The Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin C - Healthy Eating

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The Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin C

suramo profile image
5 Replies

When most people think about vitamin C, the image of an orange suddenly appears in their mind.

However, it is not only citrus fruits that contain vitamin C, and so many foods are full of it.

According to the latest recommendations, adult males need 90 mg and females require 75 mg of this essential vitamin each day.

Here is a list of the top 20 foods high in vitamin C.

1) Green Bell Peppers

Green bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, and one medium pepper provides 159% of the DV (1).

Since this serving size only contains 23 calories, it is easy to see how dense in the vitamin green peppers are.

There are many different ways to include this nutritious fruit in your diet, and they work well in salads or as a “boat”.

For example, this “boat” name refers to stuffing peppers with meat, cheese, and vegetables, which is a delicious way to eat them.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 80.4 mg (134% DV)

Calories: 20 kcal

Carbs: 4.6 g

Fat: 0.2 g

Protein: 0.9 g

2) Guava

Guava is a tropical fruit that is native to Mexico; it now grows throughout the world in countries including China, India, and Thailand.

The flesh of this unique fruit can be either sweet or sour depending on the ripeness of the fruit, and it is one of the best providers of vitamin C.

Surprisingly, just one small (55 g) guava contains 209% of the DV (2).

People usually eat guava raw, but it is prevalent throughout Mexican cuisine and drinks, sauces, and desserts often contain it.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 228 mg (381% DV)

Calories: 68 kcal

Carbs: 14.3 g

Fat: 0.9 g

Protein: 2.5 g

3) Pummelo

Oranges are not the biggest provider of vitamin C, and they are not even the most significant citrus fruit source.

That honor belongs to pummelo fruit.

Notably, pummelo is one of the very highest vitamin C foods, and it supplies 193% of the DV per cup serving (3).

Pummelo is an incredibly large citrus fruit which can weigh over 600 grams when fully grown.

The fruit looks similar to a grapefruit in appearance, but it is much larger and has a sweeter taste.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 61 mg (102% DV)

Calories: 38 kcal

Carbs: 9.6 g

Fat: 0 g

Protein: 0.8 g

4) Cantaloupe Melon

A Cantaloupe Melon On a White Background With One Slice Missing.

With a sweet and juicy taste, cantaloupe is one of the most popular fruits in the world.

While several melons are a good source of vitamin C, cantaloupe melons offer the highest amount.

A one-cup serving provides 98% of the daily value for the vitamin (4).

However, cantaloupe is not only a source of vitamin C, and its orange flesh contains even more vitamin A carotenoids.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 36.7 mg (61% DV)

Calories: 34 kcal

Carbs: 8.8 g

Fat: 0.2 g

Protein: 0.8 g

5) Strawberry

Strawberries are a favorite fruit for many people, and they taste delicious (especially with cream).

These attractive red berries are also a vitamin C rich food, and they contain 149% of the DV per cup (5).

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 58.8 mg (98% DV)

Calories: 32 kcal

Carbs: 7.7 g

Fat: 0.3 g

Protein: 0.7 g

6) Beef Spleen


Although most people assume animal foods contain no vitamin C, this is not strictly true.

Interestingly, all meat provides (a minimal) amount of the vitamin.

However, some cuts of meat are higher in vitamin C than others, and the spleen is the most concentrated source.

It probably is not for everyone, but beef spleen contains a similar amount of vitamin C as an orange; a 3 oz serving provides 71% of the DV (6).

While beef offal is rare to find in Western dishes, the spleen plays a role in Mediterranean dishes such as Greek spleen sausage and Italian spleen sandwiches.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 50.3 mg (84% DV)

Calories: 145 kcal

Carbs: 0 g

Fat: 4.2 g

Protein: 25.1 g

7) Brussels Sprouts

Three Brussels Sprouts On a White Background.

It seems that Brussels sprouts are one of those ‘love them or hate them’ foods, but this vegetable is exceptionally high in vitamin C.

One cup will provide 125% of the daily value of the vitamin, and sprouts are also a significant source of vitamin K1 (7).

For those that do not like the taste of Brussels sprouts, roasting them in the oven with some meat, vegetables, and a bit of butter gives them extra flavor.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 85 mg (142% DV)

Calories: 43 kcal

Carbs: 9.0 g

Fat: 0.3 g

Protein: 3.4 g

8) Longan Fruit

Longan is a small tropical fruit that is native to South and South-East Asia, and it is among the best vitamin C food sources.

