What information was needed for insurance purpose?to be on it for long term instead of warfarin? Thanks, Cindy in NJ
Second post:Anyone on lovenox(enoxapa... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Second post:Anyone on lovenox(enoxaparin) in USA for taking long term instead of warfarin?

Please help or private message me, thanks
I don't remember but my GP took care of it. I still keep lovenox around for bridges and for times my INR gets too low. I get it locally at wallgreens. Years age I got it mail order. You know last time I just took prescription to Walgreens without any extra documentation. They simply filled it. Can't remember how much I had to pay. But I'm on about 20 prescriptions and can't keep up.
Changed question...please help

I Bridge with it. Blue cross blue shields- Walgreens has a contract. CVS does not. Just a doctors RX like any thing else, Cindy. There was no issue.
I've been on lovenox for about two (seperate) years during my pregnancies. BCBS would pay for the first two months, then rejected my claim. My doctor sent a letter that took care of it.
Second time around I was rejected prepregnancy (I took it while trying to conceive) and gas to take heparin during that time.
Hopefully your doctor can clear it up!