I just read the article titled above. Could it really be this simple? As a child I was severely anemic. The Gamma Globulin shots were supposed to build up my immunity levels abut don't think the shots did anything for vitamin D levels. I was often in bed, sick so didn't get much Vitamin D from the sun. Also, as a child I had lots of problems with my teeth, lots of cavities in my primary teeth. The formula my mother gave me as a baby often made me quite sick, so mostly give me sugar water to help me grow. My allergies were so severe-- I couldn't keep milk down, was allergic to all dairy products (milk, eggs, cheese). My primary food source growing up was oatmeal made with water and sugar and orange juice. I did get vitamin C from orange juice. It was the only thing I could drink and keep down. No one offered Vitamin D supplements back in the 1950s. Several years ago, on my own, I began taking vitamin D supplements (30,000 mcg daily. The dentist noticed that my teeth were stronger and healthier. I also noticed I stopped getting the numerous head colds PC never checks D levels. On the one occasion that he checked it, he said it was on the low end but to drink milk. I can't drink milk, even now. Is it possible that the vitamin D jell caps have been helping?
Vitamin D and antiphospholipid syndro... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Vitamin D and antiphospholipid syndrome: A retrospective cohort study and meta-analysis
Although I cant comment on your medical condition, the report proves that people with APS are more likely to have a defiency in Vitamin D than those without APS.
It is quite common for us to also have several autoimmune diseases running together - Sjogrens, thryoidism, raynards etc.
The fact your health improved with supplemented Vit D, shows your body needed it.
I always show caution with supplements though, as not always advised as too much can be just as bad as too little. Worth getting your blood tested for Vit D as well as B12.
I see in your earlier posts you dont have an APS/Hughes specialist - try posting this question and stating your area to see if someone can recomend you one - really important to have a doctor who knows the illness and understands. xx
I have far less serious reactions to viruses and infections now my vitamin D is nice and high, although with my mix of diseases this does still happen, but not so frequently, I always check my B12, D and Iron, plus lots of other things. Often people with Hashimotos can't tolerate gluten and dairy, and some go off and get tested for the MTHFR gene also:
No, it is not that simple! If it were, the medical researchers into autoimmune conditions would have a far better understanding of these diseases. Unfortunately, they still don't understand the mechanisms and they also don't understand how the mechanics of the body actually work. They don't understand the functions of the T-cells, the B-cells and this is after decades of research. I monitor the excellent work at University College and reading their comments they admit they simply don't know how the miracle, that is our bodies, work!
For example, I have abnormal immunoglobulins and when I asked my rheumatologist and haematologist, all they can say is "we don't know." When I ask why lymphaedema cannot be treated, their answer is because they do not understand how the lymph glands drain the fluid which in my case results in looking like I suffer from elephantiasis!
What they are aware is that certain autoimmune conditions results in a lack of Vitamin D which is so very important - but the best form is of course, sunlight!
Where did you read this article?