is it normal not to feel hungry or thirsty or is ... - Headway
is it normal not to feel hungry or thirsty or is it just me

it depends on my pain levels when the pain is severe i cant eat anything, but then i go the complete opposite and comfort eat too,
Hi this is a usual for me, I get times when I'm starving , then I go where I Dnt want to eat and forget to eat and drink . If this happens to you as it does me. Eat as soon as you get up , even better have a apple beside your bed and water so if you feel ill as I do when you wake eat the apple and drink some water. Then when you get up eat again n sip water. It will start waking up your system . I have lactose free porridge in a morning with mellasas raw cane sugar just a sprinkle . I eat again around 11am no later then again at 2 then 6 I also have a little before bed at 8 just a light salad with chick pea . I always have small portions but keep it balanced I have felt great since this change , as far as the light headedness goes its been so much better, I never feel hungry and could so easily skip a meal or even not eat till evening . Always remember not to skip a meal I know it's easy but try keep it up . If I Dnt eat in a morning I could lay there all day and not eat. It makes me better in every way I actually feel more like getting up. I'm up early now every morning since I've started this new plan x
I often realise that i have not eaten when i feel very sick and shakey usually around half 4. Then i eat lots and feel sick because i have eaten too much!
There have been times i have had only 2 drinks in a day aswell.
I just forget!
Even if you have no appetite, you must eat.......regularly. Lack of nourishment causes all manner of problems for your whole body, including your brain. You have been struggling with motivation on and off and this could be a contributary issue. As Ijojay has said, small meals at regular intervals throughout the day is the best policy.....that way you don't get overfaced and it doesn't require much effort. Simple things like sardines on toast....jacket potato with grated cheese.....the chick peas & salad sounds good.
I went for years skipping breakfast and lunch and always wondering why I was usually dizzy, lightheaded and depressed. Also there is the saying "appetite comes with eating"......maybe that could apply to works for me. Little and often....thats the key.
Do you take medication that could be affecting your appetite?
It doesn't sound normal to me, especially about not feeling thirsty. You should see your doc to rule out some other things. You say you're in a wheelchair so I'm guessing you don't use much energy and you probably feel far less hungry than you used to feel. But I can't understand why you wouldn't feel thirsty. I've always been a thirsty person so much so that I thought I was diabetic, but I know some strange people drink once a day and never need the toilet.

I know this was 5 years ago but I have the same thing, I know I'm already under weight, but I was gaining weight but now I'm loosing again. I have nok appetite and don't get thirsty. I know today I didn't have lunch, or dinner, only a little bit of food cause my family saw that I wasent eating. All I had was a chunck of meat (small) and a sip of water. So I don't know do I have a eating disorder?
I am affected with no appetite or thirst. I don't really ever feel hungry or thirsty. This started in early 2018, and continues right up to today. I have recently begun taking anti-depressants so perhaps that will change the situation.
The same thing happened to me in June. Something weird happened to my digestive system for about a month and now I never feel hungry. I almost always feel full and I never want to eat food. It’s so stressful. Did you ever get anything figured out? I’ve has a vast range of medical tests and nothing comes out of anything.
Yup, ditto.... I lost a scary amount of weight early recovery with acute loss of taste a factor also. Four years on still need to remind myself to drink and eat, though pre-accident I was already naughty with regard to keeping hydrated. Weight now stable at a good level, but as mentioned above fatigue both mental and physical can be prompted by lack of available body fuel. I try to eat mostly low GI carbs a la diabetic which I hope helps keep my glucose levels in an acceptable range (porridge, beans, rice, pasta, tortillas, milk (soy or dairy), native fruits. This seems to help keep fuel levels up for fatigue and thermoregulation, and probably beneficial whether you have a Brain Injury or not.
Your GP should be able to refer you to a dietician if you think that'd help?
The brain injury can certainly effect your appetite. David can suddenly become really, really hungry and then not able to finish the plate of food when he gets it.
As others have said it is really important that you keep eating and even more important that you keep drinking. A simple check is if your wee is a light yellow then you have drunk enough but if it is a darker orange or amber (and smells!!) then you need to drink more.
Hope that was not too much information