Well hello everyone..... Sorry the delay in letting you know how everything went with the arrival of our little lady but i'm sure you understand.
So here we go. Wednesday 10th April we went to hospital to have our planned C-section. Everything went just as planned (apart from my hubby passing out not once but twice!!). Our daughter Erin Annabelle was born at 10.39am (at 35 weeks exactly ) and was whisked off to be checked over by the baby drs. Amazingly, Erin was a perfect little lady weighing in at 1.89kg (just under 4lbs 3oz) breathing by herself and screaming her head off.... As my hubby was on the floor by this point, I was able to have immediate skin to skin while the Drs were finishing my operation. Erin and I went up on to the ward together where we stayed for 5 days. We had a couple of blips with blood sugar and jaundice but came home a week ago today (15th April). So far things are going well and Erin has now passed her birth weight (after the initial loss) so fingers crossed everything will continue to go well and now I am happy to report that our family is officially complete.
I hope you like the pics i've attached.
Thanks for all your support and to all those people trying for baby, please dont give up hope... we have 7 angels waiting for us and 2 little miracles (or battle babies as my sister calls them) to cuddle and love until our family is reunited....
Love Kate xxx