I don't want to be Porky Pig ... anymore!!! - Healthy Eating

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I don't want to be Porky Pig ... anymore!!!

Browneyes4 profile image
21 Replies

Now is the time to 'take action.' Enough is enough. At 57, I need to act. It isn't easy. Being overweight it takes a lot of determination and willpower to succeed. Still, I have started, that is the important thing.

How has your day been? It's late, 2am, so time for bed now. Xxx

Best wishes everyone. :) ;)

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Browneyes4 profile image
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21 Replies
Palmo profile image

Hi Browneyes,

I see we have a similar bed time! I always intend going at an earlier time but something distracts me... normally an electronic device!

My day yesterday was hugely busy but rewarding and fun.What about yours?

I too, decided enough was enough, mainly for health reasons but also because i have a wardrobe full of clothes and I was wearing stuff from my 'fat range' again! I went back to what i have done and had great results with previously - I joined Slimming World. Been great so far, I've lost 9lb and am feeling the benefits already. I also walk every day, sometimes achieve over 8000 steps, measured by app on Samsung phone, other days it's less or more. I'm also going to start swimming as enjoy that and hate going to gyms!

How are you doing your weight loss? If you'd like, we can touch base regularly to give each other encouragement. It is difficult, I call it a food addiction, so giving up what i like to eat way way too much of is a daily struggle sometimes. That's why i like SW, it lets me have treats!!

Have a good day one and all,

Paula xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Palmo

Hello Palmo 😊

Well done on your weight loss! It's not easy but you are doing very well! 😊

I was just telling Browneyes4 in the other post about the Weight Loss forum and what a friendly and supportive bunch we are 😊 Take a look when you get chance 😊

Good luck and best wishes 😊

DN51botanicals profile image
DN51botanicals in reply to Palmo

How strange. Today I decided enough was enough and I need some help with the dieting. Intending to start at local 'Slimmers World' next Monday. I like the idea of giving each other support and encouragement. I need to lose just under 2 stone and don't seem to be able to do it on my own.

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to Palmo

Hi Paula, well done on your weight loss! Great! It takes a lot of effort, planning meals, food shopping and trying to exercise too! I have been making changes for the last month. I've lost 5 & half pounds, which isn't a lot ... but glad to be going in the right direction - losing! I saw a nutritionist and am following food list. I am (mostly 😄!) ... avoiding, milk, bread and sweet things. Bread seems to bloat me and affect my stomach. There are many foods I can eat. So I am upping my fresh fruit and vegetables. Yes, keep chatting and let me know as you progress! Starting is the difficult thing ... so, we are on the "road to success" now! Blessings xxxx

Hi and good morning Browneyes! I waited till I was 58 to get motivated, so you're doing well. A year down the line and I'm moving towards having lost four stone, so with determination and willpower it is possible. Others have inspired me to get this far (and Slimming World). My day's only just started but yesterday was very productive, which is always good. Best of luck to you in your journey!

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to

Hi Eatsalottie, well done on your amazing weight loss. Yes, we need to come to that point where we think, "enough is enough." Then we can start to make healthy changes. I am fed up of lacking energy and feeling tired "most of the time." So, as you know so well, too - making the effort is worth it for our health and to look and feel so much better. You have done amazingly well in that first year. I need to start some exercise too. I think I will start with walking. All the best to you. I am motivated to make changes now too.

Mitchell4 profile image

All the best I just started too.Long journey but we will get there.

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to Mitchell4

Hi Mitchell, all the best on your healthy eating too. It will take time, but will be worth it to look and feel better and be more healthy too.

elliebath profile image

You're amongst friends here, loads of us in our 50s / 60s who, like you, have decided enough is enough and determined to shed the weight. In 2014 , I was one of these women. It took me ten months to reach my healthy target and Ive maintained it for the past eighteen months. Now age 64 I feel younger and better than I did at 54 . You will too!

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to elliebath

Hi Ellibath, well done on your amazing weight loss! Good that you feel so much better now. I have started, yet have a day when I eat something I shouldn't! Had chicken and chips (only had half of bun, and gave my son some chicken breast and chips)! Then we all had chocolate ice-cream and brownie desserts! Naught but nice. It was my husband's birthday ... so, at least we had a reason! I will get back on track today. Xx

elliebath profile image
elliebath in reply to Browneyes4

You dont need to feel you can never have these foods again. Just not too often and smaller portions. There is no easy way except to learn the calorie values of your meals and ensure you keep within the maximum for your height/age/size.

