HELLO ;-), I'm a 1st timer, would like any holistic type suggestions/help info on CANDIDA. Its now an issue for my lungs!. Can't give up I know the answers out there. Am open to any and all suggestions. ♡ Broomfield, CO.
CANDIDA: HELLO ;-), I'm a 1st timer... - Aspergillosis and...

Hi - the candida diet which cuts oit sugar , fruit, bread etc which the candida thrives on - it's an extremely strict diet but once you are in the swing of it can be done. I did this a year or so ago and my health improved greatly, lost weight and had good energy levels.
Good luck
Pau d'arco - liquid extract, oregano oil, caprylic acid, grapefruit seeds extract.
Hello and thanks for the response, would like to try this but how much of each and really I'm ready but to do this. Would like to know how all the oils and herbs are used how much and how often. What limds of foods did you keep on ur list.
Very, Very interested. ESPEICALLY THE
Thanks again
nanajanet B-)
It says on the bottles , buy from a health shop the good brand no alcohol in is Nature's help ,the liquid extract, Google as well Tullio Simoncini - candida, very interesting you'll find, it's a doctor.