Internal Shaking or Vibration when Waking - Living with Anxiety

Living with Anxiety

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Internal Shaking or Vibration when Waking

Rob9771 profile image
306 Replies

Hi, I have had this issue for over six months, When I wake at around 4 or 5am each morning I feel my body shaking inside. Once I open my eyes and focus it vanishes in 5-10 seconds. I then fall asleep and the next time I wake it does the same. Sometimes this can be 1 minute later and sometimes and hour or two. At its worts it can repeat 10 times before I actually get out of bed. I don't take any medication, don't drink, smoke or have caffeine. My GP suggests that it is adrenaline waking me up as because it stops as soon as I open my eyes. If I wake but keep my eyes closed it continues. I don't have any other symptoms. Before this started I was diagnosed with Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and had a couple of weeks with serious vertigo until I used the Epley manoveure. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks around the time it started but would consider myself 95% sorted in that respect. I am yet to read on any forum that it is linked to anything serious but at the same time it seems a common thread is that it affects people with some form of anxiety.

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Rob9771 profile image
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306 Replies

I have this to the T.

I was told it was anxiety. I was put on Zoloft 100mg :( I still feel it when I wake up. It does make me wonder if it is brain related. The trembling is more in the chest sometimes in my hands but when I asked someone near me if they can see me trembling they said no and that its just your nerves. Do you get night terrors?

Is it cold where you sleep?

I've noticed the last couple of times it was a bit chilly, maybe something we should consider?

Rob9771 profile image
Rob9771 in reply to

Never had night terrors - Mine happens repeatedly in the early morning. I wake, shake a bit drop back to sleep and wake and shake a bit. There is something going on but I have also discovered that when you have something like this you tend to be come quite hypervigilant and look for symptoms. I sometimes you lay there wondering if I can feel something and then realise its my pulse. With practice you can start to feel your pulse in multiple places simultaneously which then feels like an all over tremor. My guess is that it has its origins in anxiety - and that's something you just have to work at. If it's any help I used a book by Rob Kelly called THRIVE and found it very useful.

mike-strachan profile image
mike-strachan in reply to

Hidden: Yes the vibrations when it's chilly, but then there is some overlapping shivering.

in reply tomike-strachan

Hello & Welcome mike-strachan :-)

Just noticed your reply and wanted to say hello as this post was written 4 years ago , not sure if the members on the post log on anymore but did not want you to think no one would reply so thought I would say a quick Hello and look forward to getting to know you more :-) x

tonim109 profile image
tonim109 in reply to

I have it and its not anxiety, try endocrinologist and Propranolol ER works better I've found than all the benzo's and antidepressants and saves us all from looking crazy.

Amb0776 profile image
Amb0776 in reply totonim109

Please email me

Audr77 profile image
Audr77 in reply totonim109

I have exactly what the person described (when I wake it will continue if I keep my eyes closed but will stop if I open my eyes or hold my breath). Tonim, what was your diagnosis if you're happy to share? Or are there any hormones you recommend getting tested? Propranolol did work for me but the side effects meant I couldn't continue with it. My cortisol was high but not high enough for cushings. All other bloods, MRI are normal for me.

tonim109 profile image
tonim109 in reply toAudr77

only lab test so far that has come back abnormal is the ANA then went to Scl 70 but no other signs of Systemic sclerosis

Blue0tter profile image
Blue0tter in reply toAudr77

Did you figure this out? I’ve been experiencing this for a while now.

svelpeeeette profile image
svelpeeeette in reply toAudr77

Natural Antidepressants - I began taking these a few days ago and my mood has improved drastically. The first day I took 2 pills and by the following day, I felt much better. I now take 1 per day and I haven't cried once in the past few days since taking them. I pray they will continue to work. This time, my sleep hasn't been affected by the pills. I am able to sleep a good 8 hours without drowsiness.

basha12 profile image
basha12 in reply totonim109

is propranolol habit forming ? how many months u have used ? are you free from internal vibration ?

Halogen54 profile image
Halogen54 in reply totonim109

Thanks for your answer. So what does the Propranolol treat in your case? You mentioned hormones. Thank you. I’m seeing a neurologist.

arne671fili profile image
arne671fili in reply to

You may consider upping your magnesium intake. Muscle spasm/ twitching is often a sign of low magnesium levels. There is a product called Natural Calm - that is a magnesium supplement that you add to your water. It helps with muscle twitching and has the added benefit of relaxing you a bit. It’s all natural and does not contain medication.

Zebra05 profile image
Zebra05 in reply to

look into mold toxcity. mycotoxins effect the brain. It causes internal shaking or internal vibrations. It can make it hard for your body to regulate body temp so getting cold can be a symptom. Night terrors from the excess cortisol and adrenaline in response to the incredible amounts of inflammation. Anxiety is a very common symptom with mold toxcity. Like for an environmental doctor to disabuse and treat.

Jake123- profile image

Yeah I get this sometimes but am quite bad with nerves it's horrible feeling

rhondacleo profile image

I've been researching this for a while. Both my brother in law and myself have this. He gets it when he's going to sleep. I get it only when I'm waking up. It's interesting to me that it happens to people in a altered state of consciousness. We both suffer from depression and some anxiety. I'm wondering how many other people also have depression or anxiety and if it's related.

Jersey08 profile image
Jersey08 in reply torhondacleo

I seem to have it too- wake up at 4am or 5 and feel vibrations inside entire body and can’t go back to sleep until it stops. I thought it could be related to having to wake up for my twins at 4am feeding for awhile and having that anxiety that I would oversleep. I also have slight anxiety problems in general. It’s horrible though and it dirupts my sleep patterns because then I have to stay up for my toddlers.

Salongirl1 profile image
Salongirl1 in reply toJersey08

I started getting this when I was a little bit sleep deprived and as I was dozing off even if I was taking a nap I would start to shimmy and shake a little bit inside and it would keep waking me up and now it’s happening in the morning between four and five when I wake up I get the shimmer shakes inside it’s the strangest feeling it lasts only maybe 10 seconds or so to wake me up once I started catching up on my sleep I thought it would go away but it’s still there in the morning mostly. The most annoying thing in the world. I have anxiety and depression and I am guessing they say that when you are in a hyper state of anxiety or deep depression for a long time your body goes into a hyperstate which can cause this. Idk. It is what it is what’s the doctor going to give me medication no thank you I’m just trying to stay relaxed as much as possible I have a mother who is in her passing stages right now and I do tear up and cry quite a bit. It’s good to see you go there other people that have this problem because I thought that I was the only one. Sometimes I think is it hypoglycemia and I’ll get up and have something to eat but I don’t think that’s what it is. Signed over all this anxiety bullshit

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply toSalongirl1

Hi. So I think all of us have more or less similar symptoms. I have had my first bout when in 2009. Ran pillar to post and it took 2 years to resolve. Symptoms were different back then. Right now it's been 8 months

1) started with lower back pain

2) loss of appetite. Lots of bloating.

3) eventually I got more stressed and I could feel palpitations on the left side while sleeping, running till neck and back of the head.

4)2009 also I had lost the tendency to sneeze and this time around also this happened. However, I am very very Llergic to cold and cough.

5) I started getting brain zaps

6) Elevated high BP

7) Numbness and tingling and now burning sensation on the feet and legs.

8) Had low Vit D and B12 which is now upto mark. Vit D is 101 and B12 570.

9) I keep getting this sudden gastro issues.

10) also this rhythmic shaking while I am trying to sleep or all of a sudden in the morning around 5-6AM.

11) Got vertigo and tinnitus 2 weeks back.

12) Have had some really traumatic, busy and stressful events few months prior to this. And also in life generally from time to time.

Ran pillar to post have seen3 neuros, 3 orthos, 3 physicians, as many gastros, Ent, physios and host of MRIs, blood tests, echo, TMT and all the tests. I have lost close to 6 lbs and lots of muscle mass. I feel weak and have been somehow managing to stay and fight.

Now here are positives,

1) I do feel better from time to time

2) Nothing major has come out of tests.

3) The internal tremors subsided quite a bit when I started taking Ashwagandha ( Its an adaptive. Take 1 capsule by himalaya before sleeping. It's a herbal adaptogen)

4) Also magnesium supplement with D3 helped I suppose.

5) My ability to sneeze is back.

I am still struggling with digestive issues especially bloating and dizziness as well.


I am highly energetic however I dont know when to say NO. Also last 20 years O have taken a lot of shit in life for family and have had some really toxic friends and relationships. I believe all of it started taking a toll along with poor lifestyle and sleeping habits.

Cortisol is fight and flight hormone. If you are hyper vigilant, always working, pushing yourself too hard and wasting away yourself. Your entire system collapses. Cortisol also checks I inflammation and infection and if we run out of cortisol, histamine( allergy hormone) takes over and our body stays in a state of shock. Cortisol and other stress hormones are body's coping mechanism. They are like a savings bank account and if you spend all of it, you need time to replenish it.

1) Stay happy

2) Cut toxic relations.

3) Dont live in past, move on. Nobody is chasing you.

4) eat smaller more frequent meals.

5) sleep on time.

6) Dont go high on alcohol.

7) Except for easy walks, dont exert.

8) Remeber and recall good memories.

9) Practice deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing which is called as Pranayam- Anulom Vilom.

10) live in the day. Find reasons to laugh and smile.

11) Avoid stimulants and even sex or masturbation if you feel weak.

These are few points. There can be more points. Let's fight it out and help each other with anything positive we come across.

All the best friends. Remember it's going to take time but we will prevail.

Kitjay06 profile image
Kitjay06 in reply toDj1006

Hi! Omg you seem to have gone through a lot..hope you are able to cope better now. Thanks a lot for sharing some info on how to deal with this issue.

Mine started a week ago when I suddenly woke up around 4 am feeling vibrations in my head. Was kind of shocked then went back to sleep, then it happened again. From then almost every night and even in the day i have been feeling them. Have become super vigilant and the mind is always on high alert looking for symptoms. Went to a GP, he just looked at me and said that he had never heard of something like internal vibrations.

Told me to relax and observe for sometime before going to a neurologistI too, like many here, have been dealing with health anxiety and stress for quite some time, brought on by frequent heart skips and palpitations and some gastric and family issues. Lost a parent around this time last year. My vitals are normal and no major diagnosed health issues. I am an extremely health conscious person, eat well (vegetarian). Sleep is mostly ok but sometimes greatly interrupted by anxiety. Currently, i am very worried that I may have a serious issue like a movement disorder or something. Trying to relax as much as possible. Hope I can deal with this through my own efforts and family support without having to rely on anti-anxiety or ADs.

It is encouraging to read posts here and it seems like anxiety is the main villain. Hope to get relief soon to all of us who are going through this.

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply toKitjay06

Hi Kitjay,

Just do things that I am doing. I believe it will help. Just go through what I have written and you should be ok in no time. Cut out on refined food and cholesterol.


Chameleon2855 profile image
Chameleon2855 in reply toDj1006

Did they ever seem to think MS or ALS

avamaria14 profile image
avamaria14 in reply toDj1006

your story is incredible! I can deeply relate to this too. I am 17 almost 18 and my health took a serious decline last year. All through my first 3 years of high-school I struggled terribly with cystic acne. my entire self esteem was underground, I didn’t want to show my face, and I would pile makeup on. I went to the derm and was prescribed Epiduo Forte, 50 mg of minocyclin (antibiotic) then 50mg of Spironolactone (the medicine that saved my skin, but ruined my health) My skin cleared up beautiful within 2 months of taking these. I was taken off the antibiotic and kept on the topical and the Spironolactone, but was bumped up to 100 mg. As soon as I started to taking 100 mg I felt disgusting. The first incident was constant nausea and dizziness, then came the raging anxiety.. I had a swallowing tick that had me swallowing over 1 million times a day. I became so anxious I passed out on my 17th birthday in the middle of a restaurant. I was freaking out completely convinced I was psychotic. I stopped taking the medicine and the swallowing stopped but I still felt nauseous, sick and constantly dizzy all the time even when on 50 mg of Spironolactone. At this time I completely stopped taking it, and have not put it near my body again. I believe Spironolactone was very high doses of Vitamin B or K. After I stopped taking it, I started my senior year of HS. Within the first week I was in the hospital. I had excruciating stabbing pain in my lower right side, my parents and I assumed it was appendicitis. I was quickly given an ultrasound and what the found was a significantly large ovarian cyst, most likely cause by the Spironolactone. I have yet to menstruate since having my cyst. Weeks go by and it’s around October and I started feeling my heart constantly race. I felt my body throbbing when sitting there, my BP was very high and I felt soooo dizzy. I went to my GP and she told me it’s all anxiety but she still sent me to a cardiologist for more testing and a EKG. I did two EKG, coming out perfectly and here’s where my diagnosis came in. She told me it was very controversial but it’s incredibly common in kids my age, especially after going through medical trauma or periods of anxiety. She told me my fight or flight response was knocked off and was working it’s self oppositely. She recommended small salty meals, lots and lots of water, better sleeping, and LAY OFF STRESS. At this point I had been dealing with so much college stuff and applying to places and waiting to hear back so it really was at its peak. My heart rate has slowly lowered and i’ve been working out more to make myself feel more confident. But recently I have been in two significant car accidents and I have terrible PTSD and driving anxiety from it and I often wake up with these crazy hand tremors, really freaking me out. but now reading this I realize that anxiety is still my biggest battle and I just need to get over the hump and realize i’m going to be an adult soon and everyone makes mistakes there’s no reason to be so anxious all the time. thanks for sharing and helping me realize i’m not alone!

Tractorken profile image
Tractorken in reply toDj1006

Exact same thing I’m going through...did you ever figure it out?

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply toTractorken

Hahaha..its now really funny. Almost 4 days back it restarted however, I am not much concerned now. Tell me some thing, and there we might have an answer. Do you use your phone excessively? Do you use your phone before sleeping at night with an ear piece? Do you have any allergies?

Miteshaashish profile image
Miteshaashish in reply toDj1006

You cure now completely with all that symptoms?cause i m dealing with all this right now...Thanks

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply toMiteshaashish

Hahaha..its now really funny. Almost 4 days back it restarted however, I am not much concerned now. Tell me some thing, and there we might have an answer. Do you use your phone excessively? Do you use your phone before sleeping at night with an ear piece? Do you have any allergies?

Aaron08 profile image
Aaron08 in reply toDj1006

Thank you for sharing I’ve been dealing with this since 2015. I could cry right now because no one really sympathizes with me because they think I’m eccentric or crazy.

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply toAaron08

Hahaha..its now really funny. Almost 4 days back it restarted however, I am not much concerned now. Tell me some thing, and there we might have an answer. Do you use your phone excessively? Do you use your phone before sleeping at night with an ear piece? Do you have any allergies?

jh_lg profile image
jh_lg in reply toDj1006

Your symptoms are almost the same as mine. It just started 3 weeks ago. Only difference is i'm having pain around my ribcage. The vibrations on my chest would wake me up at 4-5am. And will go away once I change positions. Did you also feel some twitching on your muscles?

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply tojh_lg

I am definitely 80 % better. Hoping to have it all under control. Stay happy and not jittery. Give yourself time and take care of your digestion. Small meals upto5 times a day. Eat and sleep at the same time every day. Try Himalayas Ashwangandha, half an hour before you sleep. Take care of vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 with magnesium.

