Hello,I got my first symptoms back in 2017, l was told that I was getting older and that's what it's like.
Skipping forward to April 24, I had terrible pains in my feet and ribs. The pain was affecting me really badly so I went back to the doctor.
I was referred for a CT scan on my head and had some blood tests done. It revealed that I had a shrunken cerebellum and an anomaly in one of my bloods.
I have had gradually deteriorated due to sensations around my whole body.
These range from crippling cramp like pains which can occur anywhere and at any time, tingling sensations from my face down to my feet, losing mobility in my left leg, not being able to control the strength in my hands ( I either break things or cannot deal with them through lack of strength), not being able to control my bladder as well (thankfully I haven't had an accident yet) , migraine type pains in my head or auras, and sometimes massive tremors which can be very exhausting and usually leave me in pain. I have noticed that when I get the shakes, l can calm them by not fighting them. It works for me but l don't know if it would work for you.
I have yet received a formal diagnosis of FND.
I have had several MRI scans and EMG , apart from the cerebellum problem everything seems to be as it should.
My history is pretty good up to the onset of this. I have been lucky enough to have had full employment since leaving school and I have worked for 45 years. This has floored me and like so many others I take 3 types of painkillers and quinine too but no real progress as to what is the root cause.
Anyway that's my input so far.