Hey everyone, my name is Catherine and I'm awaiting a haemotologist appointment for official diagnosis. Here's my story... I fell pregnant with identical twins a year ago and after a threatened miscarriage I made it through to 7 months and then lost my shared placenta twins suddenly. The obstetrician sent the placenta away, a blood clot was found in it and my blood tests came back positive for lupus antibody. 12 weeks later, repeated tests showed still lupus so she said I most likely had primary antiphospholipid syndrome. I'd never heard of it. I also had thrombophlebitis during the pregnancy too that was treated with heparin. Sadly I also needed aspirin as this apparently crosses the placenta so will need that in future pregnancies as well. Last weekend I woke up with visual disturbance. Black discs at the top centre of my vision when looking up, I went to A and E and they ran many tests and did a brain MRI. Thankfully it was normal but they said the symptoms I had were consistent with a very small deprivation of blood to the occipital part of my brain. Scary stuff. My eyesight has since got better, almost back to normal now. They told me to take aspirin while awaiting to see haemotologist. Could this visual disturbance be part of this condition? They said my eyes were fine, although have appointment with an eye doctor on Friday to double check.
My Grandmother had Graves' disease and psoriasis. We also think she had Hughes too as she had one very tiny baby- my mum. She also developed a clot when having her thyroidectomy aged 34 and then many TIA type symptoms later on. She lived to 95 though.
Really I wanted to ask, have any of you had successful pregnancies with Hughes? It's going to take a lot of strength and courage to do it all again. I'm 31 and up to last year had had good health.
Thanks for your advice in advance.