My doctor wants me to take Clozapine for my anxiety and issues with going to sleep. If I take that medicine then I can not drink alcohol. Currently I take a half a Xanax when anxiety comes on, but she said that only lasts a few hours and the clozapine lasts for 12 hours. She has been trying to get me to take these ssri pills for the last two years but I don't like the way they make me feel. So I have anxiety and depression and go to therapy twice a week. I don't know what I should do. I don't know if I want to not drink alcohol. then people will ask me why I am not drinking, (I love craft beer). I cant make any decisions these days. any advice Is greatly appreciated. has anyone else had mixed emotions (no pun intended) about taking medications?
Pills....Pills...and more pills...: My doctor... - Heal My PTSD
Pills....Pills...and more pills...

Welcome to the community, notsureabtlife.
Personally I felt really bad after antidepressants and they were not effective for me. I think each of us reacts in unique way and without trying it is hard to know for sure.
You might try to build them up slowly like start taking a quarter of a tablet then gradually increase the dose over several days - less bad side effects when you start.
I haven't used them since many years now.
I am sorry about feeling awkward in social situations. I heard this from someone who was on antidepressants that he was being asked why he stopped drinking beer while with friends. I find this attitude very insensitive but I understand the problem.
They should not ask in the first place, forcing you either to lie or to share what is very private.
I'm glad you are talking to therapist twice a week. Therapy was most effective for me.
Whichever you decide, it is your body and your decisions......
Do you trust your dr.? Does your dr. respect you? It makes me wary to hear that a dr would push for a long time after you told them your discomfort. I need to feel seen and comfortable and in good hands with a dr., who I am trusting with my body and mind.
I gave up alcohol. I drink orange juice or ginger ale when I’m out. I totally agree with your doctor for your health. Once you’ve become accustomed to the med regimen an occasional beer won’t hurt. Ask your doctor.
I am familiar with the meds I take because I am also an RN. Even so, my old doctor was messing me up worse than I was without meds...…….he was treating insomnia, without knowing I had PTSD. New Dr....sent me to a sleep clinic, and began treatment. I am doing so much better...……...I sometimes see a glimpse of a future life without night terrors and fears. advise is give the meds a chance, and work with your health professionals...…...but if you are not getting where you want to go, consider a change of Dr's.
All ik is That’s a lot of medication. I use to take quite a bit but now I’m on Zoloft it helps quite a bit. But most of all that helped me was drinking more water and getting more protein in my diet because that can effect you. But Zoloft has helped me not the first week but after that I was doing better