Vitamin D foods : Found out yesterday that I... - Healthy Eating

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Vitamin D foods

Jennymary profile image
11 Replies

Found out yesterday that I'm lacking in vitamin D, GP putting me on supplements along with calcium supplements but just wondering if anyone could give advice on best foods to eat (I don't eat fish)

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Jennymary profile image
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11 Replies
Cooper27 profile image

We don't get huge amounts of vitamin D from food - I think eggs are meant to have some, and mushrooms are a good source (apparently if you sit them in direct sunlight before cooking them, they soak up extra vitamin D for you). The most important thing is to make sure you get plenty sunshine when, especially now the weather is improving. Try to get out for at least 10 minutes every day in the summer.

Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it's recommended to eat it with your most fatty meal of the day. Personally my preference is not to take it after dark - I think getting a big dose of sunshine vitamins after dark can cause confusion for my body, and can give me insomnia that night.

Hi jennymary, dairy products are high in vitamin D and so are egg yolks as is soy milk/dairy. What Cooper says is true in that if you put mushrooms in the sun for 30 mins they will absorb vitamin D.

As you Dr has put you on calcium sesame seeds pack a punch of calcium that is easily absorbed. Tahini, which's sesame seed butter and eaten like peanut butter or cooked liked peanut butter is a great source of calcium and delicious.

We also need magnesium to absorb calcium and over 50% of the population are magnesium deficient. If you take a magnesium supplement you want chelated magnesium or you can buy it in crystals and mix it 50:50 with water and rub that on your skin as our skin absorbs magnesium and its gentler on our stomachs. Its great for sprained muscles too.

With summer coming vitamin D will be free in the sunshine so a good excuse to take a sunshine break...😎 And good luck.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Good advice Jerry but I was surprised you mentioned soy milk as all soy beans are GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms).

Aside from the GMO thing, I don’t think soy is really that great for our body anyhow.

A lot of our foods, condiments, cosmetics and so on is tainted and has added nasties to it.

Makes you wonder why people do this in the first place.

Dig deep enough and you might find out.

Referring to Jenny and the calcium. Calcium is what I am after right now because I am in the middle of remineralising my teeth.

I read something years ago about doing this and the main trick was to use calcium.

We are told that cow’s milk is a great source for teeth and bones.

However, that is a lie to go along with the many other lies out there brought to you by mainstream media.

You can get more calcium from broccoli.

Crunchy foods provide calcium. Nuts, leafy greens, seeds and grains.

I normally eat hemp seeds, chia seeds, moringa, wheat grass, lettuce, celery... etc... all great sources of calcium.

You can use ground up egg shells. Grind them into a powder and add half a teaspoon to your smoothie or whatever. I think you have to boil the egg shells first though.

Anyhow, better research has come out about remineralising teeth and as well as calcium, vitamins A, D and K2 also help.

Seeds like chia seeds and hemp both have vitamin A and calcium. Hemp seeds have vitamin D as well.

I also have spirulina tablets and cacao powder which are also nutrient rich foods.

in reply to Matt2584

Hi Matt in the US most soy is GMO but in the UK we get Alpro which's not GMO.

Good additional advice so thanks for that. 👍

Zest profile image

Hi Jennymary

You've reminded me of the post I did a while back about 'Sun-bathing Mushrooms' - I'll link to it here, because I put some information related to an article there too:

Zest :-)

Kai-- profile image


Few more Vitamin D foods ( ), Jennymary:

. . . Mushrooms 🍄 : • Maitake • Portobello • Chanterelle (raw)

. . . Fortified 💊 Vit. D foods: • Soy & Almond Milks • Orange Juice • Soy Yogurt • Ready-to-Eat Cereal


If you’re interested in ‘supplemental’ Vitamin D (Hormone) information, Jennymary, there’s gobs more:

. . . • . . . •

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. . . •


Best wishes. ☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


JAS9 profile image

Here's a short 10 minute video that argues against vit D from suppliments or fortified foods like dairy. Sunlight rules!

