the test said I was at 6,My question is now the giving me 50,000 IU once a week now,any idea of how long I would have 2 take this high dose,and any1 know of long term effects,or nasty side effects I might have?
I just found out that I am Vitamin D ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
I just found out that I am Vitamin D low,

I took 50,000 IU once a week for 6 weeks when it was discovered I was low, i now take 2000 IU a day to maintain. I had no side effects, only felt better.
What made the Dr check your levels? I once mentioned it to mine and he said because I took cod liver oil which has it in I could not be deficient so refused to test me
I went 2 c my rhem and did my once a year tests 2 c how everything was going as I had some pretty big flares over this year and he added it 2 my blood tests,and as far as I know I have always been tested 4 it since I have had Lupus and that I take the steriods 4 over 10 yrs. now,and the test came back 6,Tina
I was 18, and went on capsules 40,000 ui. It has taken approx 18 month. I did start to feel better, but i feel my levels are declining. Hope you do ok with it.I just maintain mine now.
My homocysteine levels were high. I was told it encourages my blood to clot, and it was caused by a lack of Vitamine D. So I've been going on Vitamin D and Folic Acid for years. I do not feel any effect, but my homocysteine levels went normal.