Has anyone experienced any side effects from taking Pregablin within the first 6-8 months. I've been prescribed it to help with nocturnal seziures, in addition to taking Epilim. It seems to have stopped the nocturnal seziures but wonder if it causes any other side effects.
Pregablin: Has anyone experienced any... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hi there, presumably your specialist is monitoring you on this? It is not a drug either myself or relatives have tried at any time, I did find this for you: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
Thank you Mary. It doesn't make easy reading.
I have this week been told the pain in my back, legs etc is not something that the bone & hip specialists can treat - there isn't anything they can see. They feel it needs to be investigated further by a neurological specialist. I have seen two specialist at St Thomas prior to this, who have done several tests but don't feel there is anything on the brain.
I was experience some pain & problems walking, etc prior to starting the pregabalin but it seems to be worse now. Wonder if there are any side effects from it?
I took one 25mg tablet of pregabalin and I had the worst head pain I've ever had for about 24hrs! I was prescribed it to prevent migraine...... I've just supported a lady who was taking a high dose to come off it as she found that it didn't help with her fibro pain at all and was causing her to be 'numb' to life like she was walking around in a stupor.
Please be aware that if you do start taking it and can't deal with any side effects, that you will need to wean off it and the side effects of weaning off it can be bad if you have been taking it a while (my client had lots of nerve symptoms like prickling and burning skin sensations as well as anxiety)
I started taking it around July time last year and gradually increased my dosage over 6 weeks. I'm on 75mg at night which is supposed to help with my noturnal sezurizes in addition to my normal epiliptic mediciation, and to sleep better; however, it hasnt helped at all with sleeping due to these other problems with my muscles, bones and stiffness and cannot walk around normally at all but am bent double and in constant pain!
I've emailed my consultant at St Thomas to call me but am still waiting to hear from him. Any advice would be gratefully received.
Are you able to get some advice from your GP whilst waiting for your consultant to reply? (I would try calling your consultant following up your email if possible)
If it's not helping and is making things worse, it doesn't sound like it's the right med for you, but whatever you do please do not just stop taking it - my client ended up in the mental health unit when she tried this the first time she stopped!
I hope you find something that works and get some medical advice soon x
As I know that anticoagulation at a steady and high level usually helps Hughes Syndrome(APS) sufferers, I wonder if you have a Doctor who really knows how to give your the best treatment for our symptoms?
Have you tested Sjögrens, Lupus, Thyroid-issues? You may have other illnesses also.
Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm
Yes MerylAnn I am on Pregabalin and have been few years. Although it does help it gives you other things you don't want.I get burning and prickly sensation through my body. I was on 450 mg a day but have reduced to 350mg. It caused me to feel spaced out and suicidal feelings etc. I Have got used to it but reducing it was a nightmare.I wax told not to take it prior to medical procedure and I collapsed and was on steroid drip etc for 3 days in agony screaming out.