Hi I’m new here! I have recently been diagnosed pre- diabetes”
Newbie: Hi I’m new here! I have recently been... - Healthy Eating

Hi and welcome to the Healthy Eating group.😀👍 We have a Pre-Diabetes Topic section and also other topics for ideas and suggestions for different meals/snacks, etc..
Has your doctor suggested that you go on a low carb high protein diet for tighter blood sugar control and weight loss? I’m a type 1 Diabetic who counts carbs., eats low carb. high protein and gluten free diet. I also have a CGM for knowing when I start going low with my blood sugars. I’m also on two insulin’s for long/short acting. The long acting insulin is for over night and short acting is for meals. I hope this helps you.😀👍
Hi thank you for your reply! I am on a pre-diabetes course which is helping me with the diabetes and weight loss! I am on a diet with low carbs and high protein but sometimes struggle with recipes and food options !
Would you like to have me help you with the carb. counting and I can send you two links for two Diabetes groups also on HU? DRWF is in the UK and DI is India.
Hi yes please !

Hi jayneholt09 ,
Please check your private messages. I just sent the note now. Sorry for the delay.
Welcome, being pre Diabetes means it. can be reversed. I was never told that, Im now Diabetic, No going back. So try you're Hardest to get out.
Want2BHappy3, who told you that once your diabetic there's no going back? It's just not true.
Several doctors, Ive heard that too about reversing it. So Who do you Believe? Both sides are about money. I've tried Alternative medicine, didn't work.
It all starts with diet.
Always remember that "traditional" doctors can be shockingly stupid. They spend years absorbing a mountain of knowledge about the human body yet fail to question any of it, preferring instead to prescribe poison after poison because that's what they've been taught, and, as you say, it's about the money.
For example, if you told those doctors that humans can survive and thrive by eating nothing but meat and fat, and drinking good ol' plain water they would roll their eyes and slowly shake their head.