My ptsd is stuck in my body. I have terrible gut issues. I can't work. I can't shower. I can't do groceries. I can't eat or sleep normally.I stay up all night and sleep all day, I've abandoned study, nightmares are hunting me down, I'm graduating and idk where i will go and what i will do, dad's giving me less and less money, im barely surviving, my sister has a boyfriend and broke all connections with me, mine broke up with me on 22march or February, i don't even remember, I've lost track of time. I miss him. Haven't talked to ppl irl tho i tried finding friends on apps. I've even stopped posting and responding here because im gone. I had articles and stories to write and i can't. Im fatigued and numb
I'm lost : My ptsd is stuck in my body. I have... - Heal My PTSD
I'm lost
Against the current
I'm so sorry you are going through all this. It sounds like everything came crashing down at once?
Your sleep pattern is certainly going to affect all aspects of your life at this point.
I'm sorry that your relationship has ended. There is a grieving process to this. Do you think it may be impacting all these things you are struggling with?
Graduating is another stressful time in your life. It's the beginning of a whole new chapter of unknowns.
Be gentle with yourself and try and make some small changes.
I hope things begin to shift in a positive direction for you soon
Thank you for responding. It's really crashing down on me. I can't adult. I can't work. I tried to go to sleep early but i woke at 3am with panic attacks. I just can't sleep. My ptsd comes crashing
hey. Thank you for reaching out. I’ve been there, though not as long as it seems you have. You must make an appointment with a provider to tell them this. You may want to call advice nurse. There’s a chance you should be with inpatient mental health care or intensive outpatient. Tell someone that can do something (counselor, advice nurse, primary care doc) these issues and they can help you figure this out. Oh, btw, 988 is a joke.
I'm in a country where everything is a joke. My doctor knows since 10 years, 10 years trying to find a therapist, 6 years of medication. They don't care. They have enough money and enough patients, and make enough money by just chatting with me and changing nothing. They don't care