Hi all
As a child as far as I can remember I didn't really catch all the colds and bugs my siblings caught. Always had severe reactions to insect bites and stings. Always suffered with abdominal pain and problems with stomach.
Into teenage years repeatedly suffered migraines, tonsilitus, glandular fever, problems with knees and ankles, looking back not helped by long distance running (which I was very good at.
At 17 started taking the pill. Had a massive migraine attack, in bed for weeks, so much pain. Gp stopped the pill, said severe reaction, In the following year I had my first and second early miscarriages. Although I was young it hurt so much. At 19 after a horrendous pregnancy, threatened miscarriage 3 times, repeated kidney infections (pylonephritus) then an emergency c-section I had my first daughter now 27. She was tiny but perfect, then discovered she had a heart murmur, was a frantic and worrying first year hoping it would close. It did thank goodness!!!
I left her father as he regularly thought I was a punch bag. A traumatic time and a long story better left alone.
I spent a few years alone raising my daughter eventually met and married. We decided to try for a baby only to be confronted by infertility, many rounds of tests, treatments (hormone drugs caused major problems) my third miscarriage during treatment. We were devastated, our marriage didn't survive!!
At 28 and in a new relationship again we wanted children but again infertility, tests treatments,strange antibodies showed up in tests, but not taken further sadly. At 33 we took the decision to give up trying (too much heartache). A year later after another awful pregnancy, my second daughter was born by emergency c-section, both of us lucky to survive, my heart went into irregular rythm. She was fine and I couldn't believe the gift i had been given. My fourth and then fifth miscarriages followed the fifth so traumatic at 18 weeks, the only natural delivery I had!
A year later after spending most of the pregnancy in hospital my son was born at 34 weeks, a clot behind the placenta. Again he was tiny, he had hip problems and at 3 diagnosed with autism.
My sixth miscarriage followed along with a breast cancer scare, again a marriage falling apart (his solution go get drunk etc.)
I met my current partner at 40 we were running a busy pub, coping with son's autism, the breast cancer scare, my nan died, I had my seventh miscarriage we were devastated, but survived. in Jan of 2007 I had my last miscarriage then in April a dvt and pulmonary embolism. Severely ill for a long time.
We moved out of pub ( rent about to double) in may 2007.
I had A hysterectomy in 2008 no more!!!!!
All this and no idea why.
Moved to different council area changed gp in Oct 2009. In Jan of 2010 i saw article on bbc news about Hughes syndrome, thankyou to the family whose involvement, helped me too get diagnosed finally.
My present diagnosis is Hughes syndrome, lupus symptoms overlap and fibromyalgia.
I also have asthma, allergies, degenerative disc disease, hiatus hernia etc.
I take warfarin, atorvastatin, plaquenil, pregabalin, tramadol, antihistamine, asthma meds etc.
Apart from this lousy chest infection, I'm starting to feel better,especially when inr high!!!!
We just took over pub and are really happy. My eldest daughter living across the road with her partner. Al myself and our 3 kids (my 2 and his son) looking forward to a better future!!!
So thats my nearly full story if you made it this far, thankyou, sorry its long!!!
Take care all, gentle hugs and love sheena xxxxxxx