Per ounce serving, this unique fruit contributes 39% of the DV for vitamin C (8).

Longan fruit shares many similarities with lychee and rambutan, which are both parts of the same family of fruit.

Dubbed “the dragon’s eye” in China, longan fruits have an unusual appearance, but they taste almost the same as lychee.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 84 mg (140% DV)

Calories: 60 kcal

Carbs: 15.1 g

Fat: 0.1 g

Protein: 1.3 g

9) Lemon

Lemons are a common fruit throughout the world, and they are renowned for their sour taste.

Although some people enjoy them on their own, lemons can be too sour for many people, and people often use them as a flavoring aid for drinks and recipes.

The sour taste that lemons demonstrate comes from the specific acids they contain, and this fruit has a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

A large lemon provides around 74% of the DV for vitamin C (9).

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 53 mg (88% DV)

Calories: 29 kcal

Carbs: 9.3 g

Fat: 0.3 g

Protein: 1.1 g

10) Lime

Whole Limes and a Lime Half On a White Background.

Although the difference between lemons and limes is not significant, lemons tend to be sour while limes have more of a bitter taste.

Like its sibling, lime is relatively high in vitamin C, and one regular lime supplies 32% of the daily value (10).

We can use lime in many ways; it can flavor drinks, add a unique taste to dishes, or the brave people can even eat it whole.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 29.1 mg (48% DV)

Calories: 30 kcal

Carbs: 10.5 g

Fat: 0.2 g

Protein: 0.7 g

11) Grapefruit

Grapefruit is another citrus fruit that is among the highest of vitamin C foods, and a cup serving contributes 120% of the DV (11).

In addition to vitamin C, grapefruit provides a good source of carotenoids and a small amount of potassium.

Although grapefruit is nowhere near the bitterness of lemon and lime, some people don’t enjoy the taste.

Tip: lightly salting grapefruit makes it taste sweeter.

Interestingly, activating sweet or salty taste receptors in the mouth affect our ability to perceive other tastes, including bitterness.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 31.2 mg (52% DV)

Calories: 42 kcal

Carbs: 10.7 g

Fat: 0.1 g

Protein: 0.8 g

12) Pineapple

Similar to other yellow tropical fruits, pineapple is high in vitamin C and provides 131% of the DV per cup (13).

Aside from vitamin C, pineapple is also a significant source of the mineral manganese.

However, pineapple is quite high in fruit sugars, and total carbohydrate so watch your portions if you are on a lower carb diet.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 47.8 mg (80% DV)

Calories: 50 kcal

Carbs: 13.1 g

Fat: 0.1 g

Protein: 0.5 g

13) Kale

Dark Green Whole Kale Leaves on a White Background.

Kale is not for everyone, and you either love it or hate it.

Despite not being a huge fan of kale, it is hard to argue with the impressive nutrition profile it has.

For example, kale contains substantial amounts of vitamin K1, carotenoids, and provides a source of every essential mineral.

Additionally, kale is one of the most abundant vegetable sources of vitamin C, and a 67-gram cup serving supplies 134% of the daily value.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 120 mg (200% DV)

Calories: 50 kcal

Carbs: 10 g

Fat: 0.7 g

Protein: 3.3 g

14) Papaya

Like all bright yellow/orange tropical fruit, papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C.

One cup of cubed papaya offers 144% of the DV for vitamin C, and it is also rich in vitamin A, potassium, and folate (15).

Papaya is lesser known than other tropical fruits such as pineapple and mango, but it has good nutritional (and taste) qualities.

The texture of the fruit is very soft, and it has a texture similar to melon, but the taste is not as sweet.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 61.8 mg (103% DV)

Calories: 39 kcal

Carbs: 9.8 g

Fat: 0.1 g

Protein: 0.6 g

15) Sun-Dried Tomato

Despite often being mistaken for a vegetable, the tomato is a small red fruit that is rich in vitamin C and several other interesting nutrients.

Tomatoes come in all different shapes and sizes, from the small cherry tomatoes to heirloom tomatoes that can come close to 1 kg in weight.

However, it is sun-dried tomatoes that pack the most vitamin C content, and they contain 35% DV per cup (16).

Tomatoes are also rich sources of potassium, manganese, and the phytochemical lycopene.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 39.2 mg (65% DV)

Calories: 258 kcal

Carbs: 55.8 g

Fat: 3.0 g

Protein: 14.1 g

16) Orange

Whole Orange and Orange Halves.