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply tojh_lg

You would be ok very soon. Yes had lots of muscle twitching. Look at your sitting posture. Leave any addictions you might have.I am definitely 80 % better. Hoping to have it all under control. Stay happy and not jittery. Give yourself time and take care of your digestion. Small meals upto5 times a day. Eat and sleep at the same time every day. Try Himalayas Ashwangandha, half an hour before you sleep. Take care of vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 with magnesium

Dj1006 profile image
Dj1006 in reply tojh_lg

Hahaha..its now really funny. Almost 4 days back it restarted however, I am not much concerned now. Tell me some thing, and there we might have an answer. Do you use your phone excessively? Do you use your phone before sleeping at night with an ear piece? Do you have any allergies?

tonim109 profile image
tonim109 in reply tojh_lg

My lower arms and lower legs kill me all the time

Asherleymoco profile image
Asherleymoco in reply totonim109

I suffer with this as well tonim. I don’t think DJ is on here anymore but I know what he’s going through. I think it may deffo be down to what he has said. I’m going to look for the tablets he said. Ashwashanda or something.

BrendaC64 profile image
BrendaC64 in reply tojh_lg

I have the rib cage pain as well. On the right side. When it's active it feels bruised & at times feels like a spasm. I use heat on it and it's helps temporarily.

Asherleymoco profile image
Asherleymoco in reply toDj1006

Hi DJ1006 I don’t know if you are still on here as it’s been a fair few months. You have literally just described step by step what I’ve been going through. Have you had any more of a diagnosis?

Zebra05 profile image
Zebra05 in reply toDj1006

everything you’ve described sounds exactly like I did in mold. Seriously, look into mold toxcity. The Ashwaghanda helps the adrenals that are trying to cool massive amounts of inflammation caused by mold. The this was my many labs before being diagnosed with mold toxcity. At first it was minor symptoms. Low. vitamin D, b12, magnesium, sodium, potassium, hormones went wonky. Then was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Then my adrenals crashed and was pumping out incredible amounts of cortisol. That’s when the anxiety started. I treated adrenals using seriphos and holy basil. It got the curl down only to crash again 2 years later. This time the seriphos and holy basil didn’t work. My body was rejecting the seriphos and basically everything. It would take holy basil, relora, jujube. I had huge sleep dysregulation. Doc recommended tryptophan. Body rejected it. Then was diagnosed with sleep apnea. The first week with cpaps machine I started getting queasy and anxiety increased. Then I didn’t know why but was told it was underscoring GERDS. I didn’t have any gut symptoms until the cpap. Later, I found out it had mold in the machine plug I had hidden mold in my house. Brain fog, exhausted, the worst anxiety in my life, depression followed, Black armpits, aches and pains, everything snowballing, throwing up, only sleeping 3-4 at a time. Waking every night at 3-4am, again at 5-6am. Cold hands and feet, night sweats, night terrors, rumination, emotional, anger, frustration, overwhelmed, couldn’t tolerate ANY stress, internal shakes that I thought was blood sugar but I also was having blood sugar issues, weight gain, dishes, and I’m probably still missing a bunch. I seemed functional doctors that scratched their head. My period completed stopped at age 22 , PCOS was suspected. Not even kidding, 6 months in clean environments, 12 years later, my Periods started again. Like Concorde too. Every 28 days. Docs just shrugged it off like no proof was normal. HTMA showed my vitamins and minerals were flat lined. A health coach who also suffered from mold toxcity asked if I had looked into mold after I wasn’t tolerating any suggestions she had. I had looked into so many things, and I didn’t see mold, I questioned this. But I began reading about it, joined some Groups. Sure enough we had toxic mold in our house. I tried EVERYTHING you mentioned and more. I was also told it was all mental and I argued numerous times the symptoms would start and then the anxiety would kick in. They said it was from stress. It was but it was a physical stress. After getting out of mold, my anxiety went away in its own. It only happens not when I’m re-exposed. At the tail end of living in mold, I began having diff intolerances. Now I have MCAS which mast cells release histamine. I have histamine intolerance as well. I’ve been out of mold for 2 years now, Many symptoms have went away but I’m chalk full of mycotoxins. The MCAS has made it hard to detox the mold. I unknowingly lived in mold for 10 years. Everything started about a year after buying our first home. I saw numerous doctors and labs only showing minor issues. It was snowballing very slowly. For me, it was NOT mental stress like everyone told me. But the mold does dysregulate your adrenals, hormones, limbic system, a neurotoxin, and so many things. I still am on adrenal support at moment. The fight or fight response your talking about is the adrenals trying to calm the inflammation as cortisol is a natural antiinflammatory. I had more stress moving out of mold than I did in mold and I handled it much better. We found the mold as Covid hit. We moved into a rental while housing skyrocketed during Covid. We had problems finding a house to buy. Most houses we couldn’t even view bc they were buying sight unseen. Then you have Covid. the shortages, everyone losing their minds, couldn’t get the supps I needed, having food intolerances but couldn’t get the food I needed, then realized the rental also had mold, sold out home, moved 2x in a year, we were about to be homeless bc we had agreed with our landlord/friend we would only be there 3 months while we bought a home but we couldn’t even buy a home bc of Covid, the week before we had to be out, finally found a duplex to move again temporarily. Then, when we thought things were finally settling down, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She passed a month after diagnosis on my nephews wedding day. Then I had all the will stuff, selling and splitting profits with siblings for her properties, and still trying to find a house to buy. We signed another lease at duplex and concurred hunting for houses. Housing market sill crazy plus we began realizing for many homes were moldy so it took us some time to find a clean home in Covid market. 4 months later, after my mom passed, we finally found a home and bought one. This ALL happened in a years time frame and yet, I was handling it better than I did in mold. Everyone would find any stressor and blame it on the stressor for my anxiety. This is long and sadly this isn’t even ALL of my story. I just found an environmental doc at end of Feb this year (it’s now sept) to actually treat me. It’s very slow go now bc I’m not incredibly sensitive but even so I feel 10x better than I did in mold. I read lots of information in the time while I found a doc. I had ran the labs myself. I was chalk full of every toxic mold out there. I read Toxic by Neil Nathan and break the mold by Jill Christa. I followed mold doctors and others who had experienced exactly what I had until I could find a doc. I’m reading through so many of these comments and some really really need to look into mold. Most docs are clueless and much of my progression could have been prevented if a knowledgeable doc would have caught it when I started seeking medical advice Many years ago. Sadly, most traditional docs won’t recognize it even ones that had mold in their building!! Anyways, hope this helps someone. I’very been trying to write on a Wordpress blog called My Moldy adventures if anyone is interested.

Timbo60 profile image
Timbo60 in reply toSalongirl1

Sounds just the same as me.Had massive anxiety in January 2021

Much better now, the night panics have stopped but still wake trembling.

Had lots of tests done but everyone says it is anxiety related (but I feel good right now).

Maybe I am hypersensitive because when I’m laying in bed and focus on something else, it seems to disappear.

KimmyFromNy profile image
KimmyFromNy in reply toJersey08

I know this is an old post but this started with me about two months after having my daughter. I typically have some mild anxiety but post partum have had some pretty severe health anxiety at times. Did you find a resolution with this? I’m wondering if it could also be caused from nerves, lack of sleep, hormonal changes/breastfeeding.

tonim109 profile image
tonim109 in reply toKimmyFromNy

all of us are having the very same symptoms, I do in fact use ambien 12.5 ER because I suspected sleep deprivation. I now have xanax 0.25 very low but I hate putting it on my record because they treat you like a druggy but these symptoms feel so very bad...I dont care. I've added B12 and Vit D. a few blown disc's but nothing impressive. a little sciatica because I was stupid and tried to learn english horseback riding at 50 lol. some muscle pain in lower arms and lower legs. positive ANA but still nothing impressive. The only reason I do not think its anxiety is because I had anxiety as a younger woman...real anxiety, panic attack bad and this dont feel anything like it or I would just see psych and be done with it, at least Id know what it is. this has a timer, it knows 5 am, two extra strength tylenol before bed for some strange reason does help. Family members are drinkers but I dont, and they make fun of me. I dont need doctors to look at me any worse than they already do...the embarrassment I feel going to the doctor is unbelievable. I know that all of my labs are perfect except the ANA... Now I will not go back to a doctor unless its been 3-6 months to avoid THE LOOK.and no its not fibromyalgia... I dont need a diagnosis that bad lol

BrendaC64 profile image
BrendaC64 in reply totonim109

I have fibro and was diagnosed by a rheumatologist. I have rheumatoid arthritis as well. The RA is under control with meds but I haven't found anything to help the fibro. I have all the locations that feel bruised when pressure it put on. Like the shoulders, knees, elbows, rib cage, etc. I use heat & alternate w/cold. Advil helps but I don't want to take it daily. Been there done that & had ulcers on the esophagus so I take it only when very bad.

Kmomwoke profile image
Kmomwoke in reply torhondacleo

I have this exact same issue. I noticed it when I was pregnant with my last child 3 years ago. I would wake up from a nap, sleeping (day or night) and my entire body would be vibrating. I brought it up to my GP and gynecologist because I was worried it was the baby shaking or something along those lines. They said that the baby was fine and I described the feeling to them so they told me to use a doppler to listen to the baby when this happens again. There was no change in heart rate or movement in the baby and i could still feel my entire body vibrating, it wasnt my heart and it wasnt any specific body part but just an all over internal vibrating. I have been trying to research this over the past 3 years now (it has continued after having my daughter and I still get it very often when waking up) and I still haven't found a straight answer but I DO have anxiety and have been diagnosed with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD since 2013 and this vibrating began (or I noticed it) in 2016.

AugustWest1971 profile image
AugustWest1971 in reply toKmomwoke

Go see a neurologist, have them run your bloodwork for vitamin deficiencies if you have not already, and ask about Restless Leg Syndrome. Not kidding.

It can cause all kinds of symptoms, not just in the legs (full body, including the internal vibrations). It is more prevalent among women and during pregnancy. Best of luck!

mike-strachan profile image

I have exactly the same symptoms. But sometimes as I feel the vibrations, I feel another form of shaking at a lower frequency at the same time.

I continue with my morning routine as usual, but I am troubled about what it might be.

CharliePaterson profile image
CharliePaterson in reply tomike-strachan

Mike I've had a humming in both ears for three months and last two mornings I'm waking up with a vibrating neck, which goes away as soon as I get up.. Doctor thinks the humming is drug related from taking Terbinafine for fungal skin infection.. ( I also take omeprazole and have slightly elevated blood pressure - I'll find out this week if I need to take medication for that... and I'll report back if it changes anything.) I wondered if I could hear my blood pumping too oddly enough, although I have to admit the seed was planted by reading about the humming. If you find a solution let me know... cheers

mike-strachan profile image

For me this all started several years ago, but in a different form. I was hearing a sustained two second hum, then a break, then the hum an so on. It only happened in complete silence. I thought - weirdly - that I was listening to my own blood circulation.

SandraW profile image
SandraW in reply tomike-strachan

Hi Mike,

Wondering if you had explored further your condition? I also suffer from vibrations and humming. Your post was very interesting.

BunVibrations profile image

This is not anxiety. It is a natural process that human bodies experience as our consciousness shifts into different states during sleep. You notice the vibrations as you shift back into the waking state and the vibrations come over a bit from your sleep state. The vibrations are increasing for a lot of people right now as our energy increases and expands with a shift that is occurring on Earth and in our solar system right now. Many of us experience this regularly through meditation and spiritual practices but it is increasing in many people now because of energy shifts that are going on on the planet. If you are truly interested in knowing more about this and why it is happening to so many people look up energy shift of Earth.

Spiritflyer profile image
Spiritflyer in reply toBunVibrations

I completely agree- this is a very POSITIVE thing that is happening and does not have anything to do whatsoever with stress or illness. It is part of ascension; bringing you to a higher vibration. Enjoy this feeling in your body - when you let go of the fear, it becomes a fantastic feeling that will allow for further growth. I have had this on and off now for the last year or so and I actually look forward to it; I even go to bed early just to see if it will happen! :) I internal-tremble the most upon waking (even if in the middle of the night) and now even see geometric patterns and colors. Embrace this, it is truly spiritual.

JAB53 profile image
JAB53 in reply toBunVibrations

I agree with this as I have had a number of experiences taking place but always at night. Electrical heat up my spine and into my brain, having been pulled out of sleep about two minutes before it begins. Sometimes this becomes more intense in my brain leading to a strong vibrational experience. Now experienced for about ten years. Occasional tingling in my left ear - now experienced for about two and half years. This started a few months after my daughter died suddenly and tragically end of August 2016. Proctalgia Fugax, or anal panic attacks which started about two years before my daughter died - only ever happens at night (no known cause). Vibrations as described only happening at night, sometimes twice in a night, and sometimes accompanied by low level anxiety. I am 65 years old. Since my daughter died, I have notice increased activity in my consciousness and now am mostly into developing my consciousness and also my knowledge of the world and the universe. I am looking to other sources to help this to happen too - like mushrooms. I don't have fear, I understand that there could be a physical cause of what I experience, but I am very happy with my increased engagement with the world around me on so many level. I don't know whether this helps anyone, but I hope so.

Cupcaketrace1 profile image
Cupcaketrace1 in reply toBunVibrations

Omg I cant believe what I am reading, I to have been studying consciousnesses and meditating for 4 months now and this has started happening to me over the last few days 😳🥰

TrattyCake profile image
TrattyCake in reply toBunVibrations

This has been happening to me the last few months. I would wake up thinking it's my heart, clots or something medical but the vibrating stops fairly quickly. Last night when it happened I received a "download" to look into ascension or something on a more spiritual level. Your interpretation is in alignment. Thanks!

I started this a month ago. I believe it's all linked to adrenal fatigue. I've literally had every test, blood tests, ultrasound of my heart and lymph node, xray of my chest and a CT scan of my brain. Everything is coming back normal! But I have fatigue in the day, it's better at night. I also wake up around 5 am with internal shaking. It's so horrible and I absolutely hate this.

Anyone know of herbs/supplements to combat this? I truly will try anything!

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply tolookonthingsabove

Same here. Woke up at 5 this morning with tingling all over and a buzzing feeling inside my whole body. I also felt like my brain isn't connected to my body in the right way, like my limbs are just on one pile without any order in them.

I'm also interested in supplementes or exercises I can do to prevent this, because it is exhausting me.

BunVibrations profile image
BunVibrations in reply toBuzzBee49

Please read my post above. These symptoms really are a normal feeling associated with increased consciousness that is happening on Earth right now. It is a normal process, not anxiety and not a medical issue. The best way to learn to understand and cope with it is through meditation and learning about how your energy body and spiritual nature are interacting with your physical body. Please do a search on Earth shift or 5D shift symptoms and you will have better explanations of the process that causes this energetic charge and vibrations in the human body.

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply toBunVibrations

I don't really care if something is shifting or not. Since my previous post I've become quite ill due to the exhaustion and I can't function anymore which has led to a financial disaster. I'd prefer the Earth to stay like it is and be able to pay the bills and feel well.

Personally I suspect the huge number of cellphone towers which were placed near my home during the last two years to be the cause of my symptoms. The feeling in my body definitely doesn't feel like something good, more like something evil and destructive. I've been a meditator during the biggest part of my life and know when something is off.

Csamai11 profile image
Csamai11 in reply toBuzzBee49

How are you handling things! Mine has been happening for 6 months and I am losing my mind.

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply toCsamai11

I try to keep moving around for a few hours a day and for the rest take a lot of rest and eat clean and fresh food. I started to feel a little bit better till 3 weeks ago when I received a shot with Septanest at the dentists, and now I feel completely off again:-( . The stuff contains articaine, which I can't break down so I now know for sure that I will be feeling ill for the next few months...

Choam_Nomsky profile image
Choam_Nomsky in reply toBunVibrations

Please shut up about this 5D shift stuff unless you have some scientific, academic, peer reviewed evidence. Evidence is important. This is a medical site and you're giving out unfounded and potentially dangerous advice.

OneLuv profile image
OneLuv in reply toChoam_Nomsky

No, people are experiencing something and are free to speak about their experiences. Do not shut down people seeking help even if it is in information you do not agree with. As always if you want sound medical advice, see your doctor. If you want community help here on social media be prepared to read various things from people of all walks of life. Have a good day.

