I’m going to start Ozempic this week. Are there others on this form taking Ozempic and have you had any side effects that you think are related to and your blood thinners or hydrocloriquine?
triple positive APS and Ozempic - Hughes Syndrome A...
triple positive APS and Ozempic

Hopefully somebody is in a similar situation, I am not, so can't assist with this. Best of luck for your new regime. MaryF
My 49 year old nephew, triple positive for APS which went catastrophic (CAPS) in 2019. He was very ill, hospitalized for 2 weeks, 7 days in ICU on a ventilator and then 2 weeks in a rehab facility. Hospitalized again, 4 months later, in the same month, once for clots and the other for hemorrhage. He was on very high dose steroids for a bit over a year, which caused him to become diabetic and gain almost 60 pounds. He has been on Ozempic for 2 years, and is doing very well. He has lost 45 pounds, and is no longer taking insulin for diabetes. He is also on Warfarin and Plaquenil. He hasn't had any side effects from the Ozempic. He said the morning he takes his weekly injection, he really doesn't feel like eating, at all. He explained to me that he doesn't feel hungry most days, knows he needs to eat (which he does) but never has that uncomfortable feeling of normal hunger, like before Ozempic. It is very important with Ozempic to eat a healthy diet, and to exercise, so you can try to limit losing any muscle. I hope you do well, it is really an amazing medication for the people who really need it.
I am also a CAPS survivor. been on prednisone periodically and put on weight. I just can’t seem to get rid of it now and I have pain in my feet, knees and arms from inflammation. I’m hopeful that Ozempic will help me with this so I’m glad that your nephew is doing well and that this worked for him. Thank you for sharing.