Finally, the source of vitamin C that most people think about when they hear the name of the vitamin.

Oranges are a reliable source of vitamin C, and they provide 116% of the DV per average-sized fruit (17).

The orange is a simple, affordable, and convenient fruit.

However, since the whole form of the fruit still contains the whole fiber structure, it is a much healthier choice than drinking fruit juice.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 53.2 mg (89% DV)

Calories: 47 kcal

Carbs: 11.7 g

Fat: 0.1 g

Protein: 0.9 g

17) Coriander (Dried)

Generally speaking, we do not consume herbs and spices like coriander in significant amounts.

However, coriander is deserving of a place on this list because it offers such a substantial concentration of vitamin C.

Impressively, just one tablespoon of coriander contains 17% of the vitamin’s daily value (18).

In the right dose, coriander is an excellent addition to almost any cooked dish, and it is a significant flavor enhancer.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 567 mg (945% DV)

Calories: 279 kcal

Carbs: 52.1 g

Fat: 4.8 g

Protein: 21.9 g

18) Green Chili Pepper

For those of you who enjoy spicy food, chili pepper is another good choice for vitamin C.

Chili peppers are loaded with the vitamin, and just one single chili pepper provides an enormous 182% of the DV (19).

Chili tastes especially good in a tomato-based curry sauce alongside coconut cream or ghee, and curries are full of healthy herbs and spices too.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 242 mg (404% DV)

Calories: 40 kcal

Carbs: 9.5 g

Fat: 0.2 g

Protein: 2.0 g

19) Broccoli

Broccoli is another vegetable loaded with vitamin C, and it contains 135% of the DV per cup (20).

Also, this cruciferous vegetable is a good source of vitamin K1.

There are many ways to eat broccoli, but it tastes particularly good topped with grated cheese and olive oil, and then cooked in the oven.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 89.2 mg (149% DV)

Calories: 34 kcal

Carbs: 6.6 g

Fat: 0.4 g

Protein: 2.8 g

20) Blackcurrant

Last but not least; blackcurrants.

The blackcurrant is a slightly bitter, slightly sweet berry that is the richest source of vitamin C across all (whole) berries.

A single cup serving provides 338% of the daily value for vitamin C (21).

These common berries are widely available in Europe, but they can be harder to find in the United States. This problem is because they were banned until 2006, due to blackcurrants supposedly threatening the timber industry.

Blackcurrants can vary between incredibly sour and sweet depending on their ripeness.

Per 100 gram serving;

Vitamin C: 181 mg (302% DV)

Calories: 63 kcal

Carbs: 15.4 g

Fat: 0.4 g

Protein: 1.4 g

Highest Vitamin C Foods Per 100 Grams

For convenience, here is a list of the foods in this article ordered by the amount of vitamin C they offer per 100 grams.

#FoodVitamin C (% DV)

1 Coriander (Dried): 945%

2 Green Chili Pepper: 404%

3 Guava: 382%

4 Blackcurrants: 302%

5 Kale: 200%

6 Broccoli: 149%

7 Brussels Sprouts: 142%

8 Longan Fruit: 140%

9 Green Bell Pepper: 134%

10 Papaya: 103%

11 Pummelo: 102%

12 Strawberry: 98%

13 Orange: 89%

14 Lemon: 88%

15 Beef Spleen: 84%

16 Pineapple: 80%

17 Sun-Dried Tomato: 65%

18 Cantaloupe Melon: 61%

19 Grapefruit: 52%

20 Lime: 48%

Final Thoughts

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, and consuming enough of it is fairly straightforward.

No matter what style of eating someone prefers, a vast range of food contains this important vitamin.

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suramo profile image
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5 Replies

This is very interesting suramo , so thanks for going to this trouble for us.

andyswarbs profile image
andyswarbs points out that taking vitamin c supplements is NOT associated with less colds. This is indeed true for almost all supplementation, including Vitamin D!

So much better to get your vitamin C in a whole food such as fruit. My top fruit for vitamn C is Kiwi.

Thanks suramo.

EMRhealth profile image

Yes Mercola has some great info

bella-bailey profile image

Thank you, suramo for the information. Is it possible to get too much Vitamin C?

I have a Nutribullet which is good to make drinks especially as some of the greens taste a bit bitter, but when mixed, it's a lot better.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tobella-bailey

Any water soluble vitamin taken in excess is removed in urine.

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