Choam_Nomsky profile image
Choam_Nomsky in reply toOneLuv

I'm not shutting down people seeking help, I'm shutting down people talking about a "5D shift that is associated with increased consciousness that is happening on Earth right now". Where is the evidence for this? Who is researching it?

I work in the medical field. This is a medical website, not somewhere for unfounded, unscientific speculation for which there's no evidence whatsoever.

Offering health advice that you have no evidence for is negligent and callous.

Telling someone who's anxious that they're not anxious and it's not a medical issue is negligent, callous and stupid. I'll not apologise for pointing out stupidity.

BB106 profile image
BB106 in reply tolookonthingsabove

I know it’s been a while but I just found this thread today. My chiropractor suggested that I might have adrenal fatigue and prescribed Standard Process supplements specifically designed to help your adrenals. They really spworked! A lot of doctors distribute Standard Process supplements. You should be able to find one on their website.

Louieyumyum profile image
Louieyumyum in reply toBB106

Hi what supplements are you on please

ilJwamh profile image
ilJwamh in reply tolookonthingsabove

What a relief to find this forum. Lookonthingsabove - this is my story. I've had this internal shaking for about 5 years now and have seen every doctor and everything comes back normal. It's always around 4 or 5 in the morning so I decided I would just get up and pray and as soon as I would sit up it would go away. It is unnerving but I'm asking God for wisdom and peace.

marvalrus profile image
marvalrus in reply toilJwamh

This is the circadian/diurnal rhythm of cortisol. A saliva test for cortisol/dhea-s would be an excellent starting point to see just how yours is going. There are 6-tube tests and 4-tube. 6 tube tests 6am & 6:30, then 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 10/11pm. 4-tube doesn't do the waking times. Sometimes stress bottles up and at some point you may become more sensitive to this rhythm or adrenals respond by putting on a pattern of high/low variant rhythms. Walking will begin to help off-load bottled up stress. Or knowing exactly what's causing possible stress but ignoring it, that too will bottle up stress. You either need to change it, or change the way you feel about it. Your adrenal glands know you better than you do. If cortisol is high, Magnesium Glycinate/Lysinate (Doctor's Best brand) can help calm you. Even if you don't know your cortisol, just try it. Dosage is up to you, start with just one and wait an hour or two to see. You can take throughout the day and at bedtime.

As for the "Earth Shift" - well, this is only 'quack' to some, or sounds like it, but there is something to it. In this regard: We're all electrical beings in some fashion. Note that our bodies are synced to this rhythm of day/night. Our cortisol circadian rhythm goes by the magnetic fields of earth to know where to 'shift'. Imagine traveling far away w/time difference that is greater than your normal home. Your body knows where you're at and needs to 'shift' to this different time/area of magnetic field, and this is the experience of jet-lag. It's our circadian rhythm having to shift. When you return home, it shifts back. No matter where you are on this earth, it will shift to it. As dawn approaches around 4/430am, you can be awakened by the rhythm of your cortisol. Times of stress can bring this on, or other hormones can make us more sensitive to it.

A note to the "doctor" who calls Quack, allopathic medicine is 'not' the only form of healthcare. It is actually a boxed or close-minded, by the book, mainstream learned process. Learn to think outside the box. This is what is missing from the allopaths. Thus the Integrative medicine practices popping up everywhere with much satisfaction. They're not afraid to look at hormones for instance. They're on to something.. Proof can be seen w/endocrinologists who ignore someone who says "I have adrenal fatigue". Endo says no such thing. They are flat out wrong. It's very real, but they don't have a pill for that so move along. What they should do is a 4-6 tube saliva test cortisol, get results and send you on your way with stress relieving techniques, supplements, advice for taking walks, and diet suggestions that could all help. Instead they tell you there's no such thing. What an ignorant form of "healthcare". Many do make their way to an Integrative doctor or Nurse practitioner, get sound help/advice, while allopaths show their true colors of pride over reason. Arrogance really. "Real" doctors are a combination of the two. I think integrative docs are on the rise. You can see this in the big universities such as Georgetown that have this as a new field. The resistant ones are just big pharma puppets that like their bonuses.

And yes, praying to your spiritual beliefs a wonderful thing.

Salongirl1 profile image
Salongirl1 in reply tolookonthingsabove

I agree with that adrenal fatigue there is something you can take I believe it’s called Ashgawanda

Littledoona profile image
Littledoona in reply tolookonthingsabove

Similar issues to you and I leaned I am extremely sensitive to EMF (WiFi, 5G, smart meters, LED lighting). It’s the reason the doctors cannot diagnose it! I feel electrical, fatigued, earthquake tremors at night, digestive issues, heart palpitations, brain fog and dizziness. Basically, my body is so sensitive to these frequencies! Walking on beach or grass helps ground and earth and looking into EMF protection and educating yourself on dirty electricity

Aplumsss profile image
Aplumsss in reply toLittledoona

I am having issues with using phones, computers and WIFI in general. I have started having my neck or back of skull shake when i wake in the morning. It is worse when I have been exposed to the WIFI for long periods. Or that could just be me considering that is what is wrong... I dont know . I just know it doesnt feel normal and I hear white noise all the time. This all started this year .... I look insane to my friends and family because of it. They dont understand why i dont use my cell phone or WIFI anymore but it makes me feel nauseated and dizzy when I do., Is this all in my head or is this a medical condition ... that is the question.

Just to update on my original post - There was nothing ever found wrong with me and once I started to accept it as just one of those things it disappeared and never returned . I was having a tough time and I think it is just one of hundreds of unexplained symptoms caused by stress. Best advice I can give is don't focus any attention on it, when it happens just relax, its not going to hurt you , just go with it and maybe like me you'll find it just goes.

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply to

You have no idea how much this post helped me. Thank you so much for coming back to report your progress in this literally saved me from a nervous breakdown and finally got me on the road to feeling well again 😊

whytelight profile image
whytelight in reply to

I had this about 4 years ago and was very stressed about what might be medically wrong at the time, I think this probably brought this on and I ended up getting very little sleep for nearly six months. Just yesterday this has returned and I'm once again worried about what might be found at a CT scan,I'm begging to think your brain can hold onto past events and retrigger them, so I now need to reprogram my brain to feeling good again.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply towhytelight

How has everything turned out for you?

overstress profile image
overstress in reply to

Just to be are not Rob9771 the original poster, you just had his symptoms to a T, correct? I find it very strange that most of Rob's posts are recommending a book called Thrive by Rob Kelly (who is from UK) and Rob9771 is also from UK. Is the original poster actually the author who wants us to buy his book? :/

Kiki48 profile image
Kiki48 in reply to

How long were you experiencing this? Your post gives me so much hope !!!!!!!

Dailfonic profile image

Just wanted to add that I get the same thing every once in a while. After sleep I get that “vibrating” feeling as I’m waking but goes away as soon as I’m fully awake/eyes open. It seems to only happen when my anxiety has a spike or if I’ve had a really stressful day. I know this most recent time I kept waking from dreams and it was occurring. Could have a relation from going from deep sleep to waking. I agree that like many things that anxiety does to your body, trying to relax and knowing that nothing is actually wrong is the best way to get past it, even though it may take time.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDailfonic

Exactly - dreams. Anybody else notice that it happens while waking from dreams. I started waking at 6 am a few months ago. Than came twitches and fasciculations during day. The sleep disturbance continued and I noticed it would wake me from dreams. I associated it with REM. Then began the internal vibrations less than 1 month ago. They were associated with hypnic jerks. When I would go to sleep, I sometimes felt the vibrations, but mostly whe waking at 5 or 6 am. I think I have BFS or Fibromyalgia. Both related with stress and anxiety. Hypnic jerks come and go. But the tremors are getting more constant maybe. Maybe they are also related with fatigue.

Gld123 profile image
Gld123 in reply toVictorEremita

My dreams seem to be more vivid as well. Also I think the lack of sleep and stress begins to create a cycle of fatigue, twitching, more stress and worry etc..”

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toGld123

Yes dreams more lucid - not necessarily nightmares but very vivid. I've read somewhere that the depressed brain craves REM sleep. But I don't understand the association with the internal tremors. Any idea how to break the cycle? My neuro told me i should stay away from my work before the PC screen for some days.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDailfonic

Just another related issue - Has anyone here suffered from brain fog, related to the internal tremors and ruined sleep?

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply toVictorEremita

Absolutely. Since I have this vibrating feeling I also experience brain fog and also immense fatigue. I feel like I'm 85; I'm not really able to concentrate on anything and am very absent during the day. I constantly loose stuff and am not able anymore to keep things in my mind, like today I had to walk three times up and down to the water meter to fill in the form for the water company.

lavender345 profile image
lavender345 in reply toBuzzBee49

I too, am looking for answers as to why I have this constant internal buzzing in my body. Your symptoms sound a lot like B12 deficiency. Have you had your blood checked?

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply tolavender345

My B12 was recently checked and was fine (about 460 mmol/l). Also: it waxes and wanes, which wouldn't be the case if there was a deficiency. At the moment it's really bad again, after having had a few relaxed days without any symptoms but fatigue. I'm really getting sick from it, I want it to stop and feel well again.

Kmomwoke profile image
Kmomwoke in reply tolavender345

I have been tested for B12 it was normal range and I am also taking a B12 supplement daily for the past year and I still feel the vibrations almost daily when waking from sleep

BB106 profile image
BB106 in reply toBuzzBee49

Same! Have you found any relief?

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply toBB106

The only thing that helps me is going outside and keep moving.

Csamai11 profile image
Csamai11 in reply toBuzzBee49

Wow, we have a similar story. How have you been lately?

BuzzBee49 profile image
BuzzBee49 in reply toCsamai11

See my other reply to your comment. I'll repeat it here:

I try to keep moving around for a few hours a day and for the rest take a lot of rest and eat clean and fresh food. I started to feel a little bit better till 3 weeks ago when I received a shot with Septanest at the dentists, and now I feel completely off again:-( . The stuff contains articaine, which I can't break down so I now know for sure that I will be feeling ill for the next few months...

LVL11 profile image
LVL11 in reply toBuzzBee49

I have the exact symptoms. The only thing that helps going for long walks which I can’t do all the time because I work full time and I go to school. I did have tiredness as well but started taking B-12 two days ago. It helped with the fatigue but not the vibrations. I recently visited my doctor so I will keep the group posted.

Goodtoshare profile image
Goodtoshare in reply toVictorEremita

Very similar symptoms to you - how are you doing?

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toGoodtoshare

So. So. Brain fog is not my main concern now. Dream enactment is.

Goodtoshare profile image
Goodtoshare in reply toVictorEremita

Hmm. Noticed internal shaking over last 3 mths after a chiropractor cracked my neck. It is becoming more frequent - goes away when I am fully awake but wakes me up around 4am. Then right eyelid started twitching all the time and right hand index finger every now and then. Had emg test 2 wks ago which immediately caused right foot to twitch. Two days later eyelid stopped twitching but started to experience fasciculations all over my body (about 8-10 per minute) non stop for about 10 days.... Two days ago they stopped. Huge anxiety if it’s als. Seeing neuro in 2 days. Mum had PD (rest tremors) and father in law the more classical PD.

Have read your other comments and hypotheses and find them reasonable. Hard to pin point cause and effect. Any key observations over the last 3-5 yrs from you? Dream acting could be related to PD according to neurologist - do you experience external shaking? Do u still have bfs?

Miniwheats profile image

I have been experiencing the same thing every night for about a month now. If I wake up earlier in the night, say, before 3am it doesn't happen. Later on in the night, it happens every single time I rouse from sleep. I wake up, move a bit in bed, and start shaking. Has gotten less intense in the sense that my head no longer shakes back and forth, rather, it's just mild, frequent muscle contractions in my torso and neck that all fire at the same tempo and my head doesn't shake. Lasts about 10-20 seconds, gradually fades, and comes back with any additional movement until it finally stops no matter how many more times I move ( less than about 30 seconds total). Have been having dizziness and BPPV for which head MRI came back normal. GP felt it was caused by anxiety but I insisted on additional tests to rule out respiratory alkalosis which could be caused by heart or lung issues. Heart is ok, lungs are ok, then I started to get these shakes. Saw a physiatrist and neurologist about it and neither seem concerned. They agree it could be due to anxiety. I was very stressed out about it but now I just accept it...I figure if it's only happening at night and it stays that way then that's not bad compared to the health issues others live with that are truly disabling. I think it must have something to do with sleep/ wake transition when in deeper stages of sleep. It would be nice though to see it go away for good after doing CBT ( just started) cause that will be proof that the cause is anxiety and nothing else.

pianosong profile image
pianosong in reply toMiniwheats

I have experienced (for the last 6 years.) exactly the symptoms as you have described . Interesting how in tends to occur in later morning and not usually early into going to sleep. With me it also happens more intensely when I wake laying on my side. Usually milder when on my back. I have also rationalised it as you have done and am thankful that I do not have a more disabling issue and that it does not occur all day . I do have chronic back and neck issues and wondered if it related to nerve damage in spine somewhere. But then, why would it be just on waking? It is really frustrating trying to explain the symptoms to Doctors, who mostly just look at me as if I had just told them that the world is being invaded by giant zombie ants from space. Good luck with it and thank you for posting.

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply topianosong

LOL! The zombies comment! Somebody ought to publish something about this symptom so that at least one neurologist on the planet will be familiar with it. Well I have to report that I'm still getting them, although much milder, and some nights I don't get them at all. I'm not waking up nearly as often as when I was having more intense shakes so I'm thinking that I was experiencing adrenaline surges which woke me up, and then I felt the shakes (not necessarily that I was waking up randomly and having the shakes). It's nice to know that you've had them for 6 years and seemingly nothing has come of it. Maybe it does have something to do with spinal nerve who knows, cause I do have lower back pain as well. It remains a mystery but thankfully I am no longer stressed about it and I'm glad that neither are you :)

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toMiniwheats

did the CBT help?

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply tooverstress

Nope. Still have em. Funny how you should send a reply to me today because just this morning I was thinking "what the heck is this?" and maybe I should go get it checked again. To be truthful, I really don't want to go down that road again so I'll leave it be for now.

Gld123 profile image

Another “same here” unfortunately. Internal tremoring at night for the past couple months that often wakes me from sleep. Mine is in my upper spine/back, neck and head. Lot’s of muscle twitches too and sometimes a general weak feeling that makes my legs and arms feel kind of shaky, like when coming down stairs or when holding a push up etc. Also when relaxed I can sometimes induce the rhythmic tremor feeling in my head by moving my eyes while concentrating on the eye muscles.. kind of like the muscle contractions can encourage it. Very bizarre! CBC blood test and thyroid check were normal but electrolytes were low/normal and potassium was out of range just below normal. So idk maybe an electrolyte issue? I’ve been healthy and athletic my whole life so this has me pretty freaked out. Hoping and praying this will resolve on it’s own, and for you guys as well.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toGld123

Very similar to what I would describe. Initially i took potassium and I think it helped with the twitches - more easily you take it by a lot of salad 6 cups per day. Potassium is 99% inside the cells, so it should be very very low in the cells to show also in the blood. I mean you could have potassium deficiency even if it doesn't show on blood test. But hen again, maybe it is more related with anxiety in a way we don't clearly understand. Because for me it continues even in days when I feel fine and with no anxiety. It's like anxiety is accumulated.

MrsAurora profile image

I have had the same problem nearly every morning for the last few months, except it happens when ever I wake up between 4-10am. It also lasts 5-15 mins, in the end my heart beings to race a little more. I hate it, I think it has to be related to anxiety because it's always worse when I have to be somewhere in the morning. I'm a very healthy person, I need to go back on my daily vitamins and drink more water. But I'm active and I'm always trying to stay positive. Recently I started taking CBD oil drops thinking that would help, and it has buy if I don't take it I feel worse. I just want to feel excited to wake up again. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this too.

