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All posts for March 2013

Emmerdale storyline - Brenda's brain tumour - has it affected you?

Hello, Just wondering if anyone else has been watching the story on Emmerdale...
SandraEB profile image

i want a relationship

i feel lonely and am fed up of feeling like this i hate being single am only 25
nick_01 profile image

partner had TBI a year ago>recovery going well but he wants to try driving again,( he stopped voluntary How does he go about it?

pollyanne profile image
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A head injury affects your mental health, physiological and psychological health...
Hidden profile image

Another fine mess you got me into Stanley...

Stanley....? Well Malcolm actually ...As that is the name I chose to give my Bra...
Drusilla profile image

Musings of a survivors mother

Just signed up today on 18th march 2013.Your blog post is the first one l have r...
samandme41 profile image

Is there a reason there are no charity shops in for headway in central region,Scotland.

l do not know why Falkirk headway group does not seem to have the support that l...
samandme41 profile image

is it normal not to feel hungry or thirsty or is it just me

nick_01 profile image

The Spoon Theory

i was reminded of this the other day i hadn't thought about it for quite so...


Latest blog from: www.hopegoesupanddown.blogs... - a record of the hope, terror ...

My first Fundraising efforts for Headway

I suffered a serious brain injury in March 2009. I was hit by a car while w...
Allsorted profile image

Head Injury 3 years ago

Had a accident on a bus and suffered a head injury,whiplash and concussion. I am...
mand00 profile image

Mum's birthday!

Hope you will all join me in wishing Cat3 a happy birthday (today)! She hasn't h...
Lubilu01 profile image

Does everyone who has a ruptured aneurysm in the brain, resulting in a SAH, have a haemorrhagic stroke?

Alicedenham profile image

Interesting Story in Today's Evening Standard Newspaper

Hello Folks, Anyone seen this:
Hidden profile image

What is neuropsychology?

I've got an appointment with a neuropsychologist. Anyone know what this is? I'...
Hidden profile image

Thermal Leggings

Coldness affects me. Slow metabolism from being ill means my body can't make as...
Hidden profile image

I seem to go around in a circle and always end up with a question and no answer.

I have a insurance policy but get told that because I wasn't insured with them 1...
Onceaborderer profile image

i need a change in my life a purpose a reason to get out of bed in a morning

nick_01 profile image

Feeling down after being snubbed for the second time...

I'm a feeling down today. My driving instructor has cancelled my lessons at the ...
Hidden profile image

Start of a new week

Feeling very frustrated and angry, nobody else rushes, i want things doing now, ...
julieljs10 profile image

Am feeling quite low today as my life is a bit rubbish at the mo it has no meaning no purpose am very bored and lony

nick_01 profile image

Almost 4 years with tbi and I've started to mumble and medication isn't controlling headaches, is this normal..

I'm 19 years old, was in a car crash 4 years ago this July, I have a number of p...
misswingit profile image

I'm fed up

I'm fed up trying to stay strong. It has been 14 1/2 months since my catastrophi...
lissaip profile image

To all brain injury specialists...

I'd for every specialist who happens to be involved in the care of someone with ...
Hidden profile image

Do you know a good speech and language therapist in the Dorset area?

We're really struggling to find one, Thanks!
Dorsetcharlie profile image

Remember this

Latest blog from: - a record of the hope, ter...
Dorsetcharlie profile image

feeling low about how you cant manage, help please

Hi, I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage last month and have spent a month in hospita...
kjg001 profile image

Head North

Anyone going to Head North in April at Kielder Forest?
spideyman profile image

has anyone experienced problems with their mobility car

for 3 years and 35,000 miles i have made great use of my ford c max but recently...
ncmurphy1951 profile image