hi thanks for a place to speak out. i am 66 yrs old. had my emergency hysterectomy at 34 years old and lost both ovaries at same time, within 1/2 hour of waking up i had my first horrible hot flash and they continued every 1/2 hour round the clock. i was put on the usual hrt that was out 30+ years ago. nothing worked. tried every hrt medication on the market. we are talking volcanic hot flashes. almost passing out. then they came out with patches. i thought great. nope wrong again, those did nothing. i suffered for years. nothing helping me with all the gaining symptons. yes you may think i should have stopped all symptons by now. but nope. not that lucky. i watched suzanne somers online. and i spoke to a friend who is a nurse about this. well come to find out, my friend had gone on compounded HRT and had incredible things to say about it. So. i immediately contact my gyno and discussed it. went for the blood test to see what my hormone levels were. they were in the toilet. so i was given a script to take to a compounding pharmacy. filled it and began, i cannot explain the difference. hot flashes gone, mood swings gone, evertying that i had suffered thru gone, i felt better more energetic, had some healthy wt loss and i swear by everything it has kept my skin younger, my body younger, my mind younger. NOW/ a couple of years ago i suffered a pulmonary embolism. i had been bed ridden for 14 months then suddenly got up and into a car for a 14 hour drive and guess what boom it happened. it was not due to HRT. thankfully no remaining effects of it. but i was blood tested and was found to have a genetic factor called Factor V Leiden. which makes me highly prone to blood clots. so now i am forever on a blood thinner. not warfarin but pradaxa. and i was taken off my HRT. well, here comes the hot flashes again, horrible horrible and wt gain. i'm saying nothing else changed and 50 lbs added in 6 months. so back to researching. found many articles about blood clots and compounded HRT> guess what compounded HRT does not cause blood clots. it has no effect at all on bloood. this is because it is not processes thru the liver which when HRT goes thru the liver it makes the liver produce the product that increases clotting. the compounded HRT is absorbed thru your skin, like your own used to. so i brought everything and placed it in front of my primary dr. he sat back and read it. put the papers down and wrote my script for compounded HRT again. i'm back on it. feel better, look better, losing the wt, (by doing nothing new) and no hot flashes or other problems. find a dr. that knows what is going on. is updated on this. even a hemotologist. but definately find a gyno that believes in compounded HRT> good luck.
I too enjoyed compounded HRT during the last years of my menses -I had been so sick before I wish I had used it sooner. But since menopause -no pain, no symptoms of hormone imbalance so no more HRT. I'm glad you are reading up. Good luck.
I have to clarify that Leiden V is not at all the same clotting disorder as APS.
No one wants to deal with a clotting factor, and all of them carry dangerous risks. I’m glad you have identified yours, have your risks under control, and thankfully have a HRT replacement that is working for you that your doctor (s) are aware of and are in agreement with.
I do not see anywhere that you mention that you have APS. ( do make sure you do not have this. Sometimes more than one clotting disorders come in groupings.)
I need to clarify for all forum members that APS is very different to Leiden V.
!!! Dr Jill Schofield, APS specialty Rheumatoligist who studied under Dr Hughes , reiterated that APS is the most aggressive clotting disorder there is. HRT should not be used in APS patients. !!!
As an aside, I urge you to join a Leiden V support group. It’s wonderful you have found such great information. You have just accidentally stumbled upon the wrong forum unless you also have APS/ Hughes Syndrome.