Shelbygirl1 profile image

Hello Rob,

I’m so glad you posted this topic. I’ve had this same exact issue every since I went through an extremely stressful time in my life and a severe gallbladder attack. Every since, my ears ring and I have morning tremors. I’m not sure which triggered the tremors since both were around the same time. I got sick with what I believe was the flu a few months later and was so dizzy I could hardly walk...this went on for weeks. As a result of all, I now have tinnitus and occasional dizziness and tremors. However, the tremors are always there in the morning and mostly in my upper body area. To this day I still don’t know what causes it. I take some comfort in you acknowledging you have the same issue...only because it makes you feel crazy when you tell a doctor and they have no clue what it is. I just try and live with other choice.

Best to you.

Camperof6 profile image
Camperof6 in reply toShelbygirl1

Mine started after a nervous breakdown, I haven’t heard a good explanation as to why yet. The doctors don’t know and most on the thread don’t either. Just embrace it some say, that’s ridiculous.

SabrinaMadi profile image
SabrinaMadi in reply toCamperof6

I had a severe nervois breakdown about a month ago and constant anxiety till this day. all the symptoms and twitching started right after it. I started waking up with vibrations and trembling yesterday and it happened this morning too. I'm very concerned.

in reply toSabrinaMadi

Do you get twitches in your muscles?

SabrinaMadi profile image
SabrinaMadi in reply to

Yes I do

in reply toSabrinaMadi

I’ve been getting those, mainly arms and legs and now I keep worrying that my upper arm and leg muscle feel weak, achey, and heavy. I’m not sure if I’m just causing it from stress and anxiety though?!

SabrinaMadi profile image
SabrinaMadi in reply to

I get these too. I feel the same things you mentioned. I was told it was due to severe stress and anxiety. Google BFS

in reply toSabrinaMadi

Will do, thank you.

BB106 profile image
BB106 in reply toSabrinaMadi

You may consider upping your magnesium intake. Muscle spasm/ twitching is often a sign of low magnesium levels. There is a product called Natural Calm that is a magnesium supplement that you add to your water. It helps with muscle twitching and has the added benefit of relaxing you a bit. It’s all natural and does not contain medication.

Louieyumyum profile image
Louieyumyum in reply toSabrinaMadi

Are you on medication at I get them as well

KW7777 profile image
KW7777 in reply toShelbygirl1

I have the exact same thing: constant ringing in my left ear and the vibrating feeling when I wake up. I got the vibrations first and about a year later I woke up with my left ear ringing and it hasn't stopped since then. I have no idea what is causing this either but I absolutely HATE it.

Glad to help.. Just accept it or even try and enjoy the sensation. It won't hurt you and I am convinced the less you worry about it the quicker it will go. Keep us posted.

VictorEremita profile image

Is anyone concerned with PD? Does anyone else here feel some tremors even during the day?

SabrinaMadi profile image
SabrinaMadi in reply toVictorEremita

Yes i am concered with it. I had an MRI and EEG because of my twitching but all came out clear. I don't know how PD is diagnosed but I'm scared

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toSabrinaMadi

They say that tremors only at night or upon waking have no neurological basis. Probably just anxiety.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toSabrinaMadi

It seems like you are a typical case of BFS. Search " tremors upon waking".

Paddy90 profile image

Hey Guys, im from Germany so excuse my Englisch.. i got exactly the same Problem, ist all Started 2 Months ago. Everybody say its Anxity and Depression But it gets worser. My left Hand is shaky and i Feed the tremor every Night, i even wake up because of it.. did a big DR. Trip, But they say everything is ok.. But i dont feel like it.

im just 28 years old But i realy think its Parkinsons.

I can Even Heat the tremor in my ears when im Laying in the Side Ohr close my ears.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toPaddy90

Check tremors not only upon waking are common symptoms with Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS). PD had many other symptoms to qualify. Let us know.

PS. Has anyone else here acted out dreams (for example kicking or punching or smiling or laughing when dreaming) and if yes, how frequent is this?

George2660 profile image
George2660 in reply toPaddy90


I have got similar symptoms too. I wake up, I yawn and I am shaking .

I have bean searching internet for hours now, which leads to MS or PD.

My thumb shakes sometimes too, and occasionally my right leg bend too much when walking.

I am really scared :-/

Paddy90 profile image
Paddy90 in reply toGeorge2660

Yeah, my thumbs Shakes too. My left Hand a Bit more. I orderd mucuna now to Test myself. How Old Are you ??

George2660 profile image
George2660 in reply toPaddy90

I am 37 years old, what is this Mucuna ?

Paddy90 profile image
Paddy90 in reply toGeorge2660

Its a Natural Dopamin

George2660 profile image
George2660 in reply toPaddy90

how are you doing then Paddy_

George2660 profile image

Are you going to see doctor ?

I am planning to go , but I am very nervous about the outcome .

I hope it’s just anxiety :-/

VictorEremita profile image

Test this before sleeping? Or after waking?

CheetahTree profile image

I've read all the replies and feel I should tell you my experience.

I wake with extreme tremors with head and torso, I can't control it

I also have extreme RLS and take Lyrica for it at bedtime.

I also have nocturnal anxiety and I take Ativan for that.

I wake with brain fog and extreme fatigue and massive tremors.

I also have dizziness and blurred vision.

It's a mess.

Doctors do blood tests, see nothing so then ignore my Adrenal Fatigue.

It's killing me

I can't take care of myself and am losing my home

Anyone have suggestions as to what I need to do to get better?

What kind of specialist doctor should I go to?


in reply toCheetahTree

I have no idea if it will help but I’ve seen and read loads of testimonials by people saying how amazing they feel after drinking fresh celery juice each morning on an empty stomach. May be worth a try?!

CheetahTree profile image
CheetahTree in reply to

I'll try anything and everything!

Thank you!

I've tried supplements, spiritually healing, prescriptions, even essential oils.

Nothing works.

But I haven't tried celery juice.

in reply toCheetahTree

There’s loads on testimonials on medical mediums page on IG and FB and other pages on IG with benefits of drinking it.

Maditerm profile image
Maditerm in reply toCheetahTree

Ugh ! This is my symptoms to a T... I have lupus and nerve damage in my feet. Extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Potentially from the medication I take from lupus (prednisone).

But I had been on them for years. 10+ years and all of a sudden the last year or so, my health is terrifying. I’m only 25, and I spend most of my days fearing my body is shutting down completely.

All of a sudden my vision is drastically getting worse, I have this horrible vertigo that is way worse than what they seem to diagnose me with. I can no longer look at photos on a phone or computer. I’m a real estate agent, and sometimes if I’m sending homes to a client I’ll get nauseous or think I’m falling down, even if I’m sitting.

I now have horrible brain fog. I have to concentrate on what it is I’m thinking or I’ll forget.

When going to sleep, all of a sudden, I spend my entire night dreaming /waking up thinking about whatever it was i last watched or thought about before bed. I have horrible feelings that whatever I’m dreaming is real. Last week I thought I was a surgeon all night after watching greys anatomy before bed? Sounds stupid, but was terrifying. I thought I had surgery in the morning and Felt I didn’t know how to do it? Woke up wondering what it is I actually do?Takes me 5-10 minutes after waking up to realize that it was fake... Terrifying feeling. Then i wake up shaking in my chest and arms. And the last few days now it’s my legs as well. My whole body is shaking and it takes a bit to stop.

I stopped watching tv to avoid this. And now its whatever I was thinking or stressing about. I no longer look forward to sleep because it’s mkre exhausting fighting these confusing thoughts during, then it is being awake.

I’ve tried to just accept all of this. All of my tests come back normal besides my lupus one, but I feel like I’m dying or shutting down all day every day. Which is terrifying at 25 years old. I had been healthy my entire life until I was diagnosed with lupus. Then everything fell apart. It gets worse by the day.

It’s so scary that I stopped telling doctors or anyone, because I feel saying it out loud sounds crazy and like a hypochondriac, even though all of these things actually happen. It’s so overwhelming i don’t even know what doctor to tell or help? I’d think it’s brain related? But when you have lupus, EVERYTHING is always “it’s just the lupus”. With no real answers. 911! Hellppp!

SFSurfer profile image
SFSurfer in reply toMaditerm

Just curious if you have any issues with your inner ear or ears? I just had a CT scan on my right ear and it revealed Superior Semicircular Canal Dehisecence which is more or less a hole in your ear canal which can cause many of the symptoms you describe. Its a condition which also ties into migraines, with and without headaches.

SFSurfer profile image
SFSurfer in reply toSFSurfer bad

CheetahTree profile image

I do know that most of my problems are caused by too low of dopamine in my brain but can't get doctor to believe me or understand.

I also have major adrenal fatigue and there is no cure for that, although I keep trying.

Thanks for replying.

BB106 profile image
BB106 in reply toCheetahTree

Standard Process supplements have products specifically designed for adrenal fatigue. Check out their website and find a doctor near you that distributes them. They worked for me.

CheetahTree profile image
CheetahTree in reply toBB106

I found an adrenal fatigue supplement that worked miracles for a few months, then just quit working.

This is what happens to me, I am drug resistant and always become immuned to product.

I took double the dosage too.

The supplement is called Stress & Adrenal Support by New Health Vitamins in Clearwater, Florida.

They only sell to businesses, so I get mine from chiropractor clinic.

Make sure the supplement is made by New Health Vitamins because there are a lot of supplements with that name.

You can buy them on eBay.

Here is link to company, they explain a lot about adrenal fatigue.

Hmariewv profile image
Hmariewv in reply toCheetahTree

I'm interested in the low dopamine in the brain. I've dealt with this for a while now. I'm curious as to what led you to feel it was low dopamine? What other symptoms do you have? Usually everything you read says depression and anxiety is from low serotonin but I believe it can come from low dopamine too. There are supplements that increase dopamine.

CheetahTree profile image
CheetahTree in reply toHmariewv

I've researched thoroughly on internet and studied how the brain works and realized I have low dopamine.

One reason I believe this is because the only thing that lifts my fatigue and other symptoms are dopamine raising meds like Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall.

Also, Parkinson's disease is caused by low dopamine and now I am getting uncontrollable head and torso jerks and wobbling.

I also have major restless leg syndrome, which is caused by low dopamine.

My symptoms are extreme fatigue, brain fog, unbalanced, dizzy, blurred vision sometimes, weakness.

I don't know if all are caused by low dopamine but most are.

I've tried supplements that raise dopamine, suppossedly, but they don't work.

I've tried l+tyrosine, mucuna, etc. Not enough help.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toCheetahTree

Don't fixate too much on PD or you won't be able to heal the anxiety or adrenal fatigue. What did your neuro(s) say? Did they rule it out? If yes, why don't you trust them?

CheetahTree profile image

Thanks Rob9771!

VictorEremita profile image

It is interesting how little suggestion is there online for any disease giving mainly night tremors. On benign fasciculation syndrome forums ( this seems a common complaint. Search + tremors waking up.

VictorEremita profile image

Anyone else notices a tremor or vibration in the eye or vision? Especially happens when laying down in the dark.

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

I have this. I have the internal tremoring as most described above but only at night when trying to go to sleep. I don't have it when I wake just as I'm trying to fall asleep. I also have the tremor in my eyes like suddenly my vision tremors mainly on dark.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

Mainly on dark, whan laying down or it gets worse when you are excited? Have you checked that out with a neuro? My neuros say my internal (sometimes also external) shaking, tremor or vibration are anxiety related. Sommatization disorder one of them calls it. It happens also when I am not stressed anyways.

in reply toVictorEremita

I’ve had twitching in my arm and legs muscles for 2-3 months since hearing some stressful news and more recently I’ve felt a vibrating/buzzing in my right lower leg. The twitches are 24/7, although I don’t notice them when I’m moving and busy.

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply to

I’m the same. I don’t really notice anything when I’m occupied but when I stop and sit down for a bit or when I go to lay down at night is when it gets really bad

Magmann profile image
Magmann in reply to

Sounds like a magnesium deficiency. Research it and if that’s what it is, try magnesium glycinate (I use Doctor’s Best brand) on an empty stomach. Twitching muscle problem easily solved!!!

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

Mine is in the dark and laying down both. I haven’t noticed if it does it when I’m excited. I have health anxiety which is another name for somatization disorder some people say.... I have a lot of physical manifestations from my anxiety and the doctor always say it’s anxiety but I always have a little voice in my head saying but what if it is a tumor or something worse.... it’s frustrating

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

Initially I had the internal tremor when waking. Now I have it more when I am falling asleep.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

May I also ask how long have you been having these. For me, it is around three months.

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

I have been having it for a few months on and off. It started a few months ago for like a week then stopped and then start again a week ago and has been just intense. I haven’t been to a neuro. I have been to my primary care and she thinks it’s all anxiety related.

in reply toDogmom55

That’s what my dr said. Do you get the muscle twitches? Sometimes it feels like fizzy bubbles popping all over and sometimes it’s a definite twitch in one place.

I’m seeing my dr again on the 31st for a follow up as I was so worried when I saw him a couple of weeks back.

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply to

Yes. I had a horrible muscle twitch in my cheek for three months! It drove me mad!

in reply toDogmom55

It’s so stressful isn’t it!

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply to

Karen did you too notice vision vibration in periphery of your vision?

in reply toVictorEremita

Not that I’m aware of

KMC71 profile image
KMC71 in reply toVictorEremita

I have this and internal shakes day and night. Friends have also noticed an action oriented tremor. Got checked and my b12, folate, coq10, and fats that would come from fish oils all very low.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply to

For me bad sleep and muscle twitches is how it started. It may be bfs.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

Did you check with neuro yet? How are you now?

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

I haven't been to one. My doctor and therapist say it's all anxiety related. It got better for a week or two and then suddenly this week it came back strong but I have alot of pretty intense family stuff going on so it may be linked to anxiety. I don't get paid for two weeks so I said if by then I'm still having it as bad then I'll go back to the doctor.

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

Hey! I wanted to follow up to you on your question. I recently got my test results back and I have alot of arthritis that showed up in my cervical spine between C7 and T1, she also diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. I started Physical therapy this week. My doctor thinks this will help.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

Let me know if it helps and what kind of physical therapy you are following.

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

I had my third session yesterday. So far it has seemed to help a bit. They have been doing a lot of manual manipulation along my neck and shoulders. They have also gave me stretching bands to do daily at home where I do two different exercises. So far so good! Still having the shaking some at night especially but it seems to be milder

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

Did they reccomend swimming? What about vision vibration did your neuros give a diagnosis?

Dogmom55 profile image
Dogmom55 in reply toVictorEremita

No they did not recommend swimming. I did not go to neurologist. My Dr sent me to Physical therapy to see if it helps. Then I go back to see her after I'm done with PT if it isn't better. She did not seem to think it was neurology

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toDogmom55

But vision vibrations are not continuing or she said it is nothing to worry? Let me know the effects of the physio-therapy.

KMC71 profile image
KMC71 in reply toVictorEremita

What does the vision vibration usually indicate?

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toKMC71

No idea.

Caseymae profile image

Yes I’ve been having this too, but mine is not only when waking up. It happens while I’m relaxing or sitting in bed watching tv. Started about a month or so ago. Horrible horrible feeling. Been to my pc and cardiologist and they say it’s anxiety. Been to the ER also because heart rate goes up because of the anxiety. Heart rate and blood pressure have been really high with this. On the visit to the ER, they wanted to bring my blood pressure and heart rate down so gave me a milligram of Ativan in my IV and I noticed about an hour later the vibrations were gone. I am on a beta blocker (have been for about 18 yrs for palpations) and my cardiologist wants to up my dosage to see if that helps. Found a psychiatrist and said the same thing, anxiety. He wants me to start a low dose of Valium every other day for a short time to nip this in the bud.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toCaseymae

Don't start valium. It will worsen it and has many side effects among others really destroying the brain. Let it heal by itself.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toVictorEremita

Time can heal it, as long as you let time heal anxiety.

