Hi I am not only new to this site but never been on facebook etc., so not sure how everything works.
So just saying Hi to everyone.
Any help how to get around or what sort of things I should say about myself would be of help
Good health and thanks
Hi I am not only new to this site but never been on facebook etc., so not sure how everything works.
So just saying Hi to everyone.
Any help how to get around or what sort of things I should say about myself would be of help
Good health and thanks
Mm mm - you are not on Facebook! Did you mean to be?
No what i mean is ,i have never been on any social site, so not sure of how to start, as you saw i confused you already
You didn't confuse me, I was checking out what you intent was. This IS how it works - you post - others reply. If you look at the top left corner you will see a 'Posts' button - press that and you will see all the posts, click on a post to view and go from there!
It's really easy and you won't know until you practice and learn from mistakes. You can sign up for daily digests - you will get a list of all the posts on your community for the previous 24 hours in a daily email. If you click on your name you return to your profile where you can put up a bit about yourself and join other communities etc.
If you have any difficulty with a member replying inappropriately or if anyone is abusive to you - report to the administrator and that post will be removed and possibly the user banned, this site is the best I have used, much simpler than Facebook and you will soon get used to it so enjoy. Anything you get stuck on - post - someone will help you out.