I had nscc in my right lower lobe..Lobectomy on April 10..Pathology showed it to be Adenocarcinoma which my have began in my upper GI or pancreas but nothing but the spot on my lung showed on the PET scan..Stage 1..very small tumor..oncologist wants another PET scan..I had one in March.. I am so afraid something else is going to crop up..sometimes I can’t it off my mind... I have strong faith and feel bad for worrying
Lung surgery for NSCC..: I had nscc in... - Lung Cancer Support
Lung surgery for NSCC..

You’ve had just about the scariest diagnosis anyone could face. Regardless of the stage! Of course you’re afraid! Your body has turned against itself. The hardest lesson a newly diagnosed person can learn is that the cancer will do what the cancer is going to do. You can’t control this. You can only control your response.
While you are waiting for that next PET scan ask your doctor about an anti anxiety or anti depressant medication. We are the patients for whom those drugs were developed. You don’t have to stay on them forever, just until you are ready to do without. I only stayed on them a couple years.
Try taking up meditation. It will teach you to live in the moment which is a good way to chase the “what if’s“ away. Also in the days and weeks before a scan many a closet or garage has been cleaned out.
Hi MissKitty, excellent news that it was still at stage 1! Oncologist is correct to do another PET to better show whether other locations may have cancer or are probably cancer-free at this time. Take a deep breath, and take it on day t a time. All Best Wihe, judg69
You have just been through one of the biggest shocks both emotionally and physically that we can face. It sounds as though your oncologist is covering all bases in order to provide the best treatment possible. The first time I saw my primary physician after my cancer surgeries, he said that I was like a China doll, very fragile. That is where you are now. It does get better with time. Something for the anxiety might be in order, so do consider it. As hard as it may be, take things one step at a time and be kind to yourself. Try to keep your mind active with those things you enjoy doing. It sounds as though you are in good hands medically and you need to take care of yourself.
I hope your pet scan comes back negative and you have a smooth recovery.
I had Small cell Cancer and I had a Lobectomy 2 1/2 years ago. I had my surgery performed at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, CA. My Dr. was Robert McKenna Jr. He’s the Director of Thoracic Surgeons. He saved my life!
The recuperation was really a breeze. It was what came afterwards. When it was the right time I had 6 months of Chemo and then 5 weeks everyday.
I had some symptoms that led me to an ENT specialist to try to stop the over abundance of my Salivary gland to try to stop my silica tasting like poison and to help the burning inside my mouth and tongue, as well as, a constant runny nose and tears burning when I cried. He sent me for a CAT scan to see what the problem could be. He called me as soon as he got my report showing I had cancer. He said you must take care of this first and will deal with my symptoms after I see a Surgeon. My cancer was caught early and so I have a good chance of living longer.
When I went for Chemo on the 4th day they give you a shot of Neulasta. That shit sent me to the ER. I was paralyzed from head to toe. The ER misdiagnosed me, which sent me to my Acupuncturist to help me walk again. After months of his treatment I was able to walk, but my balance was affected. My Oncologist sent me to The City of Hope to a Lung Specialist who was an associate of his in Medical School. All she said was continue the Chemo without the shot. I was sure she was going to admit me to their hospital. Since the City of Hope is a research hospital. To my dismay she sent me home.
I was given low dose Chemo for the rest of my Chemo treatment.
I’m working now with all types of Specialists. An ENT, a Neurologist my Dentist, etc. So far nothing can be done to help my symptoms that never went away and the shot I believe made everything that I felt even worse.
Maybe the worst thing that happened to me was the day I was dismissed from the hospital. I had developed a fever and the doctor treated me with antibiotics. Was at the hospital for 2 more days. Went home and recuperated nicely.
I have so much more to share with you, but I feel I informed you enough.

Now that was a heck of a story and you said there is more! I am sending you hugs. You have been through hell.I have lung cancer stage 3b , two places in right lung. Had surgery in 2013 at UC Davis. No mop up chemo or radiation per the tumor board because they are finding it causes more problems than positives. Next month I am six yrs no evidence of disease.
I know how lucky I am believe me. You are strong. Hang in there.
Hi MissKitty, you've already gotten some very good advice. Worry is a very normal reaction, someone told me at the beginning of my journey that it's okay to visit worry town, just be careful not to stay there too long. I agree with Denzie, many closets, garages, and junk drawers are cleaned and rearranged/reorganized multiple times because of scanziety.
Take things one day at a time, and try to keep your mind occupied. If you have any hobbies or anything you enjoy doing, do it if you can.
I lost my upper left lobe to stage 2 LC in 2013. Then in 2018 I lost the upper right.
Come here as often as you want
If you ever want to talk, just message me. I will respond.
I am in Western New York. Where are you from?
Booneville Arkansas..But originally from Texas..lived here in AR for 30 years
I'm originally from here, but lived in California for a few years a lifetime ago.
Some days I feel stronger mentally and physically..other days not..I get tired after doing something.. I am 63..was a Realtor but don’t know if I can go back..already on SSD due to severe arthritis
I went on SSD after my LC, but went back to my PT job for about 2 years. I retired permanently almost 3 years ago, I was 59, I am now 62.
I too have good and bad days. I think most if not all of us do.
Being older it has been harder to bounce back..I have recovered remarkably well..tomorrow makes 5 weeks..but I still feel unsteady sometimes..and my house shows it..My husband pitches in and does soo much..I have got to where I can do dishes..make the bed and do laundry..Haven’t tried sweeping yet..maybe a dust mop now
Yep, you do what you can when you can. I am only 6 days out from hip replacement surgery, so I'm still at the sit on your butt while hubby does everything stage.
But yea, you are only 5 weeks post op, it takes time. After my last LC surgery, I learned to do the "not needed daily" clean in stages over a few days. If I had to tackle more than 1 thing (sweep kitchen and bath, and vacuum livingroom and bedroom. I would sweep and then rest before vacuuming.
Hi Miss Kitty,
I am 78 and out of surgery for a little over 3 months now. Lower right lobectomy and a middle lobe resection. The surgical pain lasted about 3 weeks for me but the nerve pain and mental anguish lasted a lot longer. Fortunately my family doctor picked up that I was depressed and put me on lexapro. I didn't want to take it but I relinquished and within 10 days of being on this drug I started to be my old self again. Sure. I have days where I don't want to get out of bed but they are few and far between now. I also am short of breath with the slightest exertion but that may be a way of life for me from here on. I got a lot of great advice from this web site and it looks like you are too. Good luck on your recovery , and as someone told me on this site, "Don't be too hard on yourself, give yourself time to heal".
Shortness of breath should get better with time. When I came home from the hospital after my second lobectomy for LC, I was on oxygen 24/7, 3 months later I could walk around without it.
Thanks, I was also on o2 24/7 but my doctor took me off the 24/7 and I use a portable only when I'm golfing or working in the yard. I live in East Central Ohio and we have been having horrible weather that's when it hits me the hardest. I hope it gets better, if not, I'll live with it, what other choices do we have.🤔