Gwenovieve profile image
Gwenovieve in reply toVictorEremita

I tried to let time heal but this has been going on for me for a year and a half. Neurologist says it’s parasomnia and to take Ativan for 6 months and practice all the normal sleep hygiene methods and hooefully get better.

I’ve been taking nightly and helps to sleep through it some but it hasn’t gone away.

I just couldn’t stand not taking anything after over a year of this torment!

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toCaseymae

Have you experienced like a vision vibration in the periphery of your vision?

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toVictorEremita

I have

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toSweetieRn80

have it too. I had a bad inner ear infection with vertigo. When I lay down to sleep i wake with chest shaking and eyes shaky. When I sleep upright it doesn't bother me. I have humming ringing in my left ear. I'm crying now because I thought I was healed but it only stopped because I was sleeping on couch for 3 weeks with nothing behind my head, I laid in bed and slept head down same thing came back. ITS BEEN FOUR YEARS SINCE YOU ASKED THIS QUESTION. HOW ARE YOU NOW ROB9771??

Tractorken profile image
Tractorken in reply toCaseymae

Ever figure it out?

Nrsmel profile image

Hi Rob- I have the same issue lately. Have had anxiety for years but for the last 3 years it’s been worse. I take up to 2mg daily of lorazepam for about 2 years now. Lately I awake from internal vibrations that are just horrible. I’ve recently been trying herbals like chamomile, Passion flower, 5 htp, lemon balm and gaba. I’ve recently read that herbals affect serotonin levels so these could have possibly been the culprit. I’ve stopped all of them now just to see. My other thought is that my meds aren’t working as well and I’m having inter dosing anxiety. I also just read about EMF- radiation from all our devices. iPhones, computer, baby monitor and Alexa to name a few. All of these including our WiFi routers are emitting radiation causing headaches, body aches in bone and muscle. Memory issues and overall feeling unwell. Look it up . Causes numbing and tingling in arms/hands too. I’m so neurotic about it all thinking I’m dying all the time. I pray you can figure out your issue and get appropriate help. There’s such an upsurge in anxiety today and I have to wonder if it’s all related to all the stimuli we are subjected to on the daily. Our bodies are not designed for all this external “energy”. I’m seriously considering going Amish!! God bless and good luck.

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply toNrsmel

You know that I had that exact same thought last week... could it be from EMF?? They say the new 5G wifi frequency is not good at all healthwise. I'm thinking of turning off my wireless router at night. But then I wonder why I only get the shakes at night. Hmmm...

SweetieRn80 profile image

have it too. I had a bad inner ear infection with vertigo. When I lay down to sleep i wake with chest shaking and eyes shaky. When I sleep upright it doesn't bother me. I have humming ringing in my left ear. I'm crying now because I thought I was healed but it only stopped because I was sleeping on couch for 3 weeks with nothing behind my head, I laid in bed and slept head down same thing came back. ITS BEEN FOUR YEARS SINCE YOU ASKED THIS QUESTION. HOW ARE YOU NOW ROB9771??

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toSweetieRn80

According to my neuro. These symptoms are nothing to worry and result of stress or pas traumatic stress. Rob already wrote that nothing was found with him and that these symptoms passed.

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toVictorEremita

Thank you. I've had tremendous stress 7 to 8 major events since September 2018.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toSweetieRn80

So, you have this for how much time? Did you check with neuro?

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toVictorEremita

I have an appt. For eeg and mri.

Long92 profile image
Long92 in reply toSweetieRn80

Would an sinus infection cause this issue

EL444 profile image
EL444 in reply toLong92

Doubtful. I've had sinus problems for 40 years and I just began this shaking thing when waking the last two weeks. I hope you feel better though!

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toLong92

I actually moved by the beach when all this happened. I also brought brand new furniture that has an awful smell anyways I was diagnosed in December with sinus I have serious blockage in my nose. I just had a ct of the head done with my ent doctor and he said to continue to take flonase. Before that I went to my eye doctor because my right eye was swollen he said to try claratin pills for 2 weeks, it did help. Also I had drainage from the inner ear thing in Dec. and now I have a cold in February.hmmmm. it's so interesting how peoples symptoms on this thread are kinda the same

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toLong92

Well I took a claritin around 8am yesterday. That night I didn't have the shakes in my head when I woke up! I believe it could be my sinuses or allergies. Its 2 in the morning and my eyes are so dry and itching. Now I will get a skin prick test. Thank you! I need to drink more water as well for sinus drainage. I dont drink enough.

Amb0776 profile image
Amb0776 in reply toSweetieRn80

I had an ear infection and am experiencing the vibrations and vibrations & weird things in my vision.

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply toSweetieRn80

Part of me wants to hear from Rob and another part of me doesn't...

Long92 profile image

I have the same thing going on right now for the past week.dont know why it is happening wake up ears ringing shaking was diagnosed with sinus infection on antibiotics but seems to keep happening it freaks me out when it happens can't go back to sleep arms hands and chest all vibrate for hours I wake up at different times of night no certain time it happens Dr seems to think the pressure from sinus infection is causing this problem but still makes my mind race anybody else feel this

Amb0776 profile image
Amb0776 in reply toLong92


SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toLong92

Your doctor is absolutely right. I worked out today and my head started to get shakey and behind my eyes today, I got scared but remembered I was sneezing and had sinus drainage today and last night!

Rob, search "Internal Shaking or Vibration when Waking". There's a string of over 100 replies. You are not alone! At least one doctor told one of the people who replied what I assumed it was. Adrenaline waking us up. But we're so sensitive I guess we feel it. OR what I have thought over the years is maybe our brain wakes too early...before the adrenaline wakes us up. Maybe a timing issue.

I lay in bed and self talk: "this is just all my little engines waking me up and will soon go away".

Someone on the string of replies to above referenced string said once they open their eyes it goes away. I am going to try that tomorrow.

It sucks but I lay there and wait for it to go away so it doesn't win. I remember a comment my counselor once said to me when I told her I feel every heartbeat like I am the Princess and the Pea. "That's great that your heart is beating. That means you're alive. Your heart is supposed to beat."

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply to

Also I have noticed that my tremors look like induced by the heartbeat some times. Have you noticed tremors vibration in the vision? Also happens more when laying and in dark or dim light.

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply toVictorEremita

A few times I saw geometric patterns flashing to the same rhythm as the shaking, but this was very early on when I first started getting them. It was freaky. Almost like looking in a kaleidescope...

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toMiniwheats

I get small flash of light sometimes.

Kady77 profile image
Kady77 in reply toSweetieRn80

I suffer with vestibular migraine and anxiety and these symptoms you’re describing sound exactly like that. Flashing lights are a warning sign of an impending migraine. I also have adrenaline shakes first thing of a morning, usually upon getting out of bed and moving (they last about 2 minutes) but only when I’m about to have a bout of migraine... don’t forget, migraine is a central nervous system illness. I suggest keeping a little diary when you get your shakes and see if you have any of the following


Heightened sensitivity to sound and light


Heightened sense of smell


Pain anywhere around the face neck and head.

And ask yourself, are you sleeping properly? As lack of sleep is a major trigger of migraine.

Hope this helps 👍🏻

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toKady77

Hi. I got a dx. A couple of weeks ago. I have vestibular as well. My neurologist sent me to physical therapy, due to the dizziness, and he diagnosed me. So far I'm doing much better. My physical therapist said it happened when I had that inner ear inf in December 2018, so now my left ear is trying to catch up with my right ear which causes pressure on the nerve to the brain stem and my right eye. I still have to sleep sitting up though not flat. But Pt is helping so far with the dizziness and my right eye going this and that way. Also I had a bad sinus inf. Thank you. Also my mri came back negative. Yes I'm having some lack of sleep as well because I keep eating chocolate and caffeine which is not good for the vestibular. I've learned so much through this thread and you tube. What foods help and what foods dont. When my eyes get sideways I find a point to stare at per Physical therapy. Thank you for replying..I was waiting so I could tell the news :), maybe it can help someone else.

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toKady77

Hi. 2 years later. You were right. I didn't even realize my headaches were migraines until a coworker asked if I had nausea too.

SweetieRn80 profile image
SweetieRn80 in reply toKady77

Also, I had a migraine last night didn't know it was vestibular. I just now looked up foods to avoid with vestibular migraine and chocolate was on the list. 3 days ago I ate a tub of chocolate lol because I knew I was starting my diet the next day. Also yesterday before my migraine happened I put a lot of salt on my vegetables, this too can trigger migraines. Thank you so much for your insight!!!

MeganC profile image

Hey I thought I'd just add in here my own experience. I have had tremors or physical twitches but I've experienced the sort of buzzing everyone's talking about and literal pulsing in my vision. Usually the pulsing is slightly faster than a normal heartrate and makes my heart beat faster. It gives a feeling of anxiety.

The pulsing is always associated with a sort of I'm age of something growing? I almost want to say usually it's like cartoon people being pumped up like a balloon. Whatever the image is it all makes me anxious enough that I don't want to close my eyes to go back to sleep.

I don't have it all the time but it's been happening for a good half of my life I'd say. I think it follows night when I wake up in the middle of the night with too much to think of to go back to sleep.

Ive been sick with a nasty cold and asthma which raises heart rate as is and I've been experiencing such an intense eye pulse in the mornings that I'm waking up an hour earlier. I definitely feel it's adrenaline fatigue or anxiety.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply toMeganC

Have you ever thought it can be related with gradual loss of oxygen in the brain? Maybe narrowing of vessels? Many people complaingbof this also have spondylosis. But it also can be adrenaline, anxiety or fatigue. It happens more when you are stressed, excited or tired. Half of your life? How old are you? What have your neuros told you?

So, since buying a year of and doing the daily meditations, listening to some of the their masterclasses, reducing my caffeine (from 1 ten ounce cup of coffee, and two 8 oz cups of tea per day) and walking more frequently for an hour several times a week...I haven't had the internal tremors when I awaken in the morning or as I dose off to sleep. I am reducing the caffeine SLOWLY so I don't get a headache. I am down to 4 oz (Keurig has a measuring button) and I will miss it; it tastes so yummy in the morning.

I did take the advise of someone on here who said they learned that if they open their eyes and look around they go away. I do believe it's cortisol or adrenaline or something that is waking our body in the morning and either we wake before we should and feel it or we're pumping out too much. Either way, crossing my fingers since I hate it, I haven't had it in several weeks.

VictorEremita profile image

Anyone has noticed episodes of acting out dreams while sleeping? That is doing movements that you are dreaming in real life. Sometimes you can wake up and be conscient of having done such movements, sometime the partner sharing the bed can notice them.

VictorEremita profile image

Recently I am creating a new idea. Many of these problems can be created by infections in the head (ear, teeth, gums, sinus etc) or even in the gut. The bacteria builds plaque narrowing or blocking the blood vessels especially around the head and spine. I am starting to suspect that the sleep disturbances and tremors are due to the brain not having enought oxygen when the heart relaxes a bit during sleep due to this narrowing of the blood vessels that furnish the brain with oxygen. The brain gets oxygen hungry and wakes us. Or nerves misfire due to this. Not to speak of the consequent brain inflamation and the viscious cycle with anxiety. So my theory is that there might be a physical beginning (infection/plaques/inflamation) and the subsequent anxiety fueled by the inflamation does the rest.

pianosong profile image
pianosong in reply toVictorEremita

Thanks Victor, Your thoughts on this are interesting and make sense to me. For a year I had (along with internal shaking on waking in neck/back/legs for 6 years) Tinitus, which was diagnosed as a twitching in the inner ear and i was prescribed valium and Anti-depressant by an ear specialist. These did not help. The GP then suggested perhaps i had a sinus infection and prescribed 2 courses of anti-biotic. On finishing the antibiotics the Tinitus stopped and has not returned. (So relieved) I am also told I have sleep Apnea , which is causes reduced oxygen to the brain and 4 herniated/inflamed discs in lower spine and one in the neck. A GP has told me that this inflammation in the spine eventually works it's way to the brain. ( He also told me If I was a race horse they would shoot me!) so while I did not enjoy hearing his comments , his views on inflammation seem to follow your line of thinking.. The Apnea specialist said the lack of oxygen to the brain can cause anxiety dreams as a means to wake you before your brain, depleted of oxygen, causes damage. This may go some way to explain internal tremors on waking. Good Luck and thanks for your ideas.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply topianosong

Yeah, herniated disks, head infections, bad teeth, chronic hyperventilation (sometime caused even by aspirine abuse), any disease or stress that cause brain inflamation, irritable bowel syndrome, many times a combination of the above... the result is narrowing of the vessels and lack of oxygen in the brain. And the brain wakes us up as a defense mechanism. If the theory is true, there must be something we can do:

1) stop eating inflamatory foods like sugar and salt and refined carbs etc.

2) physiotherapy for the herniated discs

3) fight chronic or acute infections in the head or the gut

4) learn how to cope with stress and anxiety

5) daily exercises to learn how to breathe and increase CO2 in the blood which dilates blood vessels

6) not worry about the future and enjoy today - this might be the single most important step to reduce inflamation and brain damage due to cortisol.

God bless you all!

pianosong profile image
pianosong in reply toVictorEremita

Thanks again for your thoughts, i find that in just sharing this information and the the knowledge that I am not the only person experiencing these peculiar symptoms very helpful and encouraging.

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply topianosong

I guess many here suffer also from twitches even during day. What worried me at first were the twitches/fasciculations. I found almost all symptoms in Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS). Nowadays twitches are almost gone completely but this internal shaking and vibration has become prominent in the night when laying to sleep. BFS forum is full of testimonies of shaking upon waking or before falling asleep.

Amb0776 profile image
Amb0776 in reply toVictorEremita

I completely agree with you!!!! I had an ear infection and now all of a sudden I get these tremors that I have never had before. It has nothing to do with my anxiety, I have an infection.

pianosong profile image

Bless you for initiating this discussion. It is so helpful. I have always been a bit of a cynic re social media, as some of it just seems so self centered. But this demonstrated how people can help each other , even though they can be strangers and 10,000 miles away.

The world can be a great place to be when people communicate with compassion.

ilJwamh profile image

The trembling goes away right when I sit up so this wouldn't work unless you mean to take it before going to sleep.

Merrick9903 profile image

So, I’ve been going through this as long as I can remember. At least since I was 6. It happens so rarely but I can guarantee I can induce it when I hit a certain level of my sleep cycle and am startled or artificially awakened before my body is ready to wake. Also, if I run myself so exhausted that I’m waiting for my “third wind” so to speak, and almost to the brink of hallucinating. I do have issues with anxiety but I don’t recall having anxiety as a kid. The two states (exhaustion from lack of sleep and being awoken too quickly ) have different frequencies. I started looking into brainwave activity when I was on a relaxation craze. The binaural beats and sound waves that are used for hypnotic purposes seemed to artificially reproduce the sensation in my body and actually raise my anxiety levels. When I listened to pure theta waves without any other sounds accompanying, it felt exactly like the sensations I got. It’s not metaphysical. The brain produces these waves when we hit our third stage of sleep- when we have vivid imagery and are in a hypnotic state. There is an electrical buzz that radiates through the body and a quick pulse that is not in rhythm with the heart beat. Mine appears to replicate the theta pattern when I’m awakened suddenly. It also seems to replicate alpha waves when I’m overly exhausted and forcing myself to stay awake. We normally move in and out of these states without realizing but i believe these sensations may be a normal response to abstructed sleep. My hypothesis. I would love to find research confirming or denying this. Here is a link to a great theta wave sound bite perhaps you feel it too? Might cause an anxious feeling for some like it does for me. Meditative for others. Look up alpha waves for general exhaustion, no music though. It disrupts the complete feeling. For what it’s worth, I’ve experienced a temporary tinnitus a few times. Not the same sensation. Definitely localized, prolonged and induced under very different conditions.