I truly believe that calorie counting is the easiest and most reliable way to lose. I used myfitnesspal app to calculate.

But nowadays if I can't (or don't wish to) calorie count, I just aim for 3/4 of my plate to be healthy veg and a 1/4 lean meat or fish ... it cant go far wrong. That way I have a bit of leeway for an icecream or cake if I fancy it ( say once, twice a week max)

Palmo profile image
Palmo in reply to elliebath

Gosh! Well done everyone!! Just off to be weighed now. I'm 52 and have 4 stone to lose, hoping for another couple of lb at least this eve! TTFN x

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to Palmo

Hi Palmo, how was your weight check in? One step at a time, whatever happens. We can only do our best ... some weeks go easier than other's. Like if there is a birthday meal, etc. ... where we may have a treat! We have to live and enjoy our lives, along the way ... don't we? Anyway, I hope you had a weight loss. If not, you will soon get back on track, I am sure. Let me know how you are doing.

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to elliebath

Hi ellibath. Yes, I think this is the way forward, sensible eating the majority of the time. Then a treat now and again. I am avoiding bread most of the time, and not much sweet stuff. I just have eggs ... not other dairy, which doesn't suit me so much these days. Tho I like cheese, it is high calorie too! I recently had a couple of the 45p bite sized portions from M & S, with some crackers. I really enjoyed it as a treat! I hope all is going well with you too.

Brown eyes

jrogs profile image

Hi browneyes 4. I too have only started on the road to a slimmer me at 54. I've been in bad health and medication and inactivity has piled on the weight. I hope We both realise our goals.

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to jrogs

Hi jrogs. That is good, making a start and beginning to make small changes, to start with. That is what I am doing. I feel bad if I weaken (eat the wrong foods) but get back on track the next day. We have to live and enjoy our lives too. I hope your health is improving too. I lack energy ...being about 4 stone overweight, doesn't help. I sometimes think to myself ... how did I let this happen?! Though it is often a gradual increase, so it will take some time to reduce. All good wishes to you.

Vickiejane profile image

You have to find a eating plan you can live forever. Something you can follow. A healthy plan. Talk to your doctor about it.

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to Vickiejane

Hi Vickejane. How are you doing? I am following a food list from a nutritionalist. So far, I am losing, though slowly, at least it is in the right direction, losing. We can't expect too much too soon, can we? So, I feel motivated to continue. I hope you are doing well too.

Vickiejane profile image
Vickiejane in reply to Browneyes4

I've restarted last yr april I've lost 107.5 so far. I'm a diabetic and with it goes high blood pressure, asthma, I'm just getting off of antidepressants after 10 yrs . I have cut my blood pressure pills in have and don't use my insulin to much. My breathing is doing great to but in rainy weather which seems a lot around here. It gets bad in winter. But I'm working on it. I have about 100 more to lose. I'm learning as I go. Best thing the doctor told me you don't have to eat it, just say no thank you. So far it has been working. I have a lot around me seems like they want me to fall on my face. I get you don't eat anything. Or I bought you this it's good. Or I get a lot you should be skinner than me the way you eat. Or you still have a lot more to lose. Or don't throw your big clothes out it comes back. I t drives me crazy. It's from good friends and family. But it does bother me but still fighting on. The slower I lose the more I find out about my self. I journal my food. I just have to get moving off the sofa. I hate exercising. If I count the highest weight I was it would be 140 pounds but family stuff was bad and I ran to food. It was hard to start over. People watching me and just don't under stand how it feels to be the biggest in the room.

Browneyes4 profile image

Yes, it's about taking one,day at a time. I have good and bad days (food-wise). I know I need to exercise more. I just do mainly walking, but hope to restart a local exercise class

Browneyes4 profile image
Browneyes4 in reply to Browneyes4

Sorry, my phone got stuck! Anyway, take a day at a time. It is our choice,what we eat and what e don't. I can be pressurised j

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