Panisse is a meal made out of chickpea flour, it comes from the south of France. It got a really fine taste. Some people use it as an appetizer but I prefer using it to add some proteins in a salad. Italians have their polenta... french have their panisse. It's good... and it's very cheap to make.
You'll need
250 grams Chickpea flour
1 Litre of water
2 table spoon of olive oil
1 garlic clove
1 pinch of salt
Olive oil for cooking.
-Before making the recepie, take a loaf pan and line it completely with plastic film.
-In a good size pan, heat the water, the salt, the olive oil, the garlic clove and the salt.
-When the water comes to a boil take out the pan out of the burner and add your chickpea flour while whisking.
-When all the flour has absob the water, put the pan on the burner at low.
-Ifyour paste has to much lumps, you can take the hand mixer to get it smooth.
-Continue mixing on the low fire for 10 to 15 minutes till your paste stiffens.
-Pour the paste in the loaf pan, let it cool and place in the refrigirator for 1 hour.
It will become a very stiff "bread" that you can cut in slice and sear with a little bit of oil in a pan. When it becomes golden, youll have a crispy exterior and a creamy interior! It's delicious.
There is no limit with this recepie. You can add the spices and the herbs you like. Replace the water by a broth... anything goes as long as you respect the proportion of flour, liquid and the time to cook it.
And you can freeze the uncooked leftovers!