Don’t diet, eat healthy- tips and tricks. - Healthy Eating

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Don’t diet, eat healthy- tips and tricks.

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I’m not doctor or dietician but I’ve done a lot of my own research and I pay attention to what the experts say. Ive been successful in healthy eating so here’s some of the tricks and tips I learned that work.

Serving size matters- It’s easy to eat to much and a lot of people don’t realize. Your stomach empty is about the size of your closed fist so a serving size should fit in your palm. If you play a sport or do intense workouts regularly, double the serving

exercise is great but not a big factor- exercise only contributes to about %20 of weight loss, the rest is diet. you don’t need to do intense workouts or buy fancy equipment; you can just do a daily walk or swim, as long as you’re eating well and not sitting all day.

Digestion matters- There’s plenty of food that causes mild symptoms you don’t realize you have because they’re normal for you. meat for example is difficult to digest no matter who you are, especially red meat which causes constipation and gas and symptoms get gradually worse as you age.

Mixed Signals- the part of the brain that tells you your hungry is right next to the part that says your thirsty so sometimes they get mixed up so try drinking water before you eat.

Drink lots of water especially if you’re really active.

Stop eating meat, milk/cheese and anything high in sugar-

most people don’t realize how much sugar they’re consuming and is in everything. I personally lost 12 lbs. in a week just giving up meat and milk/cheese and experience a lot less gas and constipation.

Read the label- the nutritional label is your friend and will help you know what’s in your food.

Calories aren’t the enemy- don’t bother counting calories and trying to do the recommended daily 2000, the research behind that daily recommendation is dated and faulty and every body has their unique needs.

Don’t go cold turkey- food can be addictive so when you cut yourself off completely, you go through withdrawals so remove bad foods from your diet gradually. I started by giving up red meat then the next week I gave up light meats, the bext week I gave up milk etc.

Don’t starve yourself- your body will panic and you’ll end up gaining more weight and torturing yourself.

Learn to cook real food- microwaving pre made stuff isn’t cooking, start buying healthy and raw ingredients and cook them yourself. pre made meals have tons of preservatives and the diet meals aren’t long term solutions.

Make realistic weekly goals- you’ll overwhelm yourself trying to lose all the weight as fast as possible. When it comes to healthy eating, don’t focus on the weight, focus on what you’re eating and how much; the weight loss will follow.

Try vegan alternatives- you don’t have to go completely vegan but there are lots of vegan alternatives at the store to meat, milk, cheese and even butter. they’re just as good and you can still have a burger and butter on your toast.

Consider what you’re eating is doing to you- When I first started taking healthy eating seriously and started researching, I found that my sensitive skin that was irritated by milk/cheese and I never would’ve realized that was why my eczema was so bad until I gave up milk/cheese. I had been drinking milk all my life like everyone else so I never realized until I quit drinking it.

Don’t take companies word-When it comes to food companies, especially meat, dairy and sugar industry, their top priority is making profits, not your long term health.

Gender and hormones- there’s a reason it’s easier for men to lose weight than women; it’s hormones. food can effect your hormones. women have more estrogen which causes weight gain and reduced muscle mass; so avoid soy.

Don’t stress when you go out- It’s best to make your own food but it’s ok to eat out occasionally. just choose the ‘lesser evil’ of your options.

Do your research- there’s plenty of good foods that can give you all the vitamins and nutrients you need. If you’re worried about protein eat beans, lentils and green veggies.

Invest in quality- Organic and local foods will be a little pricey but your health something worth investing in. Even if you don’t care to live to 100, eating better quality and local ingredients can help you feel better, less trips to the doctor and you’ll age more gracefully.

Think long term- pills, pre made foods even if it’s diet meals are short term solutions. Being healthy and staying healthy requires methods that you can keep up and recreate. Diets are short term plans, Being healthy and staying that way is a lifestyle.

That’s all I got that I can immediately remember. Hope that’s helpful.

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Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Wow, you've been busy compiling that list - plenty of food for thought there. Thanks for sharing it.

Zest :-)

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