/11). I was back at work, and active quickly and swimming by the end of March and back to my 130 x 25m lengths a session by the end of June.
Nowadays the majority of lung surgery is minimally invasive - keyhole - either video assisted or robotic which means a less complex procedure, shorter stay in hospital, lower risk of infection and quicker recovery generally.
I've been involved in lung cancer research since 2013 and hadn't appreciated at the time of diagnosis how few people are detected early enough for surgery even to be a possibility so am even more appreciative for every day.
This booklet was compiled by my local tertiary surgical centre then adopted a few years later by the UK's leading lung cancer charity - it is regularly updated and reviewed by a patient panel (which I'm on) and should answer many of your questions/concerns.
good luck with your pre-op assessment, treatment and recovery. roycastle.org/app/uploads/2...
Thank you Janette for sharing your positive results. It definitely helps to hear this. You're right about Google. I'm just one of those people that feel better armed if I know what to expect. But, yes it has managed to scare me silly. I'm so appreciative of the feedback on this site!!! It's making me feel less scared and reminding me to be grateful that it's been found so early!
I am one week out from my lower left lung resection, and I understand your fears. Follow the discharge instructions for pain management. Also be aware of wound care for your incisions and have someone who can help you change your bandages. I bought one of those body pillows and it helps because I can wrap it around me for support when I need to cough. I’m team Google as I am big on research! Good Luck!