Hello, I had panic attacks 20 years ago and avoided a lot. The attacks stopped over time (2years) and I was symptom free until 2 years ago. Had first one at airport, second a year later at my mother s home, since then depression crept in, constant worrying. GP put me on Prothiaden, an antidepressant that, once right dosage was reached, made me panicky 24/7. GP said I d need more, she didn t believe it was side effects. I insisted in coming off them and felt betterafterwards.However, my heart rate was elevated a lot and I felt stressed all the time. Then I found out that Nice recommend to take all patients off Prothiaden because of increased cardiac risk. I was actually prescribed something Nice and NHS don t recommend any more. I m on beta blockers now.. The first Atenolol helped in calming me down but caused severe nightmares. Now I m on Bisoprolol but my anxiety is worse: especially at night I feel intense unease in the area around my stomach, a pumping vibrating sensation, and then as if an adrenaline rush is about to flood every part of my upper body. I know all tools like deep breathing, mindfulness, positive thinking etc. But:I keep asking WHY. I cannot take much more of this. Waking up to panic again and again. A GP saying :it is Just anxiety. I hate the word 'just'. I had ECGs done, bloods, have counselling.... but I cannot accept it. It affects every part of my life. Sry for this long sermon. Needed to talk. As I see so many of you are going through the same... hats off to all you strong people, fighting through it every day
Anxiety+panic, side effects from meds,... - Living with Anxiety
Anxiety+panic, side effects from meds, let down by GP
Wow!i could have written your post!
Your not alone.i know how horrific “just anxiety” is.have a look at my posts and see how badly I deal with it.
Hang in there.we will conquer this.
Thanks so much for the quick reply. I m going to read your posts right now. I m hanging in, yes, but sometimes I d like to hang 'out ' A very low 'low' like today takes everything, all my reserves. Thx Minnie
Hi there again. I know exactly what you are going through. The waking up at night out of my sleep I'd feel an adrenaline rush like its crawling up my body and then my heart pounds, I also get the ringing ears, feel tingly cold sensation through my body and head. When that happens, I'm always thinking, "oh gosh this could be it. Is this the one that will take me out?" Because like you say, it's a very uneasy feeling and yes it very well would mess with my gut. It's been times when it would wake up my acid reflux and either make me gassy, belch, bother my stomach as well. And I've had episodes happen out of nowhere too, in public settings.
*side note(p.s)....I haven't did a video yet on my story about this yet, so that's why I didn't attach my YouTube to it.😊
Thx for your input. So good to know I m not alone. As you describe: the question's this the one that takes me... ' The nights are worst. If you have an update on YouTube on that let me know I m laughing right now. Thanks for that xx

Lol. Glad I could make you laugh.
Please go to a psychiatrist for anxiety medicine. A general doctor doesnt have the expertise to help you.
I say this a lot bc it's true: millions of people in US alone have anxiety & depression. You are not alone in feeling how u feel. If you go about it the right way w the right medication and therapy you can heal yourself and rid yourself of this.
Continue to post & share your story. We are here to listen & help💛
Xx Sunni