I have been on a strict diet for nearly two weeks now and it seemed to be working. I was having more hours in a day where i felt a bit improved and it kept getting slightly better each day, very slowly. But yesterday and today it's been getting slightly worse again. It's still better than it was at the start but i'm worried now that i'm gonna get worse again. I talked to someone about it and they said it's my body going through detox. It's disheartening to be slowly improving and then to start slowly getting worse again. I didn't change anything in the diet either. My health problems are posted in another post i made if you want to check that out.
Things seem to be improving?: I have been on... - Healthy Eating
Things seem to be improving?

All i eat at the moment is, vegetables, rice, gluten free oatmeal, fresh chicken, salmon, sweet potatoes. I also have lemon and ginger tea. Lots of water too.
Keep up with eating well!
You've just had a setback after having a cold. It takes months sometimes to see the benefit of making positive dietary changes, & it's als harder in winter.
Make sure you have a good source of vitamin D3, cholecalciferol. It's impossible to get as much as we need from sunshine during the winter. Take a minimum of 2,000mcg a day. I'm 5'2" & aim for an average twice that amount from October to April. Vitamin B12 is also essential, along with other Bs, & vitamin C to help fight off pesky colds.
yeah i need to take more vitamins. All i take is vitamin C at the moment and i only just started taking that a few days ago. it's definitely hard getting D3 in winter especially in ireland because we get barely any sun here in the winter.
If you have an orange a day, it'll give you about a two thirds of your vitamin C. I always take an iron supplement with an orange or grapefruit as it's absorbed better with vitamin C.
Even when it's sunny in The UK, only summer months provide us with enough vitamin D.
Yeah i'll get more vitamins tomorrow
Just spotted what you're eating & that you might need a bit more iron in your diet, but avoid ferrous fumarate. Look for inexpensive ferrous sulphate, or biglycinate, & take with foods containing vitamin C, & a few hours away from foods containing calcium.
I take vitamin C and i eat broccoli alot which has alot of iron and grains like rice which also has a good amount of iron
Only if you're eating 2kg of broccolli every day. I eat iron rich vegetables, but have low iron & ferritin if I don't take a supplement.
What foods should i eat then?
No need to add anything other than an iron supplement. It might help your fatigue as iron deficiency is one of the main things to cause this.
Even with all the iron rich veg I eat, they're not enough. Iron/ferrous sulphate is cheap, just avoid ferrous fumarate.
Don't be alarmed when your poo is black!
I've been getting slowly worse again... even though i cleaned up my diet more and have been taking vitamins and antioxidants. Do you think it could be parasites that i have that are causing my gut issues and other issues? I wonder this because i tend to feel "biting" sensations on my face whenever i exercise or have a hot bath or go in a sauna. It doesn't happen all the time but it happens most times when my health is poor. And that has been happening on and off for a few years now. I never took much notice to it but after doing a bit of research i think it could be a sign of parasites. What do you think? It;s funny how it just happens in my face too and nowhere else.
I’ve never heard of any parasites that would affect anyone in that way. Do you have any signs of ringworm or scabies? These would be all over, not just on your face. Could it be that your face is sensitive to heat?
If I’m stressed, run down, or use something too strong for my skin, I get peri-oral & peri-orbital dermatitis, which begins as a stinging sensation. Sometimes very cold wet weather can cause the stinging if I’m out doors too long. I’m careful not to let it happen, though stress is sometimes unavoidable.
If you’ve worried, best see your GP or ask a pharmacist if they know what could be the cause.
i'll just keep cleaning up my diet more and see if it helps. I have healed myself in the past but it takes so long. But i haven't had a proper food plan so i think i need to make one. It's hard trying to maintain your weight and get enough calories when you can't eat many foods. Like i'm going to have to cut out rice now and oats to see if that helps. I already lost like 7lbs in the last month
Don't be too hard on yourself, especially with weight loss. 7lbs in a month is a lot. Our bodies need more food in winter to stay warm. Being hungry is miserable, so make sure you eat enough nourishing foods.
I think i might be restricting myself too much (food-wise) for no reason. I have healed myself in the past by eating relatively healthy and doing a lot of exercise. I know people say too much exercise is bad when you have the health issues i have but it seems to work for me. It does drain me out some days but in the long run it seems to heal me.
Do what feels best for you. Just be gentle with yourself, so as not get worn down.
i had a takeaway two days ago and felt fine the morning and afternoon after the night i had it. Then i started getting bad again like worse than before. Having one takeaway would never do this to me in the past this badly. Do you think it could be because i was on this strict food plan and going through a detox faze so my body was more sensitive?
I've no idea, sorry!
Perhaps there's something in takeaway food that disagrees with you. I often avoid eating out as I react very badly to salt & processed soy in foods, but I feel ill soon afterwards. Some people react to MSG. If you know something's made you ill, it's best avoided. Food poisoning from bacteria can take from minutes to make people ill, or up to 48 hours.