Hello everyone, I hope you all are well.
So I tested positive for Cardiolipin IGM twice...very highly elevated levels...however my rheumatologist has advised she can’t diagnose me with APS because clinically I don’t fit the criteria (not enough miscarriages-I’ve had 2 miscarriages and I have two healthy full term children and I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant and no blood clots).
I’m taking a baby aspirin daily and my hematologists is hesitant to put me on Lovenex since I haven’t been officially diagnosed with APS.
I live in South Florida where we dont have many doctors familiar with this disorder. I want to find another rheumatologist as the one I have now doesn’t seem to really care or be interested in my case.
As far as symptoms, I get a burning sensation in my hands, feet, legs and arms that comes and goes throughout the day. I’ve been to a neurologist, a PCP, cardiologist, rheumatologist and hematologist. No one can explain the burning. The neurologist doesn’t feel it’s neurological since I experience the burning on both sides of my body and since it comes and goes. Says it could be migraine related.
No one around here knows anything about what I’m experiencing and I’m growing frustrated while my symptoms persist. I’m also afraid for my baby and want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to increase the likelihood of a healthy full-term baby.
Any suggestions? Please help. Thank you in advance