I am 36 and have been diagnosed with L.A..none of the doctors were i live are familiar with this disorder. I do not have insurance therefore doctors just pass me off, they dont care. i had (in 09,) a greenfield vena cava filter implanted in me and i am on coumadin for the rest of my life. i take 15mg 3x's a week and 12mg the other 4 days a week. My bloodclot was so massive it went all the wy up my leg and into my abdomen. because of that my veins are really messed up. ..it looks like a snake under my skin..the veins are so messed up. I have extremly poor circulation in my legs and i heard of this surgery for veins that can help. however since i am on blood thinners would this be something they could do for me to help or am i just stuck for life being miserable? I have soo many questions about this disorder and noone seems to be able to help me.
Can you have vein surgery on your vei... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Can you have vein surgery on your veins if you have lupis anticoagulant and are on warfarin.

Thank you. I was so eager to find answers that I didn't realize this was in the UK til after I posted. I am in the states...middle Tennessee.
Hi there, others on here will tell you who is nearest to you, we have several members from the USA onapsaction.org/ here: Also you could take a look at some of the names on here:
Do feel free to add another question about whether there is anybody on here in your area. Mary F x
TN huh? The state with the lottery to qualify for Medicaid? I'm so. So. Very, very sorry. I'm a Vandy grad. Might you seek treatment there? Or Duke, over in Durham NC is very knowledgeable about APLS.
( and for you UK folks, yes, I did say " lottery." Seriously. You call this number on a certain day and time and the first so- many who call are accepted into the program. Everyone else - no coverage.)
Good luck. Please let us know how this progresses for you. We're cheering for you.
Gina..thanks..I do not qualify for the lotto..I'm not elderly..taking care of a child w special needs..etc..just like tenncare I am denied because I'm 36 female with no children..I got the raw end of the deal that's for sure. Always been careful not to get pregnant cuz I was not ready for kids..then at 30 find out i probably will never have any bcuz of L.A...an because I'm not poppin them out and an letting the government take care of it..I can't get help..anyway..my next step was to try Vanderbuilt..but..I have no insurance..an the cost of specialists is way too much for my budget..I'm really to the point of offering free housekeeping or babysitting to any doctor that will see me..I don't know wut else to do..
Good luck. I have been in a similar situation -- when a student at Vandy 35 years ago. Unbeknownst to me at first,) I was removed from my family's insurance policy, so Vandy Student Health was not getting reimbursed. So, they didn't so much want to really treat the repeated fevers, pains, rashes, enlarged spleen, and positive ANA blood work so much as just get me out of the treatment room AFAP. I took tons of generic penicillin for imaginary strep throat (the strep tests cost money, so they were rarely run, ) as well as "mono," (mono spot tests were usually negative, though that ANA was positive.) I eventually graduated -- barely (huge amounts of brain fog are not conducive to attending class at a notoriously strict and challenging school.)
But looking back, all of my current docs believe I have/had "non organ threatening lupus." How could Vandy have missed this diagnosis? Because, even though knowing that my Father was a doctor and they were supposed to treat me like family and all, my lack of insurance prompted them to rotate me in and out of the offices as quickly as possible.
So, your geographic location and other issues certainly resonate with me.
And I certainly wish you good luck.
I hope it doesn't come down to moving to another state where patients without insurance are not treated so casually.