If this is correct, since we experience the sound waves differently, either with euphoria or with impending doom, it would explain why some people experience this as an earth shifting life altering experience. Drugs produce altered brain states. Meditation produces altered brain states. Exhaustion and hunger and fear produce altered brain states. People react polarity differently to all of them.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toMerrick9903

The theta wave definitely is similar. Interesting.

samvaldez profile image

I have been experiencing this for the past couple of months. Happens after i fall asleep for a few hours, then I wake up between 4 and 7 and the internal vibrations start. When I close my eyes its worse. I try to keep my eyes open and wait it out, but sometimes it even happens when my eyes are open. the first time it happened to me, I went to my parents and my mom had to hold me because i felt like I was shaking. she said i would suddenly jolt when the vibrations started, as if im snapping out of it. It happened to me again two nights ago. This time I ended up getting incredibly sick and vomited a lot, maybe due to anxiety. I think this time it triggered a panic attack. When this happens to me, I feel like i have no control over my body. My body might be completely still but I feel like I am moving and vibrating inside, and sometimes it feels like I am falling. Im very scared to go to sleep because I am terrified of this happening because it is such a horrible horrible feeling. I noticed that the two times it has happened to me were after a night where I had smoked from a dab pen, but had gone to bed completely sober, so im not sure if that has anything to do with it. I try to get up and walk around, but the entire time im filled with so much anxiety and am terrified that the vibrations will start again. This is one of the worst feelings ever and I dont want it to keep happening to me. I had a really mentally stressful time this past year and im not sure if that has anything to do with it. finding this thread was extremely comforting, because for a period of time when i would explain it to my friends or family i would feel like im crazy. Ive read some comments about meditation and exercise, and im going to try and give those a try. im sorry you guys have to experience this too, but were in this together!

Gwenovieve profile image
Gwenovieve in reply tosamvaldez

I had a stressful year too before all this started. Now it keeps happening and I keep losing sleep.

Slr85 profile image

Hi all,

Just want to say that I have had this shit for a year and a half now and was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder with anxiety. I had 4 or 5 funny turns on the lead up to this always the morning after a night out, then went through a period of poor sleep from moving house. Woke up one morning shaking. Then felt it at work two days later. Lost my shit, muscle twitching exploded all over.

Every day it wakes me up, around 5am. I have tried to identify cause, sometimes it feels like it's triggered by my heartbeat but it seems to originate in my middle-upper back and feels like a soft hunt, then internal vibration travels down my spine and into my legs. This just can happen several times quickly and the more it does, the longer it takes to go away. Getting up resolves it but it makes me feel ill.

Then, when I get to work, I'm ok for an hour or an hour and a half then the inner vibrations begin again. Definitely not helped by stress, that's for sure. I've been through every medical test imaginable, except cardio stuff and that is the next post of call as last 8 weeks after another funny turn, I've noticed intermittent tinnitus, really wild visuals, dizziness, sleep disturbance, horrible heart arrhythmia and scariest of all, an intermittent extreme chest tightness below ribs with dizziness.

I think it's a heart thing in origin. My wife says I seem to hold my breath in bed, maybe combo of apnea, stress due to this crapola and the funny turns from too mucj boozing has hurt my heart

Slr85 profile image

You guys should try to perceive the start of the tremor. See if it is the junt that I feel. It's bizarre, there are momentary pauses in the vibrations, like for a second or two, where it is totally gone, then starts again. It's horrible, as it builds during the day I begin to feel totally fatigued by it kind of like my body is in a constant state of shock. Any tips or advice to get rid of this diabolical nonsense would be much appreciated. I've tried every supplement, hypnosis, meditation, name it

Tractorken profile image
Tractorken in reply toSlr85

Same exact things happen to me...if you figure it out let me know..

JSRbr profile image

Ok. I’m so glad I found this! So, mine started about 2 months ago. A lot of what others have said is same for me. I was diagnosed with Graves in January but couldn’t start meds right away to suppress my thyroid so was started on propanalol (someone else with same is also on this drug?) to minimize the racing heart thing. I keep assuming these waking vibrations/shakes were related to my hyperthyroid but I’ve been on the meds now for 5 weeks and it’s not going away. Adrenal fatigue is worth investigating because that would make sense for my situation of hyperthyroid for extended time period before treatment. And My endo is no help at all! She suspected my heart but Heart function all came back normal which i knew because it’s way too fast to be heartbeat and feel ok. Plus I’m a nurse and used my stethoscope to listen to my heart when it happens. It is worse when I side sleep and it wakes me about 3am-5am every night. The Severity or intensity has somewhat decreased over time but still will wake me up. When it happens I personally find it Helpful to sit straight up, open eyes, take deep breaths and then prop my head/back up. If i fall asleep again too quickly it will keep happening. Sometimes I go to the sofa to prop up higher and relax/pray, then drift off with less issues there after walking around or staying awake little longer. I am trying to book a functional medicine doctor with hopes of an answer. Strangely, I also have had a vertigo bout too (4 years ago that lasted several months with a final Dx of vestibular migraine by a neurotologist). I have had tinnitus since i can remember which is worse in left ear. I also have cervical neck and left shoulder pain issues.

To me it feels like a nerve issue or some way that these nerves are compressed since it happens after laying down for a longer time period but recently i find it can happen with just a 20 min nap!!! Mine are mostly in my chest, neck, and head. It’s Frustrating and I’m over it. I will keep searching for answers until i can get rid of it!!! It’s scary and def not normal.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toJSRbr

OMG Same!!!! Two months ago it started for me almost every night and I slept with my stethoscope around my neck but my heart rate was always fine. Worse on my side. It happened a year or two ago a few times so my doc made me wear a 30 day heart monitor and that revealed nothing. The fact that it has been happening so regularly does worry me. IF you find anything please let us all know. I have an appt with neurology in 3 weeks, which is not soon enough for me. The reassuring thing is that it sounds very common and I haven't seen any scary diagnoses but I still worry!

JSRbr profile image
JSRbr in reply tooverstress

Wow! So crazy! We need to figure this out because it’s annoying as heck! I was super nervous at first about what it could be but it does seem like it may be transient( hopefully). Mine has been much milder recently. I’m wondering if it’s because i have gotten my thyroid levels more normal recently. I’ll share anything I get and you please do the same!!! Thanks.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toJSRbr

see my below comment on what I have learned, glad yours is getting better!

Shakymama profile image
Shakymama in reply tooverstress

I have this too. I’m wondering how many of us are women in their 40’s that are peri menopausal or menopausal. My hormones have definitely changed.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toShakymama

So I work with a naturalist and I have chronic Epstein Barr virus and she says it is very possible that it is the cause (reactivated due to stress). She says it can attack all sorts of things in the body and cause similar symptoms because of hormone changes (so it could ALSO be the change as you suggested). I am starting antivirals and seeing if things get better, I will let you know!!!!

JSRbr profile image
JSRbr in reply tooverstress

Interesting, everything with my thyroid points to EBV as the culprit as well. I def want to start seeing a functional medicine doctor now!!! Thanks!

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toJSRbr

Oh wow you should! She discovered that, LOW D, iron, and adrenal problems. My medical doctor would have put me on an antidepressant.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toJSRbr

Any luck? Mine is getting worse and starting to worry.

JSRbr profile image
JSRbr in reply tooverstress

Hi! Mine are still present but with less intensity if that makes sense- like i can still feel it in night and it may wake me but I can fall back asleep by switching positions. I have not seen a functional med doctor yet because they are all very expensive!!! But I’ve been reading a ton and following a bunch IG so therefore have started some beginning basic changes. Which are no gluten and no dairy. Mostly all organic foods with high incorporating of raw foods. Taking vit D daily and a B12 as well as incorporating lots of inflammation reducing supplements. I have no idea if this has help with vibrations specifically but my goal is to reduce inflammation overall and heal from all of this thyroid/ autoimmune stuff. I’ll keep you posted. Wishing you best of luck! And Thanks for asking.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toJSRbr

Glad to hear! Definitely keep us posted :)

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toShakymama

Also I am almost 44 ,don't have any irregular cycles yet but my mom did go through menopause young so maybe...

SocialDGirl profile image
SocialDGirl in reply tooverstress

Just found this thread and relate so much! I’m 43 and pretty sure I’m going through peri menopause. I’ve had the waking up internally shaky feeling for a few weeks, along with major fatigue and muscle aches. GP said anxiety and tried an SSRI which I only took once and it made me violently ill. I’d just started with a functional medicine doc so she checked my thyroid, hormones and vitamin levels. My reverse T3 was high so she upped my Armour thyroid med. she’s also prescribed some progesterone replacement for bedtime which I haven’t tried yet. I’ll see if that helps. I’ve also started supplements for adrenal fatigue. Next week I’m starting neurofeedback to try to retrain my brain away from this anxious rut. (My brother died suddenly 7 years ago and I felt this way shortly after that. It resolved but a lot of stress lately and another loss in the family seem to have dredged up old emotions and I’m back to being highly anxious 😟).

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toSocialDGirl

I'm sorry for what you went through!!! I agree I have so much stress right now and think our bodies can only take so much. I also think that there is a good chance everyone has this but we stressed out people "feel" it more due to whatever. Let's all help each other fix it! Although I will say this morning when it happened I just laughed. I'm not afraid of what it could be anymore, more laughing at how I let things affect me so much.

VictorEremita profile image

Anyone considered some connection to nocturnal seizures? It maybe a milder form of epilepsy? Anybody talked with neuro about this?

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply toVictorEremita

I did. Not seizures because I am fully awake and aware of my surroundings when it happens and there are no other symptoms when it happens. At times I will analyze the frequency, duration, and will feel around my neck muscles while it's happening - not things you would be able to perform during a seizure.

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toMiniwheats

I agree, this is not seizure type behavior

overstress profile image

Well I am going tomorrow to start to figure this crap out. Nonstop for almost 3 months. Fingers crossed.

overstress profile image

I've seen geometric shapes too on occasion. Have you found anything out medically for all of this? Do these still happen?

overstress profile image

Keeping everyone posted here....went to two diff docs in 2 days for this problem. First one says she wants me to do a sleep study for seizures (sorry not seizures) neurology was today and he says it's parasomnia. In the RARE event they can be caused by seizures and brain lesions BUT he had to actually "look in a book" (aka google) and admitted that he did NOT even consider lesions or seizures. My own research prior shows that the only brain disorder that causes Parasomnias (and they are the REM sleep disorder type NOT the kind we all have here) are still not brain tumors. AGAIN and coincidentally why we all seem to be here, links to anxiety/stress, of which I have a ton of right now. Hope that is helping you all so far <3

VictorEremita profile image
VictorEremita in reply tooverstress

Dream enactment anyone?

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toVictorEremita

I haven’t had that.

overstress profile image

Hi! Yes I have seen the shapes too! I liken it to the movie the Matrix or computer code falling. I have tried to actually read what it says to write it down but it disappears to quickly. My neurologist says that is “normal”. More common than the vibrations of which he hasn’t heard of. But in his mind they are also benign. I am going on three months of vibrations. I am believing when we are in a heightened state or “stressed” our consciousness wakes up faster than others because of our flight or fight and we sense those vibrations. I think everyone gets them just most are not fully awake to notice until they have passed!

overstress profile image

At this point I will try anything! Last night was the first night they happened while I was just laying there (I was awake since 12:30 am) makes me wonder if this is what happens to all of us and Eventually they wake us up. Thank you so much I can’t imagine 8 months of this crap <3

HealthCentered profile image
HealthCentered in reply tooverstress

Yikes, Definitely alarming and frustrating when that happens... mine didn’t actually wake me because I would wake up from a vivid dream and then the moment I was aware and moved even an inch they would start for like 10 seconds but it was never really happening when I came to which I always thought was strange.. I was skeptical about the Celery Juice at first but was blown away when I actually got relief that quickly.. I saw another story on Anthony Williams Instagram about a woman who had visible spasms in her throat 24/7 for decades and she got 100% relief after like 7 days on Celery and posted before and after video to prove it.. If you do end up getting any answers or find relief with Celery or anything else please reach out!! I would love to know what works for others or any new discoveries on this issue.. I can’t imagine living with it for years like some others have stated in this forum, and I really hope they don’t come back!! 😞 sending out lots of light and love!! 🌟❤️

overstress profile image
overstress in reply toHealthCentered

I do not want to jinx this but I started the celery juice Friday. (it was during the day) then Saturday and Sunday am I did on an empty stomach. I am not kidding you all day Sunday I felt "different" and when I went to bed I thought to my self I am going to sleep normal again i can feel it. Last night was the first night in THREE months I did NOT have the vibrations!!!!! I thought I should wait a few days before I make the final statement but I was so happy this morning I wanted to let you know. IF this stays and you helped me I want to give you a GIGANTIC HUG!!!!! I will let you know in a few days, thank you!!!!

overstress profile image

So I wish I had good news. They are not every night but still most nights. On bad nights they have moved to my head. I am undergoing studies at Mayo hoping to find a cause.

overstress profile image

Thanks so much I will keep you posted!

AugustWest1971 profile image
AugustWest1971 in reply tooverstress

This has been happening to me for a weeks now. When it first began, it would only happen if I woke shortly after going to sleep. Then it started occurring later in the night and finally even when I woke up in the morning. I started experiencing other things also but not sure if related or not. Pulsatile tinnitus in the left ear (had MRA of brain and no tumors, no aneurism, no malformation, no thyroid issue). Also, numbness/weakness in arms). Have had my heart checked as well and bloodwork all good. I thought it could be due to a pinched nerve in neck from car accident and still may be the case, not sure. Going to neurologist in a couple weeks to rule out MS/Parkinsons. Been told by one doc he thinks it could be anxiety. Not sure but not knowing is certainly leading to more anxiety. I appreciate you guys telling your stories, I will be checking in from time to time to see your progress.

AugustWest1971 profile image
AugustWest1971 in reply toAugustWest1971

Also, experiencing hypnic jerks much more frequently. Worse when I lie on my back.

Littledoona profile image
Littledoona in reply toAugustWest1971

Similar issues to you and I leaned I am extremely sensitive to EMF (WiFi, 5G, smart meters, LED lighting). It’s the reason the doctors cannot diagnose it! I feel electrical, fatigued, earthquake tremors at night, digestive issues, heart palpitations, brain fog and dizziness. Basically, my body is so sensitive to these frequencies! Walking on beach or grass helps ground and earth and looking into EMF protection and educating yourself on dirty electricity

Tractorken profile image
Tractorken in reply toAugustWest1971

Did you ever figure out what was wrong since I have the exact same thing?

KimmyFromNy profile image
KimmyFromNy in reply toAugustWest1971

Exactly the same symptoms here. Did you ever figure this out? My docs all think anxiety related. I had exact same transition of symptoms from falling asleep to shifting to morning.

Gypsee1 profile image
Gypsee1 in reply toAugustWest1971

Did you find out what it is, sounds very similar to myself.

Asherleymoco profile image
Asherleymoco in reply toGypsee1

I have been having this. Finally have a telephone consultation today with the Neurologist. See how that goes!

