I had repeat dexascan says my hips are getting worse, anyone on enoxaparin/lovenox taking vit k2 for “calcium to bone absorption”? Docs are talking about fosamex, etc, but I would rather do vitamins if possible. Not looking for medical advice but would like to know if others with APS are taking it safely. Thanks, Cindy
osteopenia worse, im on enoxaparin/ l... - Hughes Syndrome A...
osteopenia worse, im on enoxaparin/ lovenox any thoughts on vitk2?

not sure if that is different name for alendronic acid tablet of which I take along with calcichew vitD40.I have just had X-rays of my ankles n hips as struggling with pain n walking agony in right foot.my last dexa scan was getting worse n rheumatologist is thinking osteoporosis.. probably need something extra now.what do others think of the medictation Cindy is enquiring about
I’ve reached osteopenia stage on my last two scans but so far it seems to have stayed about the same so they have said just walking to keep the bones strong. Problem is I get a lot of pain in the hips when I do so and can’t go far, not enough to help the bones I’m sure. I’ve often wondered about Vit K 2 but worried about the increased risks of clots. I shall be asking about it at next appointment though.
I take a combined dose of calcium and vitamin d in evacal, prescribed my gastroenterologist. Are you on this medication? Notwithstanding this my osteopenia has now moved to osteoporosis, but was slowed down by the calcium supplements
I take high dose calcium and vit d in divided doses as my hematologist has explained to me that anything over 600 mg of calcium at one time will not be properly absorbed by the body. I have i been on this since 2015. I’m concerned about hip fracture in the future and am investigating more options to prevent this😳
Hi, I have APS and am on daily enoxosparin as well as long term steroids. I’ve moved up from osteopenia to osteoporosis on my last Dexa scan. I take daily adcal D3 for calcium & vitD, never had an issue taking this. I was on alendronic acid and then ibandronic acid but they’re now looking at moving me onto a yearly infusion for the osteoporosis. Vitamins alone won’t help with prevention of osteoporosis.
I don’t think taking vitK2 would harm you. It’s used in Hapan in high doses for treating osteoporosis but as it can affect coagulation I don’t think high doses would be good. My wife takes 125 micrograms if VitK2 and has her INR pretty stable. I would get off the heparin if you can to prevent further deterioration.

Hi any supplement you are considering must be run by your medical consultants in case of drug contraindications. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/111... also a question answered here by The Mayo Clinic, I would book an appointment/phone call with your most knowledgeable consultant with regard to your Hughes Syndrome/APS: newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/.... MaryF
I have appointment pending, thanks
When I first went on to Tinzaparin Dr Khamashta was publishing a paper on his experience of patients on long term heparin. It was a small sample but amongst his patients, the only ones who had osteoporosis were those on steroids so they may be more the issue here. The risks of coming off medication that prevents you clotting may be a lot worse than oesteopenia. Mary F has given wise advise to discuss with well informed consultant.

Hi Witty!
Sorry for late response.
I’m in the same boat.
I’ve been switched from warfarin to enoxaparin… yet again.
I am having actual osteoporosis in a hip with -2.5
And osteopenia in several other places.
I’m given prolia injections by my rheumatologist every 6 months.
I’m drawn for a “calcium study” or a “bone profile” once a year. It looks to be in range.
There fore I have not asked about any supplementation. ( I was consuming plenty / steady amounts of vitamin k 1 with warfarin )
I am also wondering now about asking my hematologist the value in adding a calcium plus K2 supplement.
We should both ask.
Well his initially reaction was no but when I gave him the copied information, he understood why I was doing it. He has since ordered me a scan that is specific to finding calcium deposits. It’s called “Calcium Score Ct Scan”, I am schedule for the testing August 31st. I can tell you I am taking it, the Vit K2, and I haven’t died yet, which is always a plus. I will let you know the results when I get them.
Sorry, I forgot to update. I had the calcium score Ct Scan and result was zero, which is the best result to have. So I’m bumping along taking my VitK2 on M,W,F and I’m still alive. HAVENT had any more bone testing at this time🤞it will be interesting to see results when I do!