Recent results can I please have some help. I have Graves and Hyperthyroid.I also think I'm menopausal as getting really bad hot flushes ,joint pain and little sleep.
Serum ferritin 52 ug/l (15-300.00ug/l)
Serum folate >23.4ug/l(>3.00ug/l)
Serum vit B12 246ng/l(130.00-900.00
HbA1c level 42mmol/mol(<48.00mmo
Serum oestradiol level post menopausal range <55 pmol
Serum vit D total 25 hydroxyvitamin D lev 79nmol/L
Serum LH 14iu/L
Serum FSH level 35.9 iu/L
Se CA 125 level 16ku/L(<35.00u/L
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 17mm/h(0.00-20.00mm/h)
Serum electrolytes
Sodium 142mmol/L(133.00-146.00)
Potassium 4.6(3.50-5.30mmol/L)
Creatinine 89umol/L (46.00-92.00umol/L)
GFr 57ml/min/1.73m2
SerumC reactive protein level 8mg/L(<5.00mg/L)
Plasma fasting glucose 4.9mmol/L(3.00-6.00mmol)
Thyroid function test
Serum TSH level 3.38mU/L(0.30-4.40mU/L)
Serum free T4 level 10.8pmol/L(8.90-17.30pmol/L
a few seconds