Ckc25151 profile image

I also starting having something similar to this a few months ago. I’m awakened early (3-6am) every morning with internal vibrations/tremors, etc. It feels like a surge in adrenaline, and i feel the vibrations in my head, torso, and arms/hands. When i open my eyes and get up, the vibrations stop, but the adrenaline surge does not stop. I get up and walk around, but cant shake off the adrenaline rush. I take my BP and its normal every time. But the adrenaline wont go away, sometimes lasting for hours and hours. Ive already missed a lot of work because of it, and am at risk of losing my job. Ive already seen multiple doctors who have said its anxiety. I’m 37, and have never had any form of anxiety what so ever. This adrenaline feeling just came out of nowhere a few months ago after a viral infection that gave me crippling head pain and dizziness for weeks. In the second week of the illness, my arms and legs became weak, and i also became mentally confused. I went to the ER, where they said i had “a migraine”. I then saw two more doctors who said my symptoms were anxiety. My wife (God bless her) took me to Cleveland Clinic for answers. I had multiple blood tests run, CT’s, MRI’s, spinal taps, EMGs. Nearly everything was negative, except the spinal tap was high in protein, indicating something inflammatory possibly. But other than that, no answers. Now, my arms and legs have gained most strength back, but im still waking up every morning w these adrenaline-type vibrations like clockwork. And the adrenaline feeling lasts hours. Its debilitating, especially with no answers.

LeeMon profile image
LeeMon in reply toCkc25151

I know how you feel...does your body hurt with the vibrations? Mine does but luckily only lasts a few seconds. You can read my thoughts about this below but you might have low serotonin and that’s in some of the meds they give for anxiety. I’m not sure but I’ve been trying and trying to figure this out for years and I feel like I might be on to something this time.🤞🏼

LeeMon profile image
LeeMon in reply toLeeMon

Or hurt with the adrenaline afterward?

Ckc25151 profile image
Ckc25151 in reply toLeeMon

Yes, it does hurt (sort of). In the beginning about 4 months ago, was very painful. (Felt like my body/organs were being squeezed like wringing out a wet towel). Now, the pain has stopped, the shaking is less visible, but that adrenaline feeling lasts nearly all day. In my mind, i feel good, feel happy,, but my hands constantly shake unless i focus really hard to make them still. Not just the hands, it comes from my head, torso, and through the limbs, making hands visibly shake.

LeeMon profile image

Hi everyone. Well I’ve been trying to figure this out for over 10 years. I’ve only had internal shakes when I take “naps” for the past 10 years, until recently that is. This month there have been at least 2 different days where I started shaking before bed and waking up..I told my daughter to check if she can feel it several times and she can not. But I think I might have figured it out.. I think it’s low levels of dopamine and/or serotonin. I’m trying a few things out and so far so good. I’m taking a low dose of escitalopram for serotonin and I’m going to try to raise my dopamine naturally. I also have indigestion so I’m going to try to fix my stomach as well. Hope you think about this as a possibility. Good Luck to everyone because we all know this is something docs know nothing about :/

LeeMon profile image
LeeMon in reply toLeeMon

I like this article about this problem as well

LeeMon profile image
LeeMon in reply toLeeMon

Ckc25151 profile image

Wewillgetbetter profile image

This is a really interesting post and has captured the attention of many. I am currently battling severe neuropathic misfiring and during repair of the nerves (as I perceive so) they begin to vibrate travelling through the spine and into the head. Where ever the neuropathic problem is, there are vibrations going on. Interesting.

Vibrolux profile image

Thank you for sharing everyone. I have had an internal vibration happening over the past two years. I don’t see any signs of external shaking, but through the night and some days I feel a constant electrical charge. I have had test and everything looks normal on paper. My doctor believes it is an anxiety disorder and put me in Zoloft. I stopped taking Z a few weeks ago and feel fine anxiety wise. I am going to do a good cleanse, juicing (celery in the morning), walk and try to find a infrared sauna in town. I do think some type of inflammation could be responsible for this reaction. Meditation and exercise have definitely helped me mentally deal with it, but sometimes I feel this non stop electrical charge is wearing me down. I’ll let you know if I find any relief or have any insights. Thank you all again for sharing. It is comforting to know that I am not alone.

DEAGEO profile image

It's called internal tremors. There's lots about it online.

overstress profile image

Hello everyone! I haven’t been on here for awhile but I wanted to post my updates. I went to Mayo Clinic and had a bunch of tests done. They couldn’t find anything. One doc said they will go away. I was so bummed and felt hopeless to not have a cause. Someone on here suggested the celery juice diet and I did that for two months. It didn’t ultimately help so I quit even though I thought it did lessen them. My end result is that they have gone away! When I accepted the fact that there was either absolutely nothing wrong or the fact that there was and no one could help me they just went away. I 100 percent believe us anxious people have disrupted sleep cycles and that we ALL have the vibrations it’s just we snap out of sleep much faster than our bodies are ready and we “feel them”. Even during the day I would get them but usually when relaxing. My advice is, cut down on caffeine, take your vitamins, And magnesium and melatonin for sleep. I also took an antiviral for Epstein Barr because a naturopath said that can do weird things. Either way it will get better, we are most likely not dying or having a serious medical condition💖

Feye1951 profile image

OMG ! Finally, your symptoms r identical to mine. As soon as I open my eyes the shivering stops. I have been trying for 6 mo to find someone e that had the same thing. I have been to Dr. Than a psychiatrist she verified the reason. I did not believe her. I have suffer with anxiety and panic my entire life due to childhood trauma. Glad I found your article. Thank u

overstress profile image

I don’t know if this helps reassure anyone but I had this go on every night for 3+ months. It resolved for several months and then I had a HUGE stressful event happen and guess what came back? I am convinced that the root of all of this is stress which then affects so many different things. I don’t believe this is a signal of anything bad BUT chronic stress CAN lead to bad things. Much 💜 to anyone who suffers.

AwakenShaken profile image

Thank you for posting this!!! It gives me some confirmation that I am not alone. I have been having a VERY similar issues. Waking at 4-5am to shaking and loud ringing in my ears that sounds like a tea pot whistling. Some mornings more than others. Same thing it continues a few minutes after I wake with my eyes closed or open. Once I am up or move a bit it stops. I thought I was having heart flutters but after an at home sleep study and wearing a heart monitor for two weeks I am told my heart is fine. I have been having added digestive issues too since September. Bloating, and cramping under left rib. I saw a gastroenterologist who said to try gas x. Still have it. I take probiotics now too. I am having a endoscopy in March to see if maybe something going on there. I also had two occasions last year and year before where I had such an intense dream I woke up with floaters in my eyes, which I have been Monitoring with a retina specialist since. Anyway, I have had more life stress indeed this last year, such as loss of loved ones and at work with more responsibilities to juggle. I will try the celery juice thing. Oh, I don’t drink caffeine or drink or smoke too. Can someone tell me how they make the juice or is this something they buy? Gonna start going to a gym tomorrow to see if losing some weight and releasing stress that way helps too.

Tractorken profile image
Tractorken in reply toAwakenShaken

That’s exactly what happens to me...internal vibration and ears are ringing really loud...not sure if they are ringing loud because I’m having high blood pressure at that moment because after I get up they get start to get a little more quite...let me know if u ever figure it out..

KW7777 profile image
KW7777 in reply toAwakenShaken

Yeah, I have the exact same thing. In my case the vibrations stop as soon as I am fully awake, but unfortunately my ears keep ringing all day, although not as loud as while I am waking up. It is so weird and I have no idea why this is happening to me. The internal tremors don't really bother me that much anymore, but the constant ringing in my ear is horrible and I am sure they are related in some way.

spotty2 profile image

My shaking is whrn awake. in my head. I jave had BPV and Vertigo off and on over the years. Also onr throid removed. I used to take vitamins but now only B12 and D3. My ear nosr and throat Dr. said it was in my head and pethaps have a acan. The buzzing is conscant and I would like an answer or feedback. My Mothrr had RLS, Vertigo and Ansiety. Am I becoming my mother? She is still alive at 103. Any help for my constant buzz in hrad?

Jonakai profile image

Does anyone get this right as they’re going to sleep? I feel this vibration but it isn’t upon waking it’s only as I’m about to fall asleep.

AMatt profile image
AMatt in reply toJonakai

I found this thread because I've been getting dramatic shaking or jolts as soon as I fall asleep. It's almost completely ruined sleep lately. It feels like my stomach is pulsing then adrenaline rushes (I assume) which leaves everything else very sensitive.

I've had no issues with anxiety and don't feel it now, which seems to differ from some others experiences.

chrisarn8 profile image

Hello everyone,

I know a lot about this.

About a year ago I got some vibrations in my chest when I woke up in the morning, thought it was an earthquake and couldn't quite understand what was happening. In recent times it has escalated where it often occurs during sleep, the first times when sleep was quite rough where it felt like electric shock throughout the chest and out into the arms. Now, this vibration happens almost daily at sleepover / awakening - but much milder than the first few times. The doctors have examined with EKG, blood tests, heart rate and blood pressure - everything is ok. will continue on sleep assessment, eeg test and mr of head. but doubt they will find any deviation since I read about everyone else here suffering from the same. Good to know it's nothing dangerous. what have you done to make this improve or disappear completely?

Feye1951 profile image

I have the exact same problem. I do suffer from anxiety. When I read your post. I did not have to explain the problem u explained it perfectly. Thank y

Miniwheats profile image

I replied to Robb's post last year...I had basically the same symptoms and they were causing me significant stress. I just wanted to update everyone that I hardly get them anymore and it's been about 6 months... I maybe get them once every few weeks. It got to a point that I actually forgot that I had them until one night I woke up with the shakes and thought oh this is interesting...

Also I am back to my normal sleep where I only wake up once a night and it's to go to the washroom. When I was regularly experiencing the shakes I was drifting in and out of sleep at least a dozen times a night and in the early morning, was waking every few minutes and shaking every time. So yeah this definitely has to do with anxiety and its effect on sleep cycles or hormones or neurotransmitters...

Dailfonic profile image
Dailfonic in reply toMiniwheats

Yes, I believe you are absolutely correct. Since I last posted on this forum a couple of years ago my symptoms had basically subsided. Every once in a while I would get a milder vibrating while waking. It always seems to be anxiety/stress related.

I’m now having a “flair up” again and it Is definitely coinciding with stress. I’m noticing that muscle tension has a lot to do with the vibrating feeling. It seems I’ve been tensing my neck, shoulder, jaw and arm muscles pretty intensely while sleeping. I even wake up a little sore from it sometimes. I’ve recently started back weight training which may have helped kick it off.

It’s kind of a vicious cycle, because the more stress, the more intense the vibration...the more vibration, the more stress. I will say that I know it will eventually subside. I was basically free from the feeling for a couple of years and know I will get myself back to that place again.

Miniwheats profile image
Miniwheats in reply toDailfonic

A couple weeks ago the shakes came back for several nights. Pretty intense too. Now it's gone again. Definitely coincided with a stressful event. We need to convince a university to publish a paper on this group's findings because it seems like this is an unknown phenomena that needs to be elucidated or at the very least, acknowledged somewhere in the literature. It was absolutely terrifying when nobody could tell me what it was!

Nobrainer676 profile image

Why did all the posts stop? Keep this thread alive.

LittleDove32 profile image

I have had a very serious version of internal tremors which doctors have not been able to diagnose. Every day between three and 4 AM I begin experiencing internal tremors that make me breathe shallow, and I have nightmares when it feels like my breathing gets too shallow to wake my body up. This is a very stressful and bazaar condition because the shaking at times can be so intense yet not appear visible! I experience most of the shaking in my trunk area and if it is allowed to go on it spreads out through my entire body. I’ve had this condition for five years now.

This is a very stressful and bizarre condition because the shaking at times can be so intense yet not appear visible! I experience most of the shaking in my trunk area and if it is allowed to go on it spreads out through my entire body. I been able to turn the tremor off temporarily by shaking my head. I believe this interrupts the neurological signaling. I’ve been warned by drs not to do this to stop with the tremors.

I feel these tremors are directly linked to an issue with the angiotensin system in the body. Every morning at 4 AM the human body’s aldosterone kicks in which is an adrenal hormone. When that hormone kicks in, it raises your blood pressure and prepares your body to come online for the day. Aldosterone helps the body to retain sodium and it flushes potassium when it does so. Cortisol follows aldosterone in this diurnal/daily rhythm. I have shown no indication in my cortisol lab work that I have low cortisol or Addison’s disease.

My neurologist says that the internal shaking I experience should be referred to as tremors and that they are like what Parkinson’s patients experience. However, they do not experience them on a set schedule as I do, during sleep. My symptoms were so severe that I thought that I was having heart issues. It was only when I started checking my pulse to realize that it wasn’t my heart at all that something else was happening. I actually believe it’s my nervous system behaving with some type of confused dysfunction, resulting in a sense of tremor.

My internal tremor symptoms came on after significant physical stress. I was placed on the beta blocker propranolol (Will take as little as a quarter pill of the smallest prescription for this medication) which helped tremendously with the stress of these tremors but, I didn’t want to remain on it permanently so I was only on it for about two years. The propranolol helped with coping with the sense of internal tremors because they are very troubling!

Honestly, more troubling than the internal tremors is the absolutely HORRENDOUS behavior of medical professionals that I have encountered! I have repeatedly encounter doctors who tell me that this is likely all in my head when they reached the limits of their diagnostic capabilities. It’s as though I’ve hit the bed rock edge of their fragile egos.

So, what I learned is that aldosterone kicks in every morning at 4 AM and it supposed to raise blood pressure. If it doesn’t kick in then what happens? So I decided to start drinking sea salt to see if I could get my tremors to go away and I could get them to go away for a few minutes but, It would come back in a short while after I went back to sleep.

I also was took fludrocortisone which helps the body retains sodium and that helped my tremors go away almost 98% however, managing the side effects of fludrocortisone and how it suppresses the umm new system, flushes potassium, magnesium and calcium was debilitating! After a month and a half on fludrocortisone I was on crutches and a cane because my leg joints stopped working properly and it took me a year and a half to recover from 1 1/2 months of fludrocortisone!!!

So, I now take compounded bio-identical aldosterone which I initially could get through a compounding pharmacy in the United States but, US medical board changed it (without a review!!!!) so that compounded aldosterone cannot be obtained in the US so, I have to purchase it from outside the country. It’s very expensive but, I have little choice because my tremors are very severe! I currently take 300 µg of aldosterone every hour and a half (because it has a short half-life) beginning around 3 AM daily until I wake up. I do this to prevent and stop my tremors. It works! It doesn’t work perfectly because I am still a menstruating female and that means that my hormones fluctuate more than a person after menopause or than a man. This means that the aldosterone works differently on a day to day basis based upon how high or low my estrogen and progesterone is. (higher estrogen means higher sodium retention which means I need less aldosterone, higher progesterone means lower sodium retention which means I need more aldosterone.)

I did try encapsulating sea salt and taking it throughout the night but I found that this was hard on my heart to just in just straight sea salt. I tried combining it with magnesium citrate to buffer the sodium but, I never found a really good path for making that work and the effect didn’t last very long.

I have also tried licorice root which helps the body retains sodium but it has other side effects of increasing estrogen and cortisol and I don’t feel good on it. I can take a little bit of it now and then. My biggest concern with licorice root extract is that increases cortisol and I’m already overweight because of this condition and don’t want to have excess cortisol.

This is a path that I’ve had to take with no guidance other than my own research, and all of the thousands of tests that have been done that show me what I do NOT have! I have been to many many doctors including the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Cardiology at the male clinic surmised that I probably develop this condition from the stress of being on to high thyroid hormone for too long but they would not commit to that statement. I currently rely on a naturopath to help me with this condition and to obtain medication.

The bottom line is I believe that this condition is an adrenal condition that affects the aldosterone action in the human body. I believe it’s brought on by stress That the adrenal gland is not able to recover from. I believe that when your body is overstressed to the point that it can’t recover from how far it’s been pushed that dysfunctions like this occur.