andyswarbs profile image

I increasingly think that some shortages are a symptom rather than a cause. Take anemia as an example. When my RA was hitting me badly I also had very bad anemia, to the point where I was put on iron tablets. I took a couple of these but no more. However as I gained control and removed RA from my body the anemia also disappeared. I know now that my own anecdote is reliably repeated in other people.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to andyswarbs


Bingo, andyswarbs! 👍👍

. . . "symptom rather than a cause"


Chicken 🐓 & egg 🥚 -like quandary? 🤔

Or, more like 1 feeding the other [nutrient deficiency* (and/or guts inability to absorb nutrients, such as iron or B12 or potassium or Vit D/ hormone, etc.) ‘feeding’ symptom manifestation] in reciprocal-like cycle 🔄 ♻️ ? 🤔

Escalating, exacerbating symptoms in a downward spiral 🌀 . . . 😯 🤭

Intervention of significant change (lifestyle/ dietary changes, medication/ supplementation changes … ) ‘short-circuits’ 💥⚡️ the cycle & gives us a chance to nudge our health in a ‘healing direction’ 🧭 . . . 👍👍

☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


*"Anaemia of chronic disease" ( ).**


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--


"Anaemia of chronic disease" ( ) supplemental information.**




… if your body is not properly absorbing nutrients — not properly self-nourishing via foods alone — maybe working with your medics to consider supplementation ( ) particularly if suffering from ‘anaemia of chronic disease’. Sometimes our body just needs an initial boost (a ‘jumpstart’) to set it on a healing course. 👍👍 [ ]


… possible considerations on anaemia from chronic illness, iron, lack of gut nutrient absorption, etc. … [ ]


… As our gut 'heals' we may be better able to absorb nutrients from foods, thereby reducing our need for supplements 💊 (or reducing supplement dosages) if we're on any supplements, that is.

Yes, in early phases so many of us suffer from 'anaemia of chronic illness' & we need to supplement 💊 depleted nutrients ( ) until our gut can better absorb nutrients from foods.

Yes, if sun exposure 🌞 isn't an option, Vitamin D (hormone) supplements 💊 is an alternative. My understanding is some sun ☀️ exposure is best for natural Vit. D (hormone) production. 🤔 … [ ]


… Unfortunately, there are times in our journey when (severe) deficits 💀 in nutrients require us to 'supplement' with vitamins/ supplements 💉 💊 — short term (or long term).

Physician-prescribed (high dose) Vitamin D (hormone) 💊 (for example), can get us over a hump when we've lapsed into severe deficiency 💀 . [Additionally, being chronically ill 😵 (for some time) can tip us into 'anaemia of chronic illness' 😴 😞 , so we have to default to supplements in an attempt to recover/ restore our bodily system. Ingesting even increased quantities (piles) of food alone can't provide the required (nutrient) 'dosage' to restore steep 📉 deficits. 😯 ]

We can eventually wean off some of these vitamins/ supplements provided we 'improve' 📈 (physician-monitored) along the way. 👍

Think as we get over 'the worst of it' 😵 💀 , supplements fall wayside & nutrient-dense, whole foods, smoothies, etc. meet most of our nutritional needs. 🤗 … [ ]


Few more 'anaemia (from chronic illness)' thoughts shared here,…: Supplements/ Nutrients (B12, Vit. D, Potassium, Protein . . . ) for RAers/ Autoimmuners & Plant-Based Dieters (Vegans, Vegetarians, . . . ): [Of course, you'd work hand in hand 🤝 with your medical team 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ (thoroughly assessing all ideas/ options) before doing anything 😯 . ] If you like research 🕵️‍♀️ 🔎 , here's "anaemia of chronic illness" search results: [ ]


Vitamin D 💊 (physician testing/ prescribing high-loading dose followed by lower maintenance dose) & anaemia of chronic illness (which tie into chronic fatigue/ exhaustion noted above) may be a points of research 🕵️‍♀️ 🔎, if interested … [ ]


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How did you remove RA from your body

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