It has become extremely important to keep my body's nutrients in balance. The better I do with that the better this condition is. I eat a very high potassium diet in the morning to counteract the effects of the aldosterone and I eat a very high sodium diet starting in the afternoon into the evening. I use bio identical hormones and I take very high-quality supplements! This makes all the difference and most people would never guess that I live through where I live through every day chasing tremors with aldosterone medication and having sleep disturbance and nightmares when I don’t get it right. The physical stress of living through this is incredible! I have gained a tremendous amount of weight because of the stress my body endures. I keep focusing on being positive on always making things better.

I find that there are a few key items which are very helpful for the stress of dealing with this condition:

The number one item is Theanine. I take 200 mg of the Thorne product every morning and it helps incredibly with a sense of positive attitude and mental acuity. Specifically take this brand because it is much more effective than any other brand I’ve experienced.

Are use electrolyte pills that performance athletes use. I currently use the product called Hyde8. it works very well to help manage electrolyte balance.

Because this is an ongoing task of managing blood pressure, I also keep potassium citrate around if anything I take raises my blood pressure too much. It immediately lowers my blood pressure. I need something even more powerful to lower my blood pressure, I combined the potassium citrate with “magnesium calm” which is magnesium citrate. It works phenomenally well!

I always have Ashwagandha on hand if I’ve had an overly stressful day. It’s very calming. I do not take ashwaganda daily because it can lower blood pressure and then I’ll have to take more aldosterone at night.

I also keep Hydrocortisone on hand and take it if I have had a lot of stress, which helps buffer the blow of stress. Have to pay attention to whatever causes an adrenal challenge and try to limit the effect of the stress.

I continue to research this condition. I think that it’s curious that several people have mentioned that they had BPPV before this condition occurred. I think that BPPV is an early indicator that your adrenal gland is not keeping up with your stress and therefore is not managing your electrolyte balance and this shows up in the inner ear electrolyte balance that is crucial and if the inner ear gets dried out then otoconia can cause BPPV. The first time I had BPPV was right after I was put onto thyroid hormone which may be a link as too much thyroid hormone can be in adrenal challenge. I have had BPPV several times and learn to manage it with the Epley maneuver. However, I rarely ever have this now that I take the bio-identical aldosterone!! Interesting about this is that aldosterone affects hearing and there are some functional medicine doctors who use bio identical aldosterone to help with hearing loss and Ménière’s. However, individuals with hearing loss and Ménière’s take only about 100 to 200 µg of bio denticle aldosterone per day.

I also am looking into the possibility that there is other medication that helps to regulate norepinephrine and epinephrine which affects blood pressure and the angiotensin system, which may help my condition and prevent me from having to take the aldosterone during my sleeping hours. This is an ongoing path and I will continue to do whatever I can to help my body manage and recover from this condition. So far I’ve had this condition

Wishing you all better and great health! 💛

Amb0776 profile image

I have been reading though this thread all day! I am finally sharing my story. I was swimming in a pool about two weeks ago and I believe I got water in my ear or something. I was also drinking and the next morning when I woke up I saw a flower on my wall as I was coming out of my sleep. The ceiling has strange swirling as well and my whole body was vibrating. Fast forward to maybe a day after I ended up having severe ear pain, headache, & sparks in my vision. The swirls in the ceiling/ vibrations happened a few times after the first time but the visuals eventually went away and I was left with only the vibrating in my chest and sometimes head. I was diagnosed with an ear infection. I took my antibiotics and I had a little relief but not completely. So I went back and they prescribed me some steroids and a decongestant to help with the pressure in my head - I’m still struggling with the vibrating and the pressure in my head. I have anxiety but I truly thing this is because of an ear infection that I still currently have. I think I need to be prescribed more antibiotics.

Gypsee1 profile image

As soon as I wake up my head shakes and my body to a lesser agree, but noticeably my hands. I have ringing in my ear, which comes and goes throughout the day. I feel like I have a bobble head, as soon as I sit up and get up it goes, but once I go back to sleep and wake the same thing. It has been for 5 mths, I’ve had MRI’s, blood tests and waiting to be tested for Parkinson’s or something else. Can’t go for testing because of COVID. I don’t believe it’s anxiety, I’m already on an SSRI, I also have high blood pressure.

Dailfonic profile image
Dailfonic in reply toGypsee1

I get pretty much the same thing. I go through fazes of getting the “vibration” feeling while I’m waking. I notice it mainly happens when I’ve been having some stress/anxiety. I would get the ringing in my ears from clenching my jaw while I was sleeping, and now my hands and arms to an extent have been a little sore from tensing up while asleep. The more I seem to concentrate on it, the more it seems to happen. I don’t get it often anymore (I am having the issues currently), but it is no fun to deal with when I am. It does get better, at least for me it has.

Amb0776 profile image
Amb0776 in reply toDailfonic

How long did it take for it to go away? I’m desperate. Did you go in and get any tests ran?

Dailfonic profile image
Dailfonic in reply toAmb0776

The first time I ever experienced it, it took about a month to go away. Then it was basically gone for two years, maybe a very mild episode once in a blue moon.

Currently I'm dealing with it again (about a month so far), and it seems to directly coincide with some physical stress I've put on my body, and some mental stress/anxiety. The pain/anxiety causes me to clench my teeth and fists while sleeping which makes my muscles super tight, and I think has brought the feeling back. It's pretty much only in my neck, shoulders and arms. It's not every night, but most nights I at least have a little issue with it. I can only sleep flat on my back with no pillow to keep it at bay. The fact that the feeling gives me more stress def seems to prolong the time it takes to get past it.

The positive I'll say is that it basically immediately goes away once I'm awake. It faded out once, I'm staying positive it will subside again.

Amb0776 profile image
Amb0776 in reply toDailfonic

I finally found a doctor that knows what’s wrong with me. I have high cortisol levels and low vit b & d levels and an infection of some sort. I’m doing more lab work tomorrow. Please go get your hormones ran with a neuropathic doctor and I promise you will get results. Tell them you think you have adrenal issues.

Aplumsss profile image
Aplumsss in reply toAmb0776

Thank you for this advice. I am suffering terribly with these new symptoms of shaking around the bottom of my skull when waking and sometimes during the day i begin to shake too. I have anxiety but this is off the chart different.

Summyrdawn profile image

This same exact thing happens to me!!!! Even the part where if I keep my eyes closed my body keeps shaking.

Aplumsss profile image

I have just recently started having the same issue. I believe it is because of WIFI / 5G or Whatever Electrical Frequency is being used. I never had issues with this before now . Any suggestions to how to get this to stop other than looking crazy and unplugging WIFI ? Not using cell phones?

Miniwheats profile image

Hi. I posted about my internal tremors on waking a couple years ago and am just looking back on this thread and holy cow I can't believe how long it's gotten! So many people have experienced this weird phenomenon! I am happy to report that I don't get them anymore. The last time I experienced them was a few weeks ago after I had reflected back on the tremors that day and low and behold, that night I experienced them. I will probably get them tonight because I've just spent the last 15 minutes reading this thread...if I do I will report back. If not, you won't hear from me. I guess my advice would be don't drive yourself crazy trying to find the answer to this problem and trying to "fix it". Just let it be. Assuming you have checked in with your doctor and gotten the all clear of course just to rule everything else out. If your doc says it's anxiety related then believe it with all your heart and let it go. Don't pay attention to it anymore and it will eventually fade away. I actually didn't even notice they were gone until a friend asked for an update! So bizarre....

Timbo60 profile image

I recently went through cancer surgery - hopefully successful (awaiting results).

However during the day I tremble internally and in the night I awake 'buzzing' at 2am and again at 6am

My mouth is parched through the night and I am drinking lots of water.

I do get adrenaline rushes and am anxious anyway regarding recent operation.

Malib profile image

I experienced this same phenomenon about 10 years ago and it lasted over a year. I had all kinds of medical tests and spent thousands of dollars trying to find an answer. The Drs had no answer. I learned to not be afraid of it happening and live with it. Eventually it went away. About a month or so it started happening once again and I wish it would go away. I have experienced more anxiety prior to it starting back up again but who knows what the answer is. I am grateful I feel fine once I’m awake and believe it will go away on it’s own like it did last time.

BrendaC64 profile image

I too have been having the internal tremors most of the time upon wakening. Sometimes even my eyes feel jittery. It doesn't last more than 10-15 min but is disconcerting. I haven't asked the doc about it yet but will. Sleep is likely the culprit. I'm up late at nite and sleep 4-5 hours. When I wake it's early & Im wide awake. I try to stay in bed but can't seem to get back to sleep. I've always gotten 8 hours which was perfect for me. Getting older though and suspect it has to do w/that to a certain extent. I can remember my dad had problems sleeping as he got older & I thought that sounds awful because then I had no problems at all with sleep & could sleep late getting 10 hours. Just seeing what others have tried!

Roboman profile image

Just a follow up, I will get these from time to time. It happens when I have a lot of stress, It may happen a few days in a row but then it may not happen for months. I talked to my shirink and she said its all part of anxiety. Once you are not worried about it. It will get better. Wish you all the best/.

Roohey profile image

An old thread so not sure if anyone will see this, but offering a different suggestion. I've had this for a few years now, since the onset of what I now know to be gluten intolerance. Why I'm now gluten intolerant I still don't know, but I avoid it as best I can and all my symptoms go away including these vibrations in the morning. whenever I eat gluten especially a larger amount (say noodles) I'll get it for a few days in the morning after then they'll stop (it takes awhile for gluten to leave your system).

If relevant, my other symptoms included:

-sleep issues (getting to sleep, staying asleep)

- acne on both sides of chin/ mouth, neck, chest and back (chronic)

- acid reflux (chronic)

- extreme bloating to the point I had to press into the point below my ribcage to breath comfortably

- anxiety and depression

- brain fog / memory issues

I had many tests done for all of the above, blood, ultrasound etc but nothing ever came back. I decided to do an elimination diet first thinking it was dairy, then stopped wheat and gluten and after a few days I noticed improvement in some symptoms, most gone after a few weeks and after a few months all were gone.

It's not something many doctors will think of, or suggest but it has improved my life so much. Hope this helps 🤞

Toddiejen profile image

I had this exact phenomenon… got all the tests done nothing ended up being wrong. Put on anxiety medication and it went away. Sometimes if I think about it before bed it will creep back but very rarely. My advice is to try and forget about it - just know you are okay and it will pass!

Tobacha profile image

Hi I have had this in the past. I could feel it actually in my whole body internally. Almost like it was happening in my mind. It felt as if someone had turned on an engine inside of me and I could sense this tremoring inside of me. Since then I have learned a lot. I used to have panic attacks very bad for many years. I was diagnosed with complex PTSD in 2010. I still have it. Basically I realized a lot of these symptoms were coming from inside of me. Many parts of me. From being raised in a very emotionally and physically abusive childhood. These were my body telling me that these buried memories I had dissociated myself from were trying to get to the surface. I found a 12 step program for it. I take meds and go to therapy. I still get a lot of anxiety I don't have panic attacks anymore thank God. Me too me too. Thanks for talking about this.

EllieMay22 profile image

I have this. 5am.

I have a congenital heart defect. (Myocardial bridging)

It means one of my arteries is through some bands of heart muscle instead of laying over the heart.

It gave me a heart attack at 52. I was super fit, and my doc told me he usually finds it in autopsy 😳.

The heart attack was a complete, full body electrical zinger. Pain. Lighning and fire at once.

It feels like panic too.

This is how this feels to me. I take a heart pill that keeps the artery from starting a spasm. I recognize this panic as my heart.

Now. Only after the heart attack did the egg show changes. All the rest of the time I have no symptoms on any test and my arteries are clear. There's no way to know you have this unless you have a heart attack,or they inadvertently find it doing tests for something else. (Cardiac cath test found it.

I'm 57 now, and I didn't use my magnesium last night, and woke up in full internal shakes. Terrifying once you've had that heart attack and know the feeling.(I also take calm magnesium in my tea in the evening)

I'm going to see if that plays a role?

With all that being said, I do live in a toxic environment, and without question that could play a role. Because of this thread, I will pray more, make sure to fit in MY TIME to get to the gym, which I love, but I always put myself last, and try to lower some of my sugar intake. I otherwise eat very well.

Man...God bless, and good luck to everyone,this is a frightening feeling eh?

Joe49 profile image

Have you resolved your problem and if you did , can you please tell me how

Bintaro profile image

I have had the same sort of experience for quite a while. None of the doctors I see seem to be very concerned about it. Anyway, I have noticed that I am very tense when I sleep because I often wake up with sore muscles. Could it be that the vibration/buzzy, shaky feeling is just my body relaxing? It lasts anywhere from a few seconds to maybe a minute max. I do not, however, have the experience of waking and falling asleep and having it happen again.

Lordy79 profile image

Hi Rob, i know this is an old post now but it seems to describe my symptoms to a tee for the last few months (including the looking out for symptoms and feeling the pulse). Did you ever get to the bottom of this with a diagnosis or get past this? I was thinking it was panic disorder of somekind as now im concious of it every bedtime. However, as in a time where thats the only thing making me anxious, im now questioning my blood sugar dropping. Be grateful of your experience.

Zebra05 profile image

Look into mold toxcity. I was doing this in mold. After finding the mysterious reason for many symptoms I was having, I began learning about it. Dr. Neil Nathan who deals with lots of Lyme and mold toxcity patients stated if he has a patient who has internal buzzing out internal vibrations, they have handed his diagnosis on a platter to him; mold toxcity. The anxiety, high cortisol, surges of adrenaline, vertigo is all connected to mold toxcity.

Malib profile image

Hi Rob, I experience the same symptoms. It happened for about 2 years about 10 years ago. I had many medical tests and tried many medications with the drs. finally not knowing what was going on. Eventually, the symptoms went away. About a year ago they started up again… I’m hoping they will taper off again and go away. I am a 67 year old woman. Eat and exercise right. I have generalized anxiety disorder . Looking for answers too..

Roboman profile image

Hey guys, I can't believe this post is over 8 years old since I've started this, and I will say that I still have this internal shaking from time to time when I wake up. It's generally when I wake up suddenly and I do believe that it's related to the body adjusting to waking up, I also believe that is due to stress and it's hitting mess with me, but I can say that I rarely have it anymore and if I do I'm no longer afraid of it. It's just part of how our bodies change as we grow up. I wish everyone the best here, I still have anxiety from time to time. Unfortunately it's shifted to driving down the road these days and traffic, anxiety is something I was told will never go away. Is something to have to just learn to live with?

Ahey profile image

Hi, not sure if anyone is still trying to work out the internal vibrations but I had exactly this. Found out I had low vitamin D. Once I started getting out in the sun more & taking vitamin D tablets the internal vibration stopped completely, never returned.

My experience, I had it every morning upon waking & it lasted maybe for about 10 seconds then stopped after my eyes were opened. It went on for about 6 months then stopped then started again.

Doctors had done all kinds of tests couldn’t work out why I had it, then said it was anxiety but I know I didn’t have anxiety, but that was their answer. Even one of their tests they checked on me was my adrenaline thinking I had kidney tumors & it came back clear.

I worked it out myself after the vitamin D kicked in it stopped completely never to return as I have kept my levels up now.

Just thought I would share my experience 😊

Ahey profile image

Hi, not sure if anyone is still trying to work out the internal vibrations but I had exactly this. Found out I had low vitamin D. Once I started getting out in the sun more & taking vitamin D tablets the internal vibration stopped completely, never returned.

My experience, I had it every morning upon waking & it lasted maybe for about 10 seconds then stopped after my eyes were opened. It went on for about 6 months then stopped then started again.

Doctors had done all kinds of tests couldn’t work out why I had it, then said it was anxiety but I know I didn’t have anxiety, but that was their answer. Even one of their tests they checked on me was my adrenaline thinking I had kidney tumors & it came back clear.

I worked it out myself after the vitamin D kicked in it stopped completely never to return as I have kept my levels up now.

Just thought I would share